The proof is everywhere, you just can't see it. If the shoe were on the other foot, you'd be out marching with your little ANTIFA pals. So, how about let it play out and see what happens. Leftists are so boring.
Your proof has been debunked. You accused me of what you are guilty of. Its sad seeing so many divorced from reality because they feel so sorry for themselves that they only want to listen to made up narratives that make them out to be victims. Your guy lost fairly,, accept that and you can move on with your life.The proof is everywhere, you just can't see it. If the shoe were on the other foot, you'd be out marching with your little ANTIFA pals. So, how about let it play out and see what happens. Leftists are so boring.
Says the man who disregards information that he doesn't like. You are the type of mindless subject that the left is betting will make up the majority. Are you saying that all of the evidence presented is false? That the video in Atlanta was false? That the ballot harvesting didn't happen? Keep taking that blue pill and tell yourself that you're smarter than everyone else. That will take you where you deserve to go. And, Biden and his ilk cheated in Georgia. Fact.
The proof is everywhere.
Nice Biden shirt, there lefty. You know how much the "independent" press loves Trump. The entire machine has been against Trump from spying to election fraud. All of those facts can't be suppressed. Election fraud swung this election, especially in Georgia. If not, then why do we have contested elections in all battleground states? Brainwash much. By the way, your candidate is the worst form of grafter to ever enter Washington. How did he become a multi-millionaire while working as a public servant for 47 years? He's dirty and you know it.