Mass murders needs to stop it in this country by white men

I just wanna hear the excuses this board will make to defend their own.
Sorry but pure evil has no defense. Dude needs to rot in prison. There is no explanation for these types of horrific tragedies other than pure evil. I am not a death penalty guy but damn this makes me rethink my stance. By the way a person that does something like this is not "one of my own". I do not associate myself with people just because they make look like me. I was not raised that way.
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I was standing in the lobby of an office building in Beijing yesterday and the Chinese state news service was showing on the big TV and that was the story that was on. Its getting big coverage here.
The "Your Average Joe" section of the article is absolutely comical compared to say other incidents that are brought up on this board.
I just wanna hear the excuses this board will make to defend their own.

That's the opinion you have of white people? You think people would defend an evil murderer because of race? Are you a moron or something? What your post and reply tell me is that somewhere in your head it makes sense to defend someone on this basis so I would suggest you seek help! When one person kills another it doesn't matter about skin color. In fact, skin color never matters except to people like you who seem to live in some racial prison where you just want to keep stirring it up again. I'm sorry to say this but you're an idiot. You need to re-examine your damn view on the world. Those of us seeking to push forward as one and get past all this stupidity of the past are sick and tired of being dragged back by bitter little urchins like you.
OP needs to find away to deal with his hate. I read the story and I really dont know why your tiny little mind would think a bunch of posters on TI would defend a murder because of ethnicity. OP.... There are different races,religions and genders that make America great and then there are people like you who cant see the forest for the trees. Good luck OP I wish you well
I would say things like that usually get about equal coverage, no matter what color the person is.

If there's a difference I would say that when it's none white, the crime is more likely to be attributed to the entire race of the criminal than if they are white. I'm talking about casual conversation, not the media
That's just it. You won't hear any excuses. You won't read about any whites getting defensive about this pos. Pretty sure that's going to disappoint some of you. He should be executed post haste.

I won't be disappointed but the sh!the on here gets trying after a while like that chunky cheese bs posted on here but not one mention of this which is a true tragedy. Why isn't it talked about? You and I know the answer.
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I won't be disappointed but the sh!the on here gets trying after a while like that chunky cheese bs posted on here but not one mention of this which is a true tragedy. Why isn't it talked about? You and I know the answer.
You mean like when the kid in Seneca was murdered by a cop? How much did you see that talked about on here? There may have been one thread started.
I won't be disappointed but the sh!the on here gets trying after a while like that chunky cheese bs posted on here but not one mention of this which is a true tragedy. Why isn't it talked about? You and I know the answer.

Maybe people don't talk about it here because they're tired of reading about negative crap. I honestly had no idea this happened. I ignore all things like this because I just find it too upsetting to deal with. It really doesn't matter about race. And like I said, you need help because this was a pretty disgraceful post imo.
I won't be disappointed but the sh!the on here gets trying after a while like that chunky cheese bs posted on here but not one mention of this which is a true tragedy. Why isn't it talked about? You and I know the answer.

Are you implying that the Chucky Cheese thread was started because it involved blacks, and that no one posted about this white pos because it would make whites look bad?
Maybe people don't talk about it here because they're tired of reading about negative crap. I honestly had no idea this happened. I ignore all things like this because I just find it too upsetting to deal with. It really doesn't matter about race. And like I said, you need help because this was a pretty disgraceful post imo.
The truth is the truth just like black on black crime which it getting talked about more frequently.
Are you implying that the Chucky Cheese thread was started because it involved blacks, and that no one posted about this white pos because it would make whites look bad?
Why wasn't this posted early then?
I would say things like that usually get about equal coverage, no matter what color the person is.

If there's a difference I would say that when it's none white, the crime is more likely to be attributed to the entire race of the criminal than if they are white. I'm talking about casual conversation, not the media

Is your race less racist than others?
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There won't be an argument here on this guy because no one will be defending him.
Oh I'm not saying there will be at all. I'm just referencing the part in the article that tries to humanize a man that went on a mass murder spree when others don't get that same consideration.

Nobody is going to defend the guy, I would t expect anybody to do so. But there are some things in that article that do make me cringe, and that part is the main one.
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"Surprisingly" what the original poster has suggested has already happened.

See: OJ Simpson
That's just it. You won't hear any excuses. You won't read about any whites getting defensive about this pos. Pretty sure that's going to disappoint some of you. He should be executed post haste.

I was wondering how long it would take for this post to entertain racist rhetoric about black people.

Answer: Not long.

Here, we have the between the lines suggestion from some neanderthal that black people "make excuses" for their lawbreakers.

SGTiger's response will undoubtedly be something like: "YOU BROUGHT UP BLACK PEOPLE NOT ME YOU ARE THE REAL RACIST!" but SGTiger doesn't realize that living among racists for decades makes it easy to read between the lines on comments like his.
The truth is the truth just like black on black crime which it getting talked about more frequently.

On this point I understand some of the frustration. In 2013 according to the FBI, white people murdered 3005 people while black people murdered 2491. So white people committed more which would be one thing if not for the fact that black people are 13% of the total population. If you weighted it accordingly, there would have been around 14,500 people murdered by black people. There's a big freaking problem man...

Violence is a problem in our country. Crime is a problem. The entire judicial system we have needs to be revamped and issues that demonstrate a disproportionate and destructive impact on the black community need to be addressed. There's no denying these things exist but they are a chicken and egg argument.

Go down this list of the 25 most violent neighborhoods and get back to me on what just about every single one of them has in common.

1)Bottom line is racism is still a problem. 2)Black crime is a problem. Both statements are true. What are you doing to help solve these problems? You're posting on a message board that you seem to think white people will defend white murderers due to skin color. You're part of the problem in statement 1! Bigotry is bigotry. Admit your problem and move on!

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