This is just so sad. I want to think the best of my fellow Americans but continually they display their lack of critical thinking skills. None of this nonsense is true. Trump lost. Move on.
This is what courts are for, and team Trump is 1-59 in court cases. The one they won doesn’t have anything to do with fraud.
Except that it all falls apart in an actual court of law because the 'evidence' is 100% bull shit out of context or fake. Trump lost the election fairly, he's the one saying he didn't. His supporters are desperately trying to make believe a reality where he was disenfranchised. He wasn't. Move on with your life. They are certifying the election today.
YIKES. Remember when Rudy said "the media doesnt decide who won, the courts do." Well, now that every court has shut down Lin Wood and Rudy's "evidence" as pure bullsh*t, now they want the president to declare martial law and overturn the election. Scary stuff here folks.
Traitorous scum like @TigerGrowls and @Elul77 support the notion of Trump destroying our democracy and installing himself as a dictator.
We will find out who is right and who is wrong over the next 5 weeks. I still fully feel that I am right and you Trump haters are either wrong or just lying.
We will find out who is right and who is wrong over the next 5 weeks. I still fully feel that I am right and you Trump haters are either wrong or just lying.
We will find out who is right and who is wrong over the next 5 weeks. I still fully feel that I am right and you Trump haters are either wrong or just lying.
We will find out who is right and who is wrong over the next 5 weeks. I still fully feel that I am right and you Trump haters are either wrong or just lying.
I felt the President should have his time in court to prove his claims, but there has been no evidence that has prompted any significant action by our courts. At this point, I think Occam's Razor applies here - namely, the simplest possibility resulting in an outcome is usually the right one. Or specifically, Biden won because he got more legal votes.
Time to end all of this and start moving America forward. To do otherwise, tears at the fabric of our country needlessly. God bless America!
I felt the President should have his time in court to prove his claims, but there has been no evidence that has prompted any significant action by our courts. At this point, I think Occam's Razor applies here - namely, the simplest possibility resulting in an outcome is usually the right one. Or specifically, Biden won because he got more legal votes.
Time to end all of this and start moving America forward. To do otherwise, tears at the fabric of our country needlessly. God bless America!
Good for you. I think that all of us want fair elections. What's so odd this time is people like @TigerGrowls and @Elul77 who remain completely snowed by Trump's continued pronouncements that he was robbed. I just don't know what can actually.convince them is 60 court cases cannot.
Dude. Just stop. Listen to you family and friends who are trying to help you. It's over. Trump lost. No fraud. He just sucked and got beat. You have been lied to by Trump. Q isn't real. The storm isn't coming. It was funny,but it's sad and a little scary now. Get help.
Picking up on this, @TigerGrowls, I'm not being mean but I really want to know if you have friends? Because I picture you as the guy they all whisper about behind your back, then distance themselves from you because they think you're crazier than a cootie bat.
Har har you funny.....NOT!!!!
I'm being serious. For real, do you have friends? I'm really curious to know.
Go ahead and give me a detailed rundown on you and I will think about it.
Har har you funny.....NOT!!!!
I don't think anyone is trying to be funny. While I enjoy a good debate as much as anyone. I am at a point now where I am legitimately concerned about the mental well being of a fellow Tiger fan. You seriously need help. You have lost all grip on reality and judging by the sheer quantity or Twitter stories,right wing blogs, and conspiracy sites, you are obsessed and it's not healthy.
I am honestly concerned about you. You need to get some help
I've personally dealt with and beat her before (was not involved in her congressional race this cycle,). Honestly, she's dumb.
Ken buck, crazy Colorado conservative as well, not dumb. Quite smart. Lauren boebert is objectively dumb.
I'm just saying.
But also, OP is not sane.
You guys are all so cute. Anyone that disagrees with your ideas is dumb and/or insane.
no, both @iceheart08 and I have taken on and beaten many Republicans we disagreed with who weren’t dumb or insane. Cory Gardner, Mike Coffman, Mitt Romney, Dean Heller, John James, John McCain, and Joe Heck just a few on my end. Some of those folks were dishonest weasels but none were dumb or insane.
You, Q-Bert, Lin Wood and the like however, are the trifecta. Dishonest, dumb, and insane.
I will give Q-Bert one thing, though. At least she is also not a pussy like you!
This is just so sad. I want to think the best of my fellow Americans but continually they display their lack of critical thinking skills. None of this nonsense is true. Trump lost. Move on.
Says the man who disregards information that he doesn't like. You are the type of mindless subject that the left is betting will make up the majority. Are you saying that all of the evidence presented is false? That the video in Atlanta was false? That the ballot harvesting didn't happen? Keep taking that blue pill and tell yourself that you're smarter than everyone else. That will take you where you deserve to go. And, Biden and his ilk cheated in Georgia. Fact.
Every single thing you cited has been debunked. Every single thing. The video was real but nothing improper happened. Ballot harvesting sounds scary but is legal in most states and a practice done by both parties. Two instances of voter fraud were found in Penn--both Trump voters.
None of the supposed evidence held up in court and didn't overturn a single vote despite 59 lost court cases.
I have heard from my deep state contact however that the game has changed--the directive is to now put Trump in as a senator to attack and bring the fire and kraken power. We need all patriots to write in Trump in the GA runoffs--both races. Trump will come back to life and rise again and expose all the fraud of dems.
What? Ballots in a suitcase counted with no observers. Nothing to see there. If you believe what you typed, then you are lost. If Trump supporters rolled out ballots after the Dem observers were asked to leave, the press would be on the story right now.
Ballot harvesting is illegal in Georgia. Full stop. It happened. It's a felony. So, you are wrong.
Georgia did not compare absentee vote signatures to those in voter registration records. They just sent out votes to everyone. I voted in person. They checked my ID. They checked my signature. Sound like equal protection to you?
Ok, now I get it. You are a dem operative like icehead and your livelihood rests on continuing this fraud on the American public. Hopefully you didn't actively participate in the fraud or your slimy ass will be in jail with some others. Lol,. Just a sad tool and probably not smart enough to know you are on the wrong side. Keep coming with your mad drunk insults though as it's making me laugh a little.
What? Ballots in a suitcase counted with no observers. Nothing to see there. If you believe what you typed, then you are lost. If Trump supporters rolled out ballots after the Dem observers were asked to leave, the press would be on the story right now.
Ballot harvesting is illegal in Georgia. Full stop. It happened. It's a felony. So, you are wrong.
Georgia did not compare absentee vote signatures to those in voter registration records. They just sent out votes to everyone. I voted in person. They checked my ID. They checked my signature. Sound like equal protection to you?
Nice Biden shirt, there lefty. You know how much the "independent" press loves Trump. The entire machine has been against Trump from spying to election fraud. All of those facts can't be suppressed. Election fraud swung this election, especially in Georgia. If not, then why do we have contested elections in all battleground states? Brainwash much. By the way, your candidate is the worst form of grafter to ever enter Washington. How did he become a multi-millionaire while working as a public servant for 47 years? He's dirty and you know it.