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Yea I’m curious as well...
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Yep, economy definitely gonna be dragging bottom of the barrel. Can you see business flocking to a police less city? RIP Vikings, Twins and TimberwolvesThis is kind of good. America needed another Detroit.
Democrats and Liberals are fine. They are folks that you can hold a discussion with BUT at the end of the convo, you can still have a beer with them. I present to you @iceheart08 as an example.
Leftists live in a fantasy world and will drag us all into a faithless world where are sexes are nonspecific, we pay for items with love and dried cucumbers, we all make $15k a year, live in 400 sq foot shanties made of wheat and grass, and wrap our selves in rainbows and warm hugs..... and if you don’t agree with this woke world .... F YOU!!! We’ll burn your shit to the ground, rape your humans who identify as women, steal your shit and label you as the aggressor because your ancestors did some bad shit 400 years ago.
I can’t imagine being this naive and clueless. First, are you trying to say that the government will now pay for private sector security while also saying it will be cheaper? If you’re not saying that, which I hope for the sake of your intelligence you aren’t, then I assume you are saying that private citizens and companies will now pay for their own security. If you’re saying that, do you honestly believe that people and companies that can afford their own private security will remain in Minneapolis and endure those cost??
I will give you credit though, you’re the first one in this thread even attempting to defend this blatant display of retardation. Dems have truly become a cancer to this Republic.
Agreed, I would sign up for this today. Everyone with an iq over 70 knows the liberal progressive utopia would fall on its face, the very first in line to beg their way back in would be the very loudest proponents of the progressive movement.I don't mind that idea at all. My only question is, how long before the East side takes over the West side? Or more accurately, how long before the West begs to be let back in?
Even you have to be extremely troubled at the direction of your party. You won’t admit it but it has to be troubling to you. BLM is neck deep in anti Semitism, their history can be traced back to the groups founders meeting with known dangerous terrorists in Palestine as far back as 2015-2016. Your leaders refuse to disavow the actions of blatant anarchists, letting cities burn in exchange for a handful of votes. The Democratic Party is quickly morphing into a dangerous conglomerate comprised of people who literally hate America, they don’t try to hide it.That last line is pretty nuts man.
Oh and just by the way, California already had an idea like this, to split the state into 2, a Northern and Southern California. I think it was over water, where the northern part of the state did not want to keep giving "their" water to the Southern part of the state.