One of these days our wonderful state will

A very powerful closing statement from the teacher/parent at the end…….“Life comes before liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the declaration, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence.”
Agreed. You know as a core value in our society we used to protect our most vulnerable above all else. I’m not sure what happened.
Life is Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You can't have a real life in the absence of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The person who said that in the article is an idiot. Let's play a game with that. Humans need water, food and oxygen to survive. I'm pretty sure that they put water first because food and oxygen aren't as necessary. Talk about stupid...

It's insane to me that people think you can give away your freedoms for a little safety. Talk about freaking cowards. Not to mention the fact that kids are going to get sick and then they'll be fine. Kids who have significant tertiary or secondary health issues may have some problems and those are the people we need to be protecting. Masks are not going to do that.

I think the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life is the fact that people believe that putting on a mask is going to reduce the spread of covid among children. It's insane because most adults don't even know how to wear a mask. It's a shame it's so difficult for people to follow data. Instead they just want to panic and be maniacs and throw anything against the wall to see what will stick. The part they don't understand is the people who are telling them all this stuff and panicking them are the ones who want power in the long run. No thank you. I'll stick with just following what the data and medical science state.
Life is Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You can't have a real life in the absence of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The person who said that in the article is an idiot. Let's play a game with that. Humans need water, food and oxygen to survive. I'm pretty sure that they put water first because food and oxygen aren't as necessary. Talk about stupid...

It's insane to me that people think you can give away your freedoms for a little safety. Talk about freaking cowards. Not to mention the fact that kids are going to get sick and then they'll be fine. Kids who have significant tertiary or secondary health issues may have some problems and those are the people we need to be protecting. Masks are not going to do that.

I think the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life is the fact that people believe that putting on a mask is going to reduce the spread of covid among children. It's insane because most adults don't even know how to wear a mask. It's a shame it's so difficult for people to follow data. Instead they just want to panic and be maniacs and throw anything against the wall to see what will stick. The part they don't understand is the people who are telling them all this stuff and panicking them are the ones who want power in the long run. No thank you. I'll stick with just following what the data and medical science state.
How is this different from prohibiting smoking indoors, or outlawing driving under the influence, or any of the other “freedoms” that any civilized society has put limitations/prohibitions on?

There are two children in Pickens county in the hospital. But I guess that’s an acceptable sacrifice to you? Safe to assume you don’t have children?

Please provide sources to the medical science and data you reference. There is not one single medical professional I’ve spoken with that shares your sentiment.
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How is this different from prohibiting smoking indoors, or outlawing driving under the influence, or any of the other “freedoms” that any civilized society has put limitations/prohibitions on?

There are two children in Pickens county in the hospital. But I guess that’s an acceptable sacrifice to you? Safe to assume you don’t have children?

Please provide sources to the medical science and data you reference. There is not one single medical professional I’ve spoken with that shares your sentiment.
He's not interested in your reasonable logic.
How is this different from prohibiting smoking indoors, or outlawing driving under the influence, or any of the other “freedoms” that any civilized society has put limitations/prohibitions on?

There are two children in Pickens county in the hospital. But I guess that’s an acceptable sacrifice to you? Safe to assume you don’t have children?

Please provide sources to the medical science and data you reference. There is not one single medical professional I’ve spoken with that shares your sentiment.

In order for your argument to make sense we would first have to say that if we were wearing masks then those children wouldn't be in the hospital. You can't possibly make that statement based on any factual evidence available anywhere. This isn't an either or situation where either you wear masks and no one gets sick or you don't and everyone gets sick. That's not a reasonable or factually accurate argument. I'm interested in data and facts only.

You must not have talked to a lot of medical professionals and you certainly haven't done a lot of reading or listening. I'd encourage you to reference the journal of American medicine or the New England journal of medicine and read the articles that are submitted by doctors all over the United States and even the world regarding this matter. The CDC and government don't research it extensively because no one wants to accept the reality. It's very hard to find a credible professional who understands public health and infectious diseases that supports children wearing masks in school. The only people who support that are politicians or medical professionals who are interested in politics.

