@hopefultiger13 and
@FLaw47, I appreciate the input. I am glad you were able to express your views without getting nasty about it. I am interested to see/hear the other side of things.
I''ll try to tell you what I think has happened and will be proven.
I think the FBI and DOJ actively and illegally worked to keep Hillary from being indicted during the campaign. They did this under the assumption that there was no way Hillary would lose the election. From the Strzok-Page texts, we know that there was an "insurance plan" in place in case Trump happened to pull it out. Once Trump did win, the "insurance plan", (which is unfolding now in the news), is that the CIA/FBI had planted moles to entrap Carter Page, Papadopoulos, probably Manafort and others. They used this info, plus the dossier to obtain FISA warants on 3 occasions. They never told the FISA judge about the moles, nor did they tell the judge that the dossier was bought and paid for by Clinton. We know from McCabe's sworn testimony, that without the dossier, they did not have enough to obtain a FISA warrant. One of you mentioned above that law enforcement entraps crooks all of the time. This is not the same. This will prove to be 100x worse than WaterGate. This will be proven to be the biggest abuse of power in US history. People involved should and will go to jail. Many in the MSM will be shown to complicit as well by printing/talking about unverified information that was leaked by the FBI, CIA or DOJ. Remember, Clapper sent Comey to meet Trump before the inauguration to advise him of the claims made by the dossier. Comey didn't tell Trump it was opposition research. The next day, Clapper gives the dossier info to Jake Tapper at CNN and tells him the Pres elect is under investigation. This is the truth. A narrative begins.
I have one other question no one seems have an answer for: In what universe would Putin rather have Trump as president; rather than Hillary? If anyone in Russia had any of this dossier info on Trump, don't you think they would have released it by now; after everything Trump has done to Russia thus far?