Mass murders needs to stop it in this country by white men

I won't be disappointed but the sh!the on here gets trying after a while like that chunky cheese bs posted on here but not one mention of this which is a true tragedy. Why isn't it talked about? You and I know the answer.
Well, thanks for making us all aware there are racists on the board. Oh, and I guess you miss all the posts about how anyone with a concealed weapons permit would put one of those white mass murderers down if they had the chance. Or, that the coward you posted a picture of chose his place to attack not only based on the people that worshipped there, but because he most likely knew no one would retaliate.

Yes, there are jokes. Yes, people get made fun of, hell, I'm overweight. Doesn't mean I'm going to get all melancholy when @Ron Munson posts something about a "fatty". I just give him shvt back. (The skinny bastard)

We talk about everything here. Make fun of everything. It's the internet. You're focused on what offends you. Don't sweat it. Everyone does, but they don't always bitch about it. Here ends the lesson.
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He doesn't use racism for his own advancement? All i did was use your words and apply them to him.
Again, I'm not sure you understand the difference between being racist and systematic racism.
Again, I'm not sure you understand the difference between being racist and systematic racism.
"I do think it is difficult to impossible for most minorities to utilize any form of systematic racism, racial barriers, or racial double standard's."
"I do think it is difficult to impossible for most minorities to utilize any form of systematic racism, racial barriers, or racial double standard's."
The word systematic applies to the entire polysyndeton
I think anyone can be racist and exhibit racism.

I do think it is difficult to impossible for most minorities to utilize any form of systematic racism, racial barriers, or racial double standard's. Minorities generally don't have anywhere near enough influence to do so outside of microcosmic situations.

Exactly, no one says that ony white people can exhibit racism. It's that white people had the influence to implement systematic barriers and create public policies that have directly affected the black communities in the south especially. Segregation would be a good example.
The word systematic applies to the entire polysyndeton
Ok he used SYSTEMIC RACISM when dealing with the kids from Duke. He used the appearance of white privilege and the appearance of a White community that looked down on a poor black girl to push his agenda. And by the way he uses racial double standards all the time. Has he ever scorned his own community for Black on black crime or black on white crime. Every crime on a black person by a white person in his eyes are hate crimes yet he has never mentioned any hate crimes on whites by blacks.
I just wish for once these mass shooters would go to a jail house or a prison and shoot up there instead of a church, a school, or even a shopping center.

That will never happen. They have guns at jails and prisons. They are cowards that prey on gun free zones. They go to kill, not to be in a gun fight they may loose.
Ok he used SYSTEMIC RACISM when dealing with the kids from Duke. He used the appearance of white privilege and the appearance of a White community that looked down on a poor black girl to push his agenda. And by the way he uses racial double standards all the time. Has he ever scorned his own community for Black on black crime or black on white crime. Every crime on a black person by a white person in his eyes are hate crimes yet he has never mentioned any hate crimes on whites by blacks.
So you're saying he uses instances of it to his advantage? I pretty sure that's what I've been saying the whole time.

He used the Duke case to his advantage, to push his agenda, but that is not an act of systemic racism. He does and says racist things, but doing and saying racist things does not constitute systemic racism...

The word both of you are looking for is systemic. Systemic racism.
Yep you're right. I honestly can never remember which one it is. And don't use it enough to keep track.
So you're saying he uses instances of it to his advantage? I pretty sure that's what I've been saying the whole time.

He used the Duke case to his advantage, to push his agenda, but that is not an act of systemic racism. He does and says racist things, but doing and saying racist things does not constitute systemic racism...

Whites supposedly use it to keep minorities down, no matter if it is on purpose or not. How is him using it in reverse order to take the white man down a peg any different? In my mind it is the same issue just a different perspective. I could be wrong, its just the way i look at it.
Point acknowledged, but doesn't Rush Limbaugh, Shawn H. Mark L & Fox Network do the same?
I have no idea. I dont watch fox news and only know who one of those ppl are. All i know of Rush Limbaugh is that he is a fat blow hard that will say anything for ratings. If it wasnt for him getting addicted to pills and that being on every news channel years ago i wouldn't know who he is more than likely. What i do know of him makes him seem like a bizarro Michael Moore.
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The truth is the truth just like black on black crime which it getting talked about more frequently.
Your the problem in this country. Holy shit. Comparing what this guy did to the CC incident posted on here makes a lot of sense. If you ask me, there's much more racism from blacks toward whites than the other way around. You're either extremely naive and stupid or racist yourself.
Dude, what competition? I would have said that to a white guy (being better than me) if he scolded me for enjoying watching a fight in Chuckie Cheese. It has nothing to do with color. Sweet shit. I love to watch videos of white rednecks fighting in Walmart. Not everything is about color.