I have two children and both are in school and they went to school all year last year and this year. We don't do masks here because we read the science. We also understand how ineffective they are when children are wearing them and the types of masks that are worn to school. I'm not interested in empty measures so I can feel better about things. I'm interested in dealing with the virus effectively.

Keep in mind that our government agencies have probably handled Afghanistan better than they've handled covid. That'll give you an idea of just how incompetent these people are.

Here's one thing you can read if you're interested.
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In order for your argument to make sense we would first have to say that if we were wearing masks then those children wouldn't be in the hospital. You can't possibly make that statement based on any factual evidence available anywhere. This isn't an either or situation where either you wear masks and no one gets sick or you don't and everyone gets sick. That's not a reasonable or factually accurate argument. I'm interested in data and facts only.

You must not have talked to a lot of medical professionals and you certainly haven't done a lot of reading or listening. I'd encourage you to reference the journal of American medicine or the New England journal of medicine and read the articles that are submitted by doctors all over the United States and even the world regarding this matter. The CDC and government don't research it extensively because no one wants to accept the reality. It's very hard to find a credible professional who understands public health and infectious diseases that supports children wearing masks in school. The only people who support that are politicians or medical professionals who are interested in politics.

I have two children and both are in school and they went to school all year last year and this year. We don't do masks here because we read the science. We also understand how ineffective they are when children are wearing them and the types of masks that are worn to school. I'm not interested in empty measures so I can feel better about things. I'm interested in dealing with the virus effectively.

Keep in mind that our government agencies have probably handled Afghanistan better than they've handled covid. That'll give you an idea of just how incompetent these people are.

Here's one thing you can read if you're interested.
My argument didn't say that banning smoking indoors stopped lung cancer or that having stiff penalties for DUI stopped traffic fatalities. Nothing is 100%. We have multiple different tools in our kits to combat covid. Masks, vaccinations, hand washing, social distancing, contact tracing, testing, etc all work but work best together.

I have talked to plenty (including my physician) and have read even more. I'm very comfortable with my level of knowledge AND lack of expertise on the subject. This is why I lean on those medical professionals locally I genuinely trust.

So as requested here are some links from a very brief search (none of which say "opinion" at the top) ...

At the end of the day I suppose you will make decisions based on what you think is best for your family and I will for mine. If schools do the prudent thing and require masking during peak covid spikes, I suppose you'll have the freedom to make some choices...
Life is Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You can't have a real life in the absence of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The person who said that in the article is an idiot. Let's play a game with that. Humans need water, food and oxygen to survive. I'm pretty sure that they put water first because food and oxygen aren't as necessary. Talk about stupid...

It's insane to me that people think you can give away your freedoms for a little safety. Talk about freaking cowards. Not to mention the fact that kids are going to get sick and then they'll be fine. Kids who have significant tertiary or secondary health issues may have some problems and those are the people we need to be protecting. Masks are not going to do that.

I think the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life is the fact that people believe that putting on a mask is going to reduce the spread of covid among children. It's insane because most adults don't even know how to wear a mask. It's a shame it's so difficult for people to follow data. Instead they just want to panic and be maniacs and throw anything against the wall to see what will stick. The part they don't understand is the people who are telling them all this stuff and panicking them are the ones who want power in the long run. No thank you. I'll stick with just following what the data and medical science state.
When and where did you get your degrees in epidemiology and infectious diseases? 2 generations ago, if people felt like you we would be speaking German. Today the right wing nutcase will endure no sacrifice for the common good. Sad and I am afraid portends the end for this once great country.
When and where did you get your degrees in epidemiology and infectious diseases? 2 generations ago, if people felt like you we would be speaking German. Today the right wing nutcase will endure no sacrifice for the common good. Sad and I am afraid portends the end for this once great country.

Perhaps you should read my post on the other thread about vaccine hesitancy and the fact that the spread of this variant could have been lessened in terms of the loads on our hospitals.

