Mental health experts say “high probability” presidential candidate has dementia

Both have signs of dementia, but only one has tried to overthrow the government and is proposing policies that contradict democracy.

It shocks me that Project 2025 is not a daily conversation among Americans.
Most conservatives I know haven’t even heard about it. I spoke with 3 friends today who are all either Trump voters or independents and none had heard of it. Democrats are doing an absolutely dogshit job of getting the word out about it
Most conservatives I know haven’t even heard about it. I spoke with 3 friends today who are all either Trump voters or independents and none had heard of it. Democrats are doing an absolutely dogshit job of getting the word out about it
The democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
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Kindergarten is over nimrods. Donald J Trump is a stable genius playing 5D chess while you little jealous people can just sit home whining over his greatness. Trying to smear him to bring him way down to where China Joe undoubtedly is will not work but keep on trying I Guess. 😅🤣😂😆😁😄😃😀😛😎
Kindergarten is over nimrods. Donald J Trump is a stable genius playing 5D chess while you little jealous people can just sit home whining over his greatness. Trying to smear him to bring him way down to where China Joe undoubtedly is will not work but keep on trying I Guess. 😅🤣😂😆😁😄😃😀😛😎

What was his weakest position, in your opinion?
Kindergarten is over nimrods. Donald J Trump is a stable genius playing 5D chess while you little jealous people can just sit home whining over his greatness. Trying to smear him to bring him way down to where China Joe undoubtedly is will not work but keep on trying I Guess. 😅🤣😂😆😁😄😃😀😛😎
What is a stable genius anyway?
Kindergarten is over nimrods. Donald J Trump is a stable genius playing 5D chess while you little jealous people can just sit home whining over his greatness. Trying to smear him to bring him way down to where China Joe undoubtedly is will not work but keep on trying I Guess. 😅🤣😂😆😁😄😃😀😛😎
So you support Putin and N Korea? You sound like the Russian state news anchor
What was his weakest position, in your opinion?
Well there are some decisions and stuff he has done that I did not like while undoubtedly feeling he is the best potus in the last 50 years at least imo.

- Did not like that he let the uniparty push him to sign that huge spending bill two years or so into his term. He had to do a give and take though to get anything passed honestly.
- Hated some of his twitter rants at times that did not help any situation while admitting that I loved a lot of them. He was being attacked by the media continuously and his personality is not to turn the other cheek so it was what it was.
- Didnt love parts of his covid response in terms of the dollars he put out but what he had to deal with was unprecedented. He had all these medical experts screaming a repeat of the 1918 flu to him and he had to make decisions based on the info he was given. We now know that a lot of the info was incorrect but I cant fault Trump heavily for what he did under those circumstances.
- He upon the surface made a lot of bad hires putting people very close to him that were against him in reality. He was getting figuratively stabbed in the back from day one with snakes everywhere. Its honestly a minor miracle when you look at his considerable list of accomplishments that he got done what he did with the way that the uniparty was fighting and obstructing him the whole time. I think he knows the game now and will surround himself with people that are in agreement with what he wants done.

Related to his current policy statements, I support virtually all of it that I can think of off the top of my head.

The man is not perfect by any means but he has made me a believer. He will get a lot of good done if he gets another chance imo.

Whats your take?
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I disagree that Biden is cognitively worse than Trump and he proved it in his SOTU address. I agree that Biden should take more unscripted questions but it's not like Trump sounds sane when he is interviewed. People have just become so accustomed to his batshit style of dementia that they've become numb to it, but you can't tell me he sounds like someone with great cognitive ability.

Biden can be pretty witty on the fly as well, Trump is humorless

“Remember when he told people to inject bleach. He must have done it,” Biden told a crowd of trial lawyers at a fundraiser in Houston on Thursday.

He also noted that Trump “told us to hit the body with UV light, and I’m confident he does.”

The crowd roared with applause."


Biden can be pretty witty on the fly. Trump is humorless.

You are the biggest purveyor of misinformation on this board