Depends on who you are.
There have been just as many, probably more, events posted on here with white people making fools of themselves in a similar fashion, than those with blacks.
That's straight bs and you know it. It's not even close. Back to my original post give me your opinion on what I stated?
That's the opinion you have of white people? You think people would defend an evil murderer because of race? Are you a moron or something? What your post and reply tell me is that somewhere in your head it makes sense to defend someone on this basis so I would suggest you seek help! When one person kills another it doesn't matter about skin color. In fact, skin color never matters except to people like you who seem to live in some racial prison where you just want to keep stirring it up again. I'm sorry to say this but you're an idiot. You need to re-examine your damn view on the world. Those of us seeking to push forward as one and get past all this stupidity of the past are sick and tired of being dragged back by bitter little urchins like you.
Thank you. You were much more civil than I was going to be. I hope OP doesn't teach what he believes to his children.
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Whites supposedly use it to keep minorities down, no matter if it is on purpose or not. How is him using it in reverse order to take the white man down a peg any different? In my mind it is the same issue just a different perspective. I could be wrong, its just the way i look at it.
What I'm talking about is the actual application of systemic racism. Sharpton is basically pointing fingers at racist events or systemic racism (or at least the perception of the two) in order to get his way.

I don't think Sharpton is right or should be excused for what he's doing, I'm just saying it's not exactly doing it reverse. He's not actually using systemic racism. He's using the actions of others to push an agenda.

I hope that makes a little more sense.
What I'm talking about is the actual application of systemic racism. Sharpton is basically pointing fingers at racist events or systemic racism (or at least the perception of the two) in order to get his way.

I don't think Sharpton is right or should be excused for what he's doing, I'm just saying it's not exactly doing it reverse. He's not actually using systemic racism. He's using the actions of others to push an agenda.

I hope that makes a little more sense.

I'm not sure I understand this "systemic racism" issue. What are examples of this? I can obviously understand things like segregation/Jim Crow laws/etc, but what are current examples? Just curious.
I'm not sure I understand this "systemic racism" issue. What are examples of this? I can obviously understand things like segregation/Jim Crow laws/etc, but what are current examples? Just curious.
Systemic (or institutionalized) racism, isn't usually something overt and many times isn't even intentional.

In an attempt to keep this short, basically its the ways, practices, views, etc. of the dominant and most powerful group being forced upon those group with less power and influence. As well as making the subgroup's ways, practices, views, etc seen as inappropriate. It can also seen in government making policies and laws to the detriment of a particular subgroup.

That's an oversimplification, and if you want a better, more organized explaination I would recommend googling it.

An example question.
Two guys walk in to interview for a high level job. They both have the same experience and knowledge of the field. They even have on the same clothes. Which one of these guys is more likely to get hired?
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The irony here is that the OP is the most blatantly racist person in his thread about racism.
Spot on 100%. And I firmly believe we've done a 180 in this country and we now see more reverse discrimination. There will unfortunately always be racism by some in every race. There's no doubt in my mind most black people feel just as the OP does and there's a greater % of blacks that have racist views towards whites than the other way around.
Systemic (or institutionalized) racism, isn't usually something overt and many times isn't even intentional.

In an attempt to keep this short, basically its the ways, practices, views, etc. of the dominant and most powerful group being forced upon those group with less power and influence. As well as making the subgroup's ways, practices, views, etc seen as inappropriate. It can also seen in government making policies and laws to the detriment of a particular subgroup.

That's an oversimplification, and if you want a better, more organized explaination I would recommend googling it.

An example question.
Two guys walk in to interview for a high level job. They both have the same experience and knowledge of the field. They even have on the same clothes. Which one of these guys is more likely to get hired?
Today, without question, the black guy.
Systemic (or institutionalized) racism, isn't usually something overt and many times isn't even intentional.

In an attempt to keep this short, basically its the ways, practices, views, etc. of the dominant and most powerful group being forced upon those group with less power and influence. As well as making the subgroup's ways, practices, views, etc seen as inappropriate. It can also seen in government making policies and laws to the detriment of a particular subgroup.

That's an oversimplification, and if you want a better, more organized explaination I would recommend googling it.

An example question.
Two guys walk in to interview for a high level job. They both have the same experience and knowledge of the field. They even have on the same clothes. Which one of these guys is more likely to get hired?
Here let me help.

Spot on 100%. And I firmly believe we've done a 180 in this country and we now see more reverse discrimination. There will unfortunately always be racism by some in every race. There's no doubt in my mind most black people feel just as the OP does and there's a greater % of blacks that have racist views towards whites than the other way around.
False statement
What I find shocking is that black people are bigots against their own subconsciously as shown in the video above. Thats a true mind fvck.
False statement
I don't know what part you feel is false. Maybe you think everything I posted is false. A white person can't speak about affirmative action or details of what you are discussing without being accused of racism.