I understand how you feel about this but you also have to understand the Delta variant is a serious situation. It is going to ravage through the unvaccinated people in this country. It's really unfortunate that we have so many people that have chosen not to get the vaccine and they don't have natural immunity either which is slightly better than the vaccine according to medical experts. This is going to be a quick wave that should peak sometime in early September at the latest and then we should start to see a taper off. In the meantime in areas with low vaccination rates we may have to take some measures to protect the hospitals.

You're conflating things to try and make an invalid point which isn't all that unusual these days. Let me say it a little more clearly for folks like you who are oddly blinded by partisanship even when it comes to a virus. Masks won't stop the spread of this virus in schools. Kids don't need to be afraid of this unless they have additional conditions and in those cases, we should do everything we can to protect them. I think it's your authoritarian wet dreams (funny since you mentioned Hitler) that have clouded your judgment here. You seem more interested in making people do something you think is for the common good than you are interested in doing what is actually best for the common good.

Yawn.......such drama queens.

The young are at a high risk for COVID

In 2020 and 2021
Total COVID deaths for ages 0-17 in the ENTIRE US = 361
Total pneumonia deaths for ages 0-17 in the entire US = 865

I won't even go into how infinitesimally small that percentage is. Numbers tell the true story. Not the media.

I pray for the young people that their parents don't fill them full of fear to the point they can not live life.
Yawn.......such drama queens.

The young are at a high risk for COVID

In 2020 and 2021
Total COVID deaths for ages 0-17 in the ENTIRE US = 361
Total pneumonia deaths for ages 0-17 in the entire US = 865

I won't even go into how infinitesimally small that percentage is. Numbers tell the true story. Not the media.

I pray for the young people that their parents don't fill them full of fear to the point they can not live life.

Those numbers may or may not be right. The CDC never followed with the families who lost children or investigated any other factors in these cases. Guess it wasn't important to find out exactly what happened...
How is this different from prohibiting smoking indoors, or outlawing driving under the influence, or any of the other “freedoms” that any civilized society has put limitations/prohibitions on?

There are two children in Pickens county in the hospital. But I guess that’s an acceptable sacrifice to you? Safe to assume you don’t have children?

Please provide sources to the medical science and data you reference. There is not one single medical professional I’ve spoken with that shares your sentiment.
You lost me in your OP with quoting NBC.

Took my wife out for brunch this morning and we had a great conversation with all of this. As most of you know she's a RN of 26 years (treated covid patients from the beginning) and the Covid thing came up, lol. First understand when the pandemic hit she was one of the first to go all nuclear with everyone taking the vaccine and masking up. I can promise you there were a lot of "heated" conversations in our family (a lot of medical professionals).

As time has moved on and more data is now available the "heated" conversations have disappeared and more level headed dialogue has ensued. Today I point blank asked her at brunch "what is/are the health conditions of the covid patients you see and treat?" Now the vaxxers don't want to hear her response. They'll say "where's the google link?" There aren't any google links here, just red-blooded American everyday patients that are being treated by my spouse.

I digress, here is her response:

"Basically they are all overweight. Not obese mind you, but their BMI's are all very high. We don't have patients that are eating healthy nor doing any exercise as Covid patients. Not all are smokers, that's been interesting to see that some don't have previous lung issues. But all of them are in the overweight categories without exercise." Why don't we hear about any of this?

Most of the pro-vax community don't want to hear that but it's the truth. Remember she's a vaccine proponent but she's more and more coming around to the point that this is a more an independent health issue. She DID say that most of the patients are non-vaccinated so you've got that going for you.

Here's the kicker, she talked about the healthy people that have tested positive for Covid. Most have a runny nose and slightly elevated temp. They wouldn't even know they even had Covid if not for the mandatory testing that's going on. She had one of her nurse friends that had a runny nose so the hospital made her take the test. She tested positive and was sent home.

Guess what she did........she went and ran two miles/day and worked outside during her required "quarantine". As I've stated frequently and will continue to do so until this blows over in about another 6 weeks (according to Dr Gottlieb) we need ALL of the health info, not partial info. NOT just Covid numbers, there is a lot of fear mongering which is pathetic right now.

