Libs are not smart

BREAKING: FBI and DHS are warning that foreign terrorist organizations may target LGBT events and venues during Pride Month.

I can’t stop laughing!

First Joe Biden uplifted the LGBT community.

Then he imports MILLIONS of people who hate them.

And now their lives are at risk in 16 days if they celebrate their holy month in public!

This asshole president has done nothing but wreak havoc for 3 1/2 years.

Why is he still in office?

California's Minimum Wage law backfires spectacularly.

Just 2 months in, more than 10,000 workers have been laid off. Menu prices are hiking 8% or more. And restaurants are replacing jobs with machines or, of course, shutting down.

Now the governor wants to exempt state operations from the minimum wage. Shame about the other 500,000 Californian workers on the chopping block.
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