NSIAP: Nike Online Sales +31% Since the Kap Campaign was Unveiled

It’s amazing how many people still have the completely wrong idea of why CK knelt and the purpose of the protest.
You mean that he started dating a blm skank who got him neck deep in some “cause” that had never personally affected him? Soros is still laughing at these clowns for falling for his plot to divide the country.
When Nike made kap the center of an ad campaign after that mental midget wore pig socks generalizing all cops as bad, they lost my business. Maybe if more in the black community taught respect for authority and stressed common sense we wouldn’t have all these issues. People with first hand experience of what cops have to deal with know how ridiculous the blm movement is. Liberals pander to these idiots instead of standing with law enforcement, which exacerbates the problem.
I dont watch the NFL but it has nothing to with millionaires kneeling in protest. I don’t watch it because it’s boring as fvck.
I don't watch the NFL and it has everything to do with it's leftist politics and I will not buy Nike. It has hurt the NFL and it will hurt Nike eventually.
Cool story, bro.
Wow! loaded with substance. Not surprising. Would rather engage in a real intellectual argument than the juvenile BS you typically trade in. When you are ready for real substance, then let me know. If you want to continue to be a gutter troll dealing in emotions, hate, and reactionary drivel, then count me out. If that is your goal, then I want to be on record pointing out your pathetic life of scouring the message boards for your "next victim" when the reality is you hate yourself so much that you are raging against yourself. Pathetic! Let me know when you graduate from drooling all over yourself. Perhaps then we can debate substance.
Considered more white than black by who? He considers himself black. But, be careful, you mentioned race so @OrangeBaron is going to accuse you of dumbing down America.
Dude, you are pathetic! You must live your pathetic life on these message boards. 27k+ posts?! Pathetic! get a life! Bet you are a hall of famer on fort night? You must have a sad life. Bottom line is that you are pathetic because your posts mostly traffic in hate. You ARE what you think you fight. Go back and read your pathetic posts! You are a sick individual. I can no longer come onto these message boards and read your psychotic posts. You really need help. At least I am open minded enough to consider the opinion of others and the fact that maybe an opposing view is starting from a place of good intention. You, on the other hand, always start from a place of hate. And, that speaks directly to your heart and you as a person. You history of posts clearly demonstrate that you have hate issues.
Wow! loaded with substance. Not surprising. Would rather engage in a real intellectual argument than the juvenile BS you typically trade in. When you are ready for real substance, then let me know. If you want to continue to be a gutter troll dealing in emotions, hate, and reactionary drivel, then count me out. If that is your goal, then I want to be on record pointing out your pathetic life of scouring the message boards for your "next victim" when the reality is you hate yourself so much that you are raging against yourself. Pathetic! Let me know when you graduate from drooling all over yourself. Perhaps then we can debate substance.

Dude, you are pathetic! You must live your pathetic life on these message boards. 27k+ posts?! Pathetic! get a life! Bet you are a hall of famer on fort night? You must have a sad life. Bottom line is that you are pathetic because your posts mostly traffic in hate. You ARE what you think you fight. Go back and read your pathetic posts! You are a sick individual. I can no longer come onto these message boards and read your psychotic posts. You really need help. At least I am open minded enough to consider the opinion of others and the fact that maybe an opposing view is starting from a place of good intention. You, on the other hand, always start from a place of hate. And, that speaks directly to your heart and you as a person. You history of posts clearly demonstrate that you have hate issues.

Another cool story. You're awesome. By the way. What is Fort Night? I'd love to be a hall of Famer. Sounds fun.

You might want to seek help with your anger issues before you pop a blood vessel
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Wow! loaded with substance. Not surprising. Would rather engage in a real intellectual argument than the juvenile BS you typically trade in. When you are ready for real substance, then let me know. If you want to continue to be a gutter troll dealing in emotions, hate, and reactionary drivel, then count me out. If that is your goal, then I want to be on record pointing out your pathetic life of scouring the message boards for your "next victim" when the reality is you hate yourself so much that you are raging against yourself. Pathetic! Let me know when you graduate from drooling all over yourself. Perhaps then we can debate substance.

Dude, you are pathetic! You must live your pathetic life on these message boards. 27k+ posts?! Pathetic! get a life! Bet you are a hall of famer on fort night? You must have a sad life. Bottom line is that you are pathetic because your posts mostly traffic in hate. You ARE what you think you fight. Go back and read your pathetic posts! You are a sick individual. I can no longer come onto these message boards and read your psychotic posts. You really need help. At least I am open minded enough to consider the opinion of others and the fact that maybe an opposing view is starting from a place of good intention. You, on the other hand, always start from a place of hate. And, that speaks directly to your heart and you as a person. You history of posts clearly demonstrate that you have hate issues.

deeeeeeeyam brah. You make The cctiger94 Crazy Train Midnight Mystery Machine look like a 1982 Chevy Citation with a bad fan belt. Woooooo!
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Has people realized yet that detroying Nike clothes you already purchased doesn’t hurt a company’s financials bc they already have your money?

How long do you expect it to last?

I expected there to be an increase in immediate sales. The issue is are they losing customers long term?

Nike's favorability have dropped among every racial group and age group.
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Wow! loaded with substance. Not surprising. Would rather engage in a real intellectual argument than the juvenile BS you typically trade in. When you are ready for real substance, then let me know. If you want to continue to be a gutter troll dealing in emotions, hate, and reactionary drivel, then count me out. If that is your goal, then I want to be on record pointing out your pathetic life of scouring the message boards for your "next victim" when the reality is you hate yourself so much that you are raging against yourself. Pathetic! Let me know when you graduate from drooling all over yourself. Perhaps then we can debate substance.

Dude, you are pathetic! You must live your pathetic life on these message boards. 27k+ posts?! Pathetic! get a life! Bet you are a hall of famer on fort night? You must have a sad life. Bottom line is that you are pathetic because your posts mostly traffic in hate. You ARE what you think you fight. Go back and read your pathetic posts! You are a sick individual. I can no longer come onto these message boards and read your psychotic posts. You really need help. At least I am open minded enough to consider the opinion of others and the fact that maybe an opposing view is starting from a place of good intention. You, on the other hand, always start from a place of hate. And, that speaks directly to your heart and you as a person. You history of posts clearly demonstrate that you have hate issues.
Just know that somebody somewhere loves you. It’s ok.
I have 3 companies that I do not buy their products because I disagree with something they said or did. It will not make a bit of difference to their financial status, but it means something to me. Just like voting for the President, my one vote will not make a difference, but it is important to me. If enough people feel the same way, then it will have an impact. I don't expect everyone to agree with me...that is not America nor should it be.

Hopefully we can all agree on one thing...Go Tigers!

So I've basically figured out the problem...

Colin Kaepernick hates white people... Frickin' racist!

Careful, your gonna get labeled a racist for saying “racist” in a popular thread. Kind of like “Yo dawg, I heard you said racist, so I’m gonna puttah a racist in yo racist so you won’t be labeled a racist”

We’re not even to midnight yet and this board just starting to heat up I LOVE IT!!! Kap threads are Gold, Jerry.

Let’s switch gears and talk about the OLine against Furman, doah!! wrong thread.
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It’s just scary because it may start a trend. Politics have invaded every aspect of life and it’s a shame. Nike did this to boost sales ,period.

Look into their factories around the world and if you think they care about social injustice then I don’t know what to tell you.

Every person has a right to believe in anything they want but I just wish political agendas would stay out of the things I enjoy.

Yeah me too. Like football. Thanks, Trump
I just hate that we are moving to a point where what you wear will define you politically. We're not there yet but you can see us moving in that direction.
Careful, your gonna get labeled a racist for saying “racist” in a popular thread. Kind of like “Yo dawg, I heard you said racist, so I’m gonna puttah a racist in yo racist so you won’t be labeled a racist”

We’re not even to midnight yet and this board just starting to heat up I LOVE IT!!! Kap threads are Gold, Jerry.

Let’s switch gears and talk about the OLine against Furman, doah!! wrong thread.
Lol true

But I'm just trying something new... Attacking this thread from a liberal angle
It’s amazing how many people still have the completely wrong idea of why CK knelt and the purpose of the protest.
You mean that he started dating a blm skank who got him neck deep in some “cause” that had never personally affected him? Soros is still laughing at these clowns for falling for his plot to divide the country.
When Nike made kap the center of an ad campaign after that mental midget wore pig socks generalizing all cops as bad, they lost my business. Maybe if more in the black community taught respect for authority and stressed common sense we wouldn’t have all these issues. People with first hand experience of what cops have to deal with know how ridiculous the blm movement is. Liberals pander to these idiots instead of standing with law enforcement, which exacerbates the problem.

Why would people stand with law enforcement in cases where law enforcement and our criminal justice system have demonstrated racial bias against black people?
Umm... Didn't Kaep start this shvt??

Kap didn't start anything.
I just know Trump tweets about wha the NFL should do to players exercising their first amendment. He even encourages people to boycot the NFL. Talk about government meddling into private entities, smh
Thanks for infusing politics into sports, Trump.
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didn’t read thread but i hope there had been some openmindedness and open discussion. bottom line there are problems needing addressing. sometimes protesting doesn’t offer a solution. but it is a right and what makes america beautiful. it also may help force some real change for those that can affect it quicker than just the way of things (politicians, business owners, also regular people). protesting should make folks uncomfortable otherwise it is a waste of time.
Yep, just what I thought… it's only American racism that has people's panties in a twist …

SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- San Francisco 49ersquarterback Colin Kaepernick has willingly immersed himself into controversy by refusing to stand for the playing of the national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States.

His latest refusal to stand for the anthem -- he has done this in at least one other preseason game -- came before the 49ers' preseason loss to Green Bay at Levi's Stadium on Friday night.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

So Nike is still for social justice in America, where it counts
Except if you actually do some research instead of getting your information from an app on your phone you’d know that the US is one of the least rascist countries in the world. US also has the most black billionaires and millionaires and largest black middle class in the world. The US is the easiest country on the planet for people of any ethnicity to become wealthy. The REAL statistics about race and crime do not support the fantasy of racial oppression at all when you factor in the backgrounds of people who are arrested and convicted. Regardless of race If you come from a two parent family you are much less likely to do drugs, commit suicide or suffer mental illness or end up in prison. And what race has by far the highest percentage of single moms? Well I’ll leave that up to your own research. BTW Asians have the lowest illegitimate birth rate and make the most money, get the most degrees per capita and lowest arrest and conviction rates per capita. This in spite of being discriminated against in a huge number of schools admissions policies which favor blacks and Hispanics over whites and Asians. Kaep was offered a contract by the Broncos and possibly other teams. His lawsuit accusing the NFL of collusion is complete bull shvt. He chose the contract with Nike because he is a lier and because he makes more money. The NFL has all kinds of prohibitions on player behavior on the field and off and virtually every other employer sets standards of behavior while you’re on company time. He’s a fraud and an air head.
Is every company that runs commercials "stuffing things down your throat" or is it only commercials with black people in them that you object to?
The folks that support this type of things are more interested in feeling good about themselves than actually extending a hand to help their fellow man.

You say that like that isn’t something that every single human on the planet does on a fairly regular basis. You just described a fairly significant part of human nature.
Except if you actually do some research instead of getting your information from an app on your phone you’d know that the US is one of the least rascist countries in the world. US also has the most black billionaires and millionaires and largest black middle class in the world. The US is the easiest country on the planet for people of any ethnicity to become wealthy. The REAL statistics about race and crime do not support the fantasy of racial oppression at all when you factor in the backgrounds of people who are arrested and convicted. Regardless of race If you come from a two parent family you are much less likely to do drugs, commit suicide or suffer mental illness or end up in prison. And what race has by far the highest percentage of single moms? Well I’ll leave that up to your own research. BTW Asians have the lowest illegitimate birth rate and make the most money, get the most degrees per capita and lowest arrest and conviction rates per capita. This in spite of being discriminated against in a huge number of schools admissions policies which favor blacks and Hispanics over whites and Asians. Kaep was offered a contract by the Broncos and possibly other teams. His lawsuit accusing the NFL of collusion is complete bull shvt. He chose the contract with Nike because he is a lier and because he makes more money. The NFL has all kinds of prohibitions on player behavior on the field and off and virtually every other employer sets standards of behavior while you’re on company time. He’s a fraud and an air head.

Welcome to the Midnight Mystery Machine my friend where if you dare state the obvious truth and your gonna get swamped by the OffEEEEEENDED Cray Cray. You hit every issue spot on.

I can’t for the life of me figure out why some of our fellow TI folks are so freakn hell bent on ignoring the numbers coming out everyday. It’s pretty clear to me. Let’s review:

-Record ‘unemployment’ DECREASE (across all ethnicities)
-Manufacturing jobs that former president and TGCO said will never come back are mysteriously back to the tune of 500k
-Decades of minority unemployment all time low
-Military moral all time high
-Military upgrades in equipment all time high
-Corp Taxes all time low
-Individual Taxes all time low
-Aggressive Round Up and Expulsion of THUG ILLEGALS LIKE MS13......ooooo that one is gonna draw some Hates. Don’t Care, Get’em Out. Ha!!!
-GTFO MS13 criminal insane non humans. Get ALL illegal ALIENS who are criminals OUT. Round’em up, toss in the bus, Buh-Bye

So Really

Tell me what are we doing wrong? Seems to me it’s going pretty good.

But not so fast, Chicago. Adopted Land of the Beloved Community Organizer. Where the shooting/murder rate is now at an all time high. The Community Organizing has not been going well over there. I guess that the Socialist Doctrine of everyone gets everything for free is not working out up there in ChiiiiTown.
Welcome to the Midnight Mystery Machine my friend where if you dare state the obvious truth and your gonna get swamped by the OffEEEEEENDED Cray Cray. You hit every issue spot on.

I can’t for the life of me figure out why some of our fellow TI folks are so freakn hell bent on ignoring the numbers coming out everyday. It’s pretty clear to me. Let’s review:

-Record ‘unemployment’ DECREASE (across all ethnicities)
-Manufacturing jobs that former president and TGCO said will never come back are mysteriously back to the tune of 500k
-Decades of minority unemployment all time low
-Military moral all time high
-Military upgrades in equipment all time high
-Corp Taxes all time low
-Individual Taxes all time low
-Aggressive Round Up and Expulsion of THUG ILLEGALS LIKE MS13......ooooo that one is gonna draw some Hates. Don’t Care, Get’em Out. Ha!!!
-GTFO MS13 criminal insane non humans. Get ALL illegal ALIENS who are criminals OUT. Round’em up, toss in the bus, Buh-Bye

So Really

Tell me what are we doing wrong? Seems to me it’s going pretty good.

But not so fast, Chicago. Adopted Land of the Beloved Community Organizer. Where the shooting/murder rate is now at an all time high. The Community Organizing has not been going well over there. I guess that the Socialist Doctrine of everyone gets everything for free is not working out up there in ChiiiiTown.
Dear infowars...
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You say that like that isn’t something that every single human on the planet does on a fairly regular basis. You just described a fairly significant part of human nature.

Maybe so but that doesn't make it right. Human nature is destructive, not constructive.
It’s pretty obvious that OP is a Killary Clinton and Barry Obama voter.
could care less about the guy but the pig socks kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Support for him seems to be a thoughtless trend - real original
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Dear infowars...

What is “infowars”? sounds like one of many hundreds of shows designed to distract very young people and captivate millenials much like yourself. Anything on TV that includes the term ‘wars’ is an automatic classification of “Do Not Watch” and association to “Look At Me” You must be the type of moran that gets off on HGTV