And I'm sorry that two kids have covid but when did we ever get to the point where no one could get sick anymore in this country. And yes I have two teenagers. Would like to know those two kids health history if we're going to put it out there that they have Covid. We've gotten the point where our unhealthy lifestyles are not a drag on the country as a whole. Why are we not discussing that?
You lost me in your OP with quoting NBC.

Took my wife out for brunch this morning and we had a great conversation with all of this. As most of you know she's a RN of 26 years (treated covid patients from the beginning) and the Covid thing came up, lol. First understand when the pandemic hit she was one of the first to go all nuclear with everyone taking the vaccine and masking up. I can promise you there were a lot of "heated" conversations in our family (a lot of medical professionals).

As time has moved on and more data is now available the "heated" conversations have disappeared and more level headed dialogue has ensued. Today I point blank asked her at brunch "what is/are the health conditions of the covid patients you see and treat?" Now the vaxxers don't want to hear her response. They'll say "where's the google link?" There aren't any google links here, just red-blooded American everyday patients that are being treated by my spouse.

I digress, here is her response:

"Basically they are all overweight. Not obese mind you, but their BMI's are all very high. We don't have patients that are eating healthy nor doing any exercise as Covid patients. Not all are smokers, that's been interesting to see that some don't have previous lung issues. But all of them are in the overweight categories without exercise." Why don't we hear about any of this?

Most of the pro-vax community don't want to hear that but it's the truth. Remember she's a vaccine proponent but she's more and more coming around to the point that this is a more an independent health issue. She DID say that most of the patients are non-vaccinated so you've got that going for you.

Here's the kicker, she talked about the healthy people that have tested positive for Covid. Most have a runny nose and slightly elevated temp. They wouldn't even know they even had Covid if not for the mandatory testing that's going on. She had one of her nurse friends that had a runny nose so the hospital made her take the test. She tested positive and was sent home.

Guess what she did........she went and ran two miles/day and worked outside during her required "quarantine". As I've stated frequently and will continue to do so until this blows over in about another 6 weeks (according to Dr Gottlieb) we need ALL of the health info, not partial info. NOT just Covid numbers, there is a lot of fear mongering which is pathetic right now.

And I'm sorry that two kids have covid but when did we ever get to the point where no one could get sick anymore in this country. And yes I have two teenagers. Would like to know those two kids health history if we're going to put it out there that they have Covid. We've gotten the point where our unhealthy lifestyles are not a drag on the country as a whole. Why are we not discussing that?

I apologize for not sharing a link from an article from a news source you prefer. My original post was simply to point out that our state was in the news yet again for something that was not positive.

I’m pretty sure since the beginning it has been stated that this has been a pandemic that adversely effected those with underlying health conditions more so than healthy people.

Obesity, to your point, is a direct contributor to many of these conditions(hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc). But we live in a country where nearly 43% are obese. So yes…we could have limited death in the US had we had the foresight to all get better BMI scores. Hindsight is 20/20.

So what should we do now? Not utilize the tools we have to combat the current health crisis? Vaccines, masks, testing, distancing, etc were all tools we were using successfully last school year. Many of those were legislated away from our school children for political gain. That’s the point.

There is absolutely a measure of personal responsibility we should all take as adults. N95 masks are readily available now. We can chose to not go to crowded places like concerts or sporting events. We can get the vaccine.

Our children aren’t afforded the same choices when going to school.

Thank your wife for me for her service during all of this. My wife works in healthcare as well and while not directly on the front lines fighting Covid, has still had a very stressful year
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Those numbers may or may not be right. The CDC never followed with the families who lost children or investigated any other factors in these cases. Guess it wasn't important to find out exactly what happened...
You are reaching.
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Yawn.......such drama queens.

The young are at a high risk for COVID

In 2020 and 2021
Total COVID deaths for ages 0-17 in the ENTIRE US = 361
Total pneumonia deaths for ages 0-17 in the entire US = 865

I won't even go into how infinitesimally small that percentage is. Numbers tell the true story. Not the media.