You've been called out for having an idiotic point of view by an overwhelming majority in this thread. I guess it's over your head, but you need to look at things from a different angle. You're heavily in the minority with your point of views here.
Poverty is a crutch.

History is filled with people who rose above their "station" in life, in my opinion 9 out of every 10. Most "new" things in this world are created by people who had very little or had to work hard for them.

The greater majority of the world's population never had 1/1000000th of what America's "impoverished" have. America's poor have no real concept of poor, they're not Africa poor, they're not India poor, they're not South American poor.

Poverty is an excuse. Lack of proper upbringing, lack of a father, in lieu of a father you can cite lack of a father figure, and as a previous poster already mentioned just a lack of generally good people is the root cause. We are not who we once were. We are not hard workers. We are not people with manners and who are congenial. We are not conscientious about our souls. Too many people in this country use the poverty excuse and expect to be given additional support from the country.

Notice how I have yet to bring race into it. Let me simply state, there are more white people on government assistance than there are black people. Per the 2013 data from the US Dept of Agriculture, 40.2% of white people receive food stamps compared with 25.7% of black people.

If today's poor had to live in another country or in America 100 years ago... there'd be a lot of dead people in the streets.

Just my $0.02.
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Systemic (or institutionalized) racism, isn't usually something overt and many times isn't even intentional.

In an attempt to keep this short, basically its the ways, practices, views, etc. of the dominant and most powerful group being forced upon those group with less power and influence. As well as making the subgroup's ways, practices, views, etc seen as inappropriate. It can also seen in government making policies and laws to the detriment of a particular subgroup.

That's an oversimplification, and if you want a better, more organized explaination I would recommend googling it.

An example question.
Two guys walk in to interview for a high level job. They both have the same experience and knowledge of the field. They even have on the same clothes. Which one of these guys is more likely to get hired?

Is it a government job?
Personally, I think its pretty stupid for white people to speak with authority on what it's like for black people living in America. I've seen ton's of evidence for institutionalized racism in this country. But going back to OP's point where he seems to be suggesting that white people aren't in outrage over the mass murderers that arise out of white america... I think thats off target and you are basically just trying to cry outrage towards white america, implying that they are calloused and uncaring. Well thats just stupid.
Just to realllllly stir the pot, why are we leaving Hispanic people out of the conversation???? They make up the second largest population percentage, but are lower than black and white in the murder category. The interesting thing is a very large percentage of the Hispanic population is poor. Why are their numbers so low?? My theory is because Hispanics value family probably more than any other race in our country currently. Yes, systemic racism and poverty are a big problem for African Americans. The breakdown of the family is just as big if not bigger though. And yes, there is some overlap between the problems.

Percent of population - Total murders - IF all numbers were equal
White 63.7% - 3005 - - 3005
Hispanic 16.3% - 588 - 2298
Black 12.2% - 2491 - 13,006
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Your the problem in this country. Holy shit. Comparing what this guy did to the CC incident posted on here makes a lot of sense. If you ask me, there's much more racism from blacks toward whites than the other way around. You're either extremely naive and stupid or racist yourself.
Odviously you do not know or understand This Country History! Odviously you do not know What Race Of People Has Always Had/Have The Power In This Country! Finally, It's Called U. S. History!
Personally, I think its pretty stupid for white people to speak with authority on what it's like for black people living in America. I've seen ton's of evidence for institutionalized racism in this country. But going back to OP's point where he seems to be suggesting that white people aren't in outrage over the mass murderers that arise out of white america... I think thats off target and you are basically just trying to cry outrage towards white america, implying that they are calloused and uncaring. Well thats just stupid.
I Love Your Response! However, White America holds the key to making changes (Stop, I know you cannot stop evil) to some of the violence. For example Congress refuses to make common sense (Stop I Own Guns) gun laws - Controlled by White America! Congress refuses to make common sense changes (Stop, I day trade) on Wall Street - Controlled by White America!
Black on Black crime is a profitable problem for White America! White America controls our legal system, judges, lawyer, prison warden, owner of prison, mental health professionals & doctors - profitable industry!
Spot on 100%. And I firmly believe we've done a 180 in this country and we now see more reverse discrimination. There will unfortunately always be racism by some in every race. There's no doubt in my mind most black people feel just as the OP does and there's a greater % of blacks that have racist views towards whites than the other way around.
Ok TigerJAC it is odviously you have a strong although I believe wrong view on this subject, maybe even race relations. Question, If as according to you, a higher % of Black have a greater racist view towards whites - The past 12 months how has Blacks displayed those views i.e. Did we conduct mass murder of whites, burn white churches, black policeman killed white men, well just how has these higher % of racism been displayed?
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