Meet Kamala Harris

Meet Caramad Conley, a black man who was wrongfully convicted of murder in 1989. After spending 18 years in prison, exculpatory evidence completely cleared him, but Kamala Harris refused to set him free and took him back to trial

Conley said, "Kamala ruined my life, a lot of lives," and described her as an "Opportunist"

Conley was 40 years old when he was locked up in 1992. He was convicted and sentenced to serve two life-without-parole terms for the 1989 drive-by shooting deaths of Roshawn Johnson and Charles Hughes. It took many years, but with the help of the Innocence Project and some lawyers, connections were found between detectives who had framed someone for murder and Conley's case. The lawyers took his case back to the courts, and in 2010, Judge Marla Miller ruled that he had been wrongfully convicted & found that the prosecution's star witness lied on the stand, and the District Attorney's office KNEW

In an interview after, the star witness Clifford Polk actually confessed he had made up the allegations that sent Conley to prison and admitted fear of being put away himself had driven him to it

The judge ordered Conley to be released, but Kamala Harris stepped in and took him back to trial in her last month as San Francisco DA. He said: "Had Kamala not played those games, I would have walked out of the prison I was in straight home." Caramad was ultimately cleared of all charges by the jury in absolute devastation for Kamala Harris

It came out a few days ago that he's about to get paid $3.5 million from San Francisco for the injustice Kamala Harris caused him

Many such stories like this

Kamala Harris will never run on her record. She will only run against the record she will project onto Donald Trump, so lies.

In 2019, GovTrack scorecard ranked her as the most radical senator in the Senate. She even ranked below Bernie Sanders.

Just two days ago, the New York Times rated Harris as the least electable of all the possible Democrat nominees.

Below are 17 examples of her alt left agenda.

She will never address her record head on in a general election.

Ask yourself why?

We all know what fake news is going to do …

Fawn over Kamala like she’s suddenly likable.

- then the phony media blitz about how much she’s loved.

- then puff piece after puff piece interview, all staged, all scripted.

- then the fake polls showing her suddenly pulling ahead.

Don’t let any of this slow you down.

Remember, it’s all fake and manufactured. Same old predictable Democrat playbook.

Same BS they pulled with Hillary.

No matter how hard they try - they’ll never be able to sell that unlikable cringey fraud to the public.

Never gonna happen.
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Let’s keep this going. Just the facts.

Hard to refute when it comes out of their mouth.