I pray for the young people that their parents don't fill them full of fear to the point they can not live life.
There isn't a binary result to getting covid. There are more outcomes than life and death.
I apologize for not sharing a link from an article from a news source you prefer. My original post was simply to point out that our state was in the news yet again for something that was not positive.

I’m pretty sure since the beginning it has been stated that this has been a pandemic that adversely effected those with underlying health conditions more so than healthy people.

Obesity, to your point, is a direct contributor to many of these conditions(hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc). But we live in a country where nearly 43% are obese. So yes…we could have limited death in the US had we had the foresight to all get better BMI scores. Hindsight is 20/20.

So what should we do now? Not utilize the tools we have to combat the current health crisis? Vaccines, masks, testing, distancing, etc were all tools we were using successfully last school year. Many of those were legislated away from our school children for political gain. That’s the point.

There is absolutely a measure of personal responsibility we should all take as adults. N95 masks are readily available now. We can chose to not go to crowded places like concerts or sporting events. We can get the vaccine.

Our children aren’t afforded the same choices when going to school.

Thank your wife for me for her service during all of this. My wife works in healthcare as well and while not directly on the front lines fighting Covid, has still had a very stressful year
See now this is the type of dialogue I enjoy. Thank you sir for a cordial response. I've read your other posts and believe you and I could actually have a very productive lunch together discussing this. That's all I care about is respecting the others opinions while not listening and waiting to "pounce" once someone is finished with a their statement.

You could have posted virtually any other news link and I would read those with the same eye rolls. Sadly everything is POLITICAL these days so I take any report with a grain of salt. I much rather talk to my family members about what they are ACTUALLY SEEING with their own eyes in the real world. They don't take a side, it's purely healthcare for them. They don't see dollar signs, they see lives. So when I ask them questions they give me unfiltered answers. Here's the biggies:
- If you're BMI is above the healthy line, get vaccinated
- If you're a smoker, get vaccinated
- If you're over 60 and don't exercise, get vaccinated

Everyone else has a small chance of the virus affecting them negatively. Heck my 75 year old parents got Covid and were quarantined, and my dad was out working in his fields. LOL (gotta love old farmers) They both told me it was like a normal cold to them. And my mom actually has heart issues.

My kids go to a small school and they didn't have any problems last year during the pandemic. Which was an in-person school and not online format. They had a kid here or there that tested positive and I think the school system handled it very well all things considered. All the numbers are very much skewed that are released for some political benefit, which is the real travesty in all of this. They have people bickering with each other for no reason.

Just give everyone ALL of the facts and then we could move on.......together.
See now this is the type of dialogue I enjoy. Thank you sir for a cordial response. I've read your other posts and believe you and I could actually have a very productive lunch together discussing this. That's all I care about is respecting the others opinions while not listening and waiting to "pounce" once someone is finished with a their statement.

You could have posted virtually any other news link and I would read those with the same eye rolls. Sadly everything is POLITICAL these days so I take any report with a grain of salt. I much rather talk to my family members about what they are ACTUALLY SEEING with their own eyes in the real world. They don't take a side, it's purely healthcare for them. They don't see dollar signs, they see lives. So when I ask them questions they give me unfiltered answers. Here's the biggies:
- If you're BMI is above the healthy line, get vaccinated
- If you're a smoker, get vaccinated
- If you're over 60 and don't exercise, get vaccinated

Everyone else has a small chance of the virus affecting them negatively. Heck my 75 year old parents got Covid and were quarantined, and my dad was out working in his fields. LOL (gotta love old farmers) They both told me it was like a normal cold to them. And my mom actually has heart issues.

My kids go to a small school and they didn't have any problems last year during the pandemic. Which was an in-person school and not online format. They had a kid here or there that tested positive and I think the school system handled it very well all things considered. All the numbers are very much skewed that are released for some political benefit, which is the real travesty in all of this. They have people bickering with each other for no reason.

Just give everyone ALL of the facts and then we could move on.......together.
Agreed on the respectful discussion. There's definitely not enough of this today. We are too busy screaming at and blaming each other.

