Not Great Bob….

The veneration of the professional actor is very strange to me. Prior to Trump's administration, which has set records that will stand forever, no administration had more of its people get indicted than Reagan's.

His economic policies also destroyed the American middle class, which is destroying the country.
🤣🤣 sure okay. What about Trump? Nobody in the maga party listens to that idiot, right?

Disingenuous, cherry picking phag
Ah. Here it is….the reversion to cvnt.

Assumed a moderately intelligent person would be able to infer that - by not including him with the others - clearly, I agree he is a leading voice in the Republican Party.
Interesting polarity changes in the currency markets and central bank holdings. VIX creeping up
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The veneration of the professional actor is very strange to me. Prior to Trump's administration, which has set records that will stand forever, no administration had more of its people get indicted than Reagan's.

His economic policies also destroyed the American middle class, which is destroying the country.
The deification of any of our heroes shows that many are imperfect under scrutiny. Whether it was Kennedy or Reagan, Roethlisberger or D. Watson, Paterno or ... We need to be careful who we elevate. They are all human with human failings, some much worse than others.

Reagan much like many of our presidents is remembered for his personality more than his policies. Even I have fond memories of him. But I was also six when he was elected. It amazing to me how many of my generation exalt the Reagan years but were still in middle school while he was in office. When I ask them why they love him, their best answer is he stopped Russia. Yet, they have nothing to say about health care policy (AIDS), union busting, drug wars, IRAN Contra, Savings and Loans Scandals, economic policy, Space Shuttle Disaster, agriculture policy etc.

Some Reaganites also probably detest Bruce Springsteen but think Born in the USA is a great patriotic song. 🤷‍♂️
Ah. Here it is….the reversion to cvnt.

Assumed a moderately intelligent person would be able to infer that - by not including him with the others - clearly, I agree he is a leading voice in the Republican Party.
LoL sure. You chose the phony, babe in the woods routine yet again. The whole discussion is about you knowing exactly where this pro Russia sentiment is coming from, yet here you are pretending not to. Like all Trump voters, you simply are not capable of good faith debate.

Shame on me though for thinking you were. That's totally on me.
Interesting polarity changes in the currency markets and central bank holdings. VIX creeping up
Explain this like I was a theater major but minor in Russian Studies with micro and macro-economics credits.
Issue, Impact, Predicted Outcomes...

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The deification of any of our heroes shows that many are imperfect under scrutiny. Whether it was Kennedy or Reagan, Roethlisberger or D. Watson, Paterno or ... We need to be careful who we elevate. They are all human with human failings, some much worse than others.

Reagan much like many of our presidents is remembered for his personality more than his policies. Even I have fond memories of him. But I was also six when he was elected. It amazing to me how many of my generation exalt the Reagan years but were still in middle school while he was in office. When I ask them why they love him, their best answer is he stopped Russia. Yet, they have nothing to say about health care policy (AIDS), union busting, drug wars, IRAN Contra, Savings and Loans Scandals, economic policy, Space Shuttle Disaster, agriculture policy etc.

Some Reaganites also probably detest Bruce Springsteen but think Born in the USA is a great patriotic song. 🤷‍♂️
Excellent post. And no lie I've wearing out that whole album recently.
It's always good to see the US doing fairly well, and our enemies not doing so well. Of course come of our Comrades are hating that Russia is having trouble and they are quick to point out how bad ANY improvement to the US really is.
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Great post … but I think one thing was clear, very early in the conflict … Russia was not a peer level adversary, and that is what was so shocking.

The only reason they ultimately win the UKR conflict is that they have more blood and flesh to sacrifice than the Ukrainians do.

And just a thing that I personally find much joy in ……. The SU57 has been found to be complete dog shit.

Yep. It’s not even stealth. Can’t have exposed engines like that for one and they fvcked up the stolen tech.
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I appreciate the quick reply.

I am generally familiar with BRICs and US influence on World Currency markets.

I was referring specifically to your statement re: - Interesting polarity changes in the currency markets and central bank holdings. VIX creeping up...

I was hoping you could explain why this is significant, perhaps the possible ramifications on the Geopolitical front or is it just a financial/market impact.
Yep. It’s not even stealth. Can’t have exposed engines like that for one and they fvcked up the stolen tech.
Has Russian ever innovated something for the better? Going back 2 hundred years, it would seem they were happy going to war or market with inferior products but superior numbers.

Russians are not idiots. They have had success in science and engineering. Maybe, it is the corruption that does them in or the fact no one likes reporting bad news to the TSAR.
Has Russian ever innovated something for the better? Going back 2 hundred years, it would seem they were happy going to war or market with inferior products but superior numbers.

Russians are not idiots. They have had success in science and engineering. Maybe, it is the corruption that does them in or the fact no one likes reporting bad news to the TSAR.
Does the Troika count?
I appreciate the quick reply.

I am generally familiar with BRICs and US influence on World Currency markets.

I was referring specifically to your statement re: - Interesting polarity changes in the currency markets and central bank holdings. VIX creeping up...

I was hoping you could explain why this is significant, perhaps the possible ramifications on the Geopolitical front or is it just a financial/market impact.
We are currently carrying a huge national debt that has to be serviced with higher rates With USD as a fiat currency for which there has been demand by global central banks for global trade, there has been minimal external restraints in our divided politics. The doors to the hen house were torn from the hinges by Nixon.

I have no idea how the current situation will play out with so many moving parts but the use of sanctions by the US to freeze assets and limit access to USD adds fuel to our enemies and economic competitors.

China has been selling bond holdings that pushes rates up Just a whole lot going on and VIX is a measure of fear in markets. It has been undervaluing the risk in markets Imho,

The pressures building currently not like anything I have ever seen.
Anybody listening to Putin's press conference from Vietnam with the Russian media asking the questions. He is really spinning the deep doo doo he apparently knows he has stepped in.

Seems a lot like the trump poor me spin

Appears the reporters asking questions slanted to Russia are being prompted on their phones
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Anybody listening to Putin's press conference from Vietnam with the Russian media asking the questions. He is really spinning the deep doo doo he apparently knows he has stepped in.

Seems a lot like the trump poor me spin
Birds of a feather.

Draft dodger and the KGB paper pusher.
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Such a humanitarian arguing how cruel the sanction are to so many unfortunate starving people. His own brother died from starvation due to blockade
One of the greatest feats in human history is when the Unites States started having corrupt government officials steal money, mis-use money, lie and cheat in order to gain power over the very people funding their pockets. On top of that they then created a culture where it was shunned and frowned upon to discuss or critique them.

Meanwhile, they become multi-millionaires on taxpayer funded jobs and get the vast majority of their money after being elected.

All while you argue about:
who should get married or not married.
if a woman should be able to kill her kid
If the border that protects this country should be locked/closed
if it's ok to change the sex of children
The idea that making America great is somehow and "extreme thought" and should be rejected.
if the idea that being "woke" and offering equal rights is extreme thought and should be rejected.

One day, I hope they honestly write about just how great of a plan that was. Steal from the people but keep them from talking about. Keep them from even discussing it. Make everything a conspiracy and controlled the media, so that everything sounds like a conspiracy.

In fact, when they do start to catch on, throw out a social issue that distract them from what you're really doing.

We can't even discuss things anymore. I have no clue how you even move forward or grow if you can't even listen to the other side and come together. Nobody discusses anymore. Regardless of topic, very few people are even willing to learn anymore. Very few people do their own research on their own time, looking at different views, but yet somehow everyone trust their nightly News and their TV and we're all certified geniuses.

Whoever figured this how, certainly understood the art of psychology and honest to goodness, should be studied. It's a genius plan and it's working every day that passes. I mean, what a freakin gig!
We are currently carrying a huge national debt that has to be serviced with higher rates With USD as a fiat currency for which there has been demand by global central banks for global trade, there has been minimal external restraints in our divided politics. The doors to the hen house were torn from the hinges by Nixon.

I have no idea how the current situation will play out with so many moving parts but the use of sanctions by the US to freeze assets and limit access to USD adds fuel to our enemies and economic competitors.

China has been selling bond holdings that pushes rates up Just a whole lot going on and VIX is a measure of fear in markets. It has been undervaluing the risk in markets Imho,

The pressures building currently not like anything I have ever seen.
👍 now I’m catching on. Thank you
We've always been weary of the Russians, but a Russia that may be on verge of collapse is infinitely more likely to do something very stupid.

China has been moving military assets eastward for 2 years now. They decide to finally move on a Taiwan, triggering a regional conflict (which it will) and their backdoor will be open to the Indians who hate them. Add to it that we will 98% back Taiwan and things get real dicey real fast.

Back to Russia. While they will likely still win a war of attrition with UKR and some signs point to that now, they've set their military back at least 2 decades. The amount of front line equipment, manpower, etc that has been destroyed or no longer capable of use is staggering. Their shiny and pretty vectored thrust fighters have proven to severely underperform against Western air defense systems and even their own older units employed by the UKR.

We downgraded Russia from a Peer Level adversary over a year ago. Only China is in that group right now.
China won’t move on Taiwan. Its futile. China moves, Taiwan hits the self destruct button in the chip plants. If they were going to invade, it probably would’ve already happened
Okay remove him from the list of people. It changes nothing about my post, right?
Other than you have your head so far up Oprah Winfreys ass you don’t actually see what happening in this country
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It’s so cringy and honestly a reminder of how far we’ve fallen, to hear people defend elected officials who absolutely are corrupt.

We got people in this country literally willing to argue on message boards about how their guy who is bad human being, isn’t as bad as the other guy.

Maybe I’m naive, but I like to think Americans are waking up.

If you don’t want this country to be the best and be profitable, take care of its veterans and help with homeless and just become the best country in the world, why are you here?

If you don’t want elected officials who are lying and cheating and stealing your money to be locked up, called or held accountable, why are you here?

If you want communism, why are you here?

Do the righteous thing that so many before us did, go find a better future somewhere else. Be the hero your family needs.

You’re either team America or you’re not. Pick one.
It’s so cringy and honestly a reminder of how far we’ve fallen, to hear people defend elected officials who absolutely are corrupt.

We got people in this country literally willing to argue on message boards about how their guy who is bad human being, isn’t as bad as the other guy.

Maybe I’m naive, but I like to think Americans are waking up.

If you don’t want this country to be the best and be profitable, take care of its veterans and help with homeless and just become the best country in the world, why are you here?

If you don’t want elected officials who are lying and cheating and stealing your money to be locked up, called or held accountable, why are you here?

If you want communism, why are you here?

Do the righteous thing that so many before us did, go find a better future somewhere else. Be the hero your family needs.

You’re either team America or you’re not. Pick one.

The partison politics has degenerated into a short sighted reality TV show fueled by greed and self interest.
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Does the Troika count?
Has Russian ever innovated something for the better? Going back 2 hundred years, it would seem they were happy going to war or market with inferior products but superior numbers.

Russians are not idiots. They have had success in science and engineering. Maybe, it is the corruption that does them in or the fact no one likes reporting bad news to the TSAR.
How about the Molotov Cocktail???
How about the Molotov Cocktail???

While vodka’s origins are uncertain, some historians believe that the distilled spirit originated for medicinal purposes in Eastern Europe—either Russian or Polish—in the fifteenth century.
Explain this like I was a theater major but minor in Russian Studies with micro and macro-economics credits.
Issue, Impact, Predicted Outcomes...

I appreciate the quick reply.

I am generally familiar with BRICs and US influence on World Currency markets.

I was referring specifically to your statement re: - Interesting polarity changes in the currency markets and central bank holdings. VIX creeping up...

I was hoping you could explain why this is significant, perhaps the possible ramifications on the Geopolitical front or is it just a financial/market impact.
If the Vix is going up.....
Stocks are going down.....
Not to stray too far off topic...

While working on my Master's, I did a project on the Geo-History of Russia. It was the second of two proposals. My first was on the geo-history of the Southern Conference. Guess my professor was not a huge fan of football.
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