You are flat out lying with every statement. Dude, put the crack pipe down. I know what you are doing by not addressing MY points and fighting the imaginary “other side”. I never said there were nuclear codes he was selling, for instance. You are Dom Quixote fighting windmills. Quit your BS and address the points that I make. I told you that I understand that some records are personal. Stop trying to deflect by bringing up what you think other people said. The degree of severity of the classified docs is yet to be determined and that’s what under evaluation.All I see is the goalpost being moved by you guys as this moves along. At first your side said he stole nuke codes and was trying to sell them to Russia. Then your side said all docs in his presidency belongs to the gov and not him, not even his personal stuff with his lawyer nothing. Then it became he had some of our nuke secrets. Then it was just a briefing of something about another countries nukes. So every time you move the goalpost a defense is mounted. The defense may change based on the new charge leveled. You just have a sever case of TDS. Truth or facts dont matter just as long as you get him this time. Why is it you hate him so? Interested to hear what it is....
But I cannot believe how intellectually dishonest you are. You are blaming the 7 defenses on the fact that libs came up with different conspiracies on what could happen to the documents??? Are you for real? You are telling me that in response to the DOJ requests, the lawyers have come up with 7 different excuses to counter the libs??? You know, what’s interesting is that if you actually followed the facts instead of making up absolute bullshit, you would realize that Trump is currently in trouble because his lawyers have NOT dared to use the fake excuses you are falling for. Your boy’s lawyers have refused to go on record that the records were declassified, they are getting drilled for simply insinuating without having the balls to make that claim (let alone backing it up…) That special master also asked for proof from Trump that evidence was planted by the FBI or to stop making that claim. So, what’s super interesting is that his own lawyers won’t even back up his lies and are afraid to use some of these defenses because they are total BS and won’t hold in court. What’s happening is that Trump is using these excuses in a PR battle because he knows he has an army of loyal sheep that will do anything to defend him, including defending lies and crimes. The fact that you cannot see the difference between the PR battle he is waging and the actual arguments in court is super interesting, isn’t it. But I gotta admit, painting him as a victim that had to lie with 7 different excuses because the big bad libs forced him to is top notch, you are MAGA through and through…