So there's only one thing that bothers me about that way of thinking....and that's that vaccinations work much better if used on a massive scale. While there is a good deal of personal responsiblity to be taken, there is also the patriotic duty that 'could' be felt. I just feel like we could all move on from this much more quickly if we were all willing to go with it like we have SO many times before. Just a societal struggle there. Measels, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Polio, Tetanus...with the exception of some fringe groups, no one questioned those vaccines. And look at the results.

The politics of this is what has been so dangerous. As soon as I saw Trump/Biden take sides in the middle of a pandemic I knew exactly what that meant. And it just gets worse. Politicians rarely provide solutions to problems, but have no issues pointing out everything that is wrong with the other side. Just take a look at the twitter feeds of the elected officials that represent us at every level.

all this, and yet....

96+% of doctors are vaccinated
83+% of elected officials are vaccinated
46% of people in SC are vaccinated (57% nationally)

There's just something so not right about this.
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You are reaching.

No I am not. They never followed up on it and we don't know if the numbers are accurate. That is a fact that is out there and acknowledge by medical professionals who are experts on this virus.
Agreed on the respectful discussion. There's definitely not enough of this today. We are too busy screaming at and blaming each other.

So there's only one thing that bothers me about that way of thinking....and that's that vaccinations work much better if used on a massive scale. While there is a good deal of personal responsiblity to be taken, there is also the patriotic duty that 'could' be felt. I just feel like we could all move on from this much more quickly if we were all willing to go with it like we have SO many times before. Just a societal struggle there. Measels, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Polio, Tetanus...with the exception of some fringe groups, no one questioned those vaccines. And look at the results.

The politics of this is what has been so dangerous. As soon as I saw Trump/Biden take sides in the middle of a pandemic I knew exactly what that meant. And it just gets worse. Politicians rarely provide solutions to problems, but have no issues pointing out everything that is wrong with the other side. Just take a look at the twitter feeds of the elected officials that represent us at every level.

all this, and yet....

96+% of doctors are vaccinated
83+% of elected officials are vaccinated
46% of people in SC are vaccinated (57% nationally)

There's just something so not right about this.
No doubt, the only thing about the vaccination rate of the doctors is the fact that most are mandated to have it which I understand. I personally know a few that have the vaccine but didn't want to take it. I'd be fine if none of the politicians have taken it for selfish reasons. lol

The great thing about the medical issues you raise is that came about before social media. I'm all for free speech and people having their own opinion but my goodness social media has brought out a bunch of dummies. The biggest problem seems to be those with the worst takes are the ones yelling the loudest. On both sides................
No I am not. They never followed up on it and we don't know if the numbers are accurate. That is a fact that is out there and acknowledge by medical professionals who are experts on this virus.
Yeah right. Somehow I don't see the asterisks next to the number CDC number that says, "we need to follow up on some cases."
Yeah right. Somehow I don't see the asterisks next to the number CDC number that says, "we need to follow up on some cases."

At the time there were 335 reported deaths from covid among children. Do you not think it would be who them to reach out and figure out exactly what happened there? Public health experts and epidemiologists everywhere have questions the decision not to do that. When you're dealing with a virus that is never been seen before any information is valuable. When it's 335 there's plenty of time to make a call and figure out what's going on.
You lost me in your OP with quoting NBC.

Took my wife out for brunch this morning and we had a great conversation with all of this. As most of you know she's a RN of 26 years (treated covid patients from the beginning) and the Covid thing came up, lol. First understand when the pandemic hit she was one of the first to go all nuclear with everyone taking the vaccine and masking up. I can promise you there were a lot of "heated" conversations in our family (a lot of medical professionals).

As time has moved on and more data is now available the "heated" conversations have disappeared and more level headed dialogue has ensued. Today I point blank asked her at brunch "what is/are the health conditions of the covid patients you see and treat?" Now the vaxxers don't want to hear her response. They'll say "where's the google link?" There aren't any google links here, just red-blooded American everyday patients that are being treated by my spouse.

I digress, here is her response:

"Basically they are all overweight. Not obese mind you, but their BMI's are all very high. We don't have patients that are eating healthy nor doing any exercise as Covid patients. Not all are smokers, that's been interesting to see that some don't have previous lung issues. But all of them are in the overweight categories without exercise." Why don't we hear about any of this?

Most of the pro-vax community don't want to hear that but it's the truth. Remember she's a vaccine proponent but she's more and more coming around to the point that this is a more an independent health issue. She DID say that most of the patients are non-vaccinated so you've got that going for you.

Here's the kicker, she talked about the healthy people that have tested positive for Covid. Most have a runny nose and slightly elevated temp. They wouldn't even know they even had Covid if not for the mandatory testing that's going on. She had one of her nurse friends that had a runny nose so the hospital made her take the test. She tested positive and was sent home.

Guess what she did........she went and ran two miles/day and worked outside during her required "quarantine". As I've stated frequently and will continue to do so until this blows over in about another 6 weeks (according to Dr Gottlieb) we need ALL of the health info, not partial info. NOT just Covid numbers, there is a lot of fear mongering which is pathetic right now.

And I'm sorry that two kids have covid but when did we ever get to the point where no one could get sick anymore in this country. And yes I have two teenagers. Would like to know those two kids health history if we're going to put it out there that they have Covid. We've gotten the point where our unhealthy lifestyles are not a drag on the country as a whole. Why are we not discussing that?

So your wife admits that almost all of her patients are unvaccinated…..why wouldn’t the pro vax people want to hear that? You basically just wrote a long post in support of vaccines.

If all adults would get vaccinated we’d have very few people in the hospital. It’s simple science.

I will say that I agree with you on the lack of respectful discussion. However, it’s difficult to be respectful when the anti vax crowd continuously pushes false narratives that have no basis in reality. In a perfect world we could discuss this topic respectfully.
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Be in the news for something positive. Today is not that day.

Little kids aren’t really at risk…they shouldn’t be forced to wear masks, especially when you consider that the vast majority of them won’t wear them properly.
@acwill07 Wow, you completely disregarded what she said about the unvaccinated patients. They are ALL overweight and/or smokers.

Healthy unvaccinated individuals aren’t the ones being admitted in the hospital. So go ahead and tell all the vaxxers that part too, don’t cherry pick stats.

What Covid has revealed is the fact we live in an unhealthy time: Lack of exercise, unhealthy eating habits

Not sure why this information is continually left out.
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Little kids aren’t really at risk…they shouldn’t be forced to wear masks, especially when you consider that the vast majority of them won’t wear them properly.
There is risk, whether you agree or not.

I suppose I should stop trying to get my 3 year old to eat vegetables? He doesn’t eat them properly.
There is risk, whether you agree or not.

I suppose I should stop trying to get my 3 year old to eat vegetables? He doesn’t eat them properly.

See it’s comments like that that make it hard to have respectful discussion. Your veggie scenario is in no way analogous to kids wearing a mask, but you know that. The fact remains that children aren’t any more at risk for Covid then they are from flu or pneumonia…..and we’ve never forced them to wear masks before.

All children have to eat veggies. Almost zero children are at risk for Covid. What you’re talking about doesn’t even make sense.
See it’s comments like that that make it hard to have respectful discussion. Your veggie scenario is in no way analogous to kids wearing a mask, but you know that. The fact remains that children aren’t any more at risk for Covid then they are from flu or pneumonia…..and we’ve never forced them to wear masks before.

All children have to eat veggies. Almost zero children are at risk for Covid. What you’re talking about doesn’t even make sense.
My point was I will try to have my child do what is best for him whether he resists it or not. My child, just so you know, wears his mask with way less protest than eating his vegetables.

Again, the reality is there is risk. Doesn’t matter if you agree or not.

So in this case, I do feel that eating vegetables and mask use are very much the same thing. Both I have him do for his health and general well-being.
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My point was I will try to have my child do what is best for him whether he resists it or not. My child, just so you know, wears his mask with way less protest than eating his vegetables.

Again, the reality is there is risk. Doesn’t matter if you agree or not.

So in this case, I do feel that eating vegetables and mask use are very much the same thing. Both I have him do for his health and general well-being.

Well then I guess my question is that why have you never had your child wear a mask before now? You keep saying there’s risk, but the reality is that the risk is so minuscule that it’s almost incalculable. Under that logic you should’ve been masking your kids for flu and pneumonia as well.
Well then I guess my question is that why have you never had your child wear a mask before now? You keep saying there’s risk, but the reality is that the risk is so minuscule that it’s almost incalculable. Under that logic you should’ve been masking your kids for flu and pneumonia as well.
Saying covid is the same as flu and pneumonia is ludicrous. It normalizes a pandemic. Dangerous really.

C&P from “So far, more than 32 million people have had COVID-19 in the U.S. So far, more than 580,000 people have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. in 2020 and 2021. By comparison, during the 2019-2020 flu season in the U.S., about 38 million people had the flu and about 22,000 people died of the flu.”

If pneumonia and/or flu was spreading (and as dangerous) like covid was I’d probably take extra precautions like masking. In normal times my son, wife, and I get the flu shot annually prior to flu season and increase hand washing frequency and overall sanitation during it. Do you not?
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C&P from “So far, more than 32 million people have had COVID-19 in the U.S. So far, more than 580,000 people have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. in 2020 and 2021. By comparison, during the 2019-2020 flu season in the U.S., about 38 million people had the flu and about 22,000 people died of the flu.”

Unfortunately that is not correct that 580,000 people have died of COVID-19 in the United States. That's just a false statistic. It is widely acknowledged by everyone involved that death total should be revised downward significantly. At least if they're honest and not trying to use this as a power play.

Also what the person you were responding to said about the flu seem to be with respect to kids. As far as kids are concerned the flu is a far more dangerous adversary than covid-19. For other parts of our population that is not the case at all as covid-19 is far more dangerous to them than the flu.

I'm not sure why you're so determined to panic about this but I wish you all the best. I'm not going to panic about it and never have. It's hard for me to understand the benefit of being in a panicked state about all this. I would say normalizing mask wearing and actually thinking it makes a difference among children and that they are at risk is what is dangerous really.
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Unfortunately that is not correct that 580,000 people have died of COVID-19 in the United States. That's just a false statistic. It is widely acknowledged by everyone involved that death total should be revised downward significantly. At least if they're honest and not trying to use this as a power play.

Also what the person you were responding to said about the flu seem to be with respect to kids. As far as kids are concerned the flu is a far more dangerous adversary than covid-19. For other parts of our population that is not the case at all as covid-19 is far more dangerous to them than the flu.

I'm not sure why you're so determined to panic about this but I wish you all the best. I'm not going to panic about it and never have. It's hard for me to understand the benefit of being in a panicked state about all this. I would say normalizing mask wearing and actually thinking it makes a difference among children and that they are at risk is what is dangerous really.
Not panicking. Just taking precautions for the health and well-being of my family. And the fact that there is a flu vaccine available to our children is a game changer in that comparison.

And to the criticism of the death toll….cut the reported number in half. Hell cut it by 75%. That’s still 145k deaths compared to 22k…I’m not sure why people keep going there.
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Saying covid is the same as flu and pneumonia is ludicrous. It normalizes a pandemic. Dangerous really.

C&P from “So far, more than 32 million people have had COVID-19 in the U.S. So far, more than 580,000 people have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. in 2020 and 2021. By comparison, during the 2019-2020 flu season in the U.S., about 38 million people had the flu and about 22,000 people died of the flu.”

If pneumonia and/or flu was spreading (and as dangerous) like covid was I’d probably take extra precautions like masking. In normal times my son, wife, and I get the flu shot annually prior to flu season and increase hand washing frequency and overall sanitation during it. Do you not?

We are talking about kids here my man….so I have no clue why you are posting overall Covid number; they are meaningless. I didn’t say Covid was the same as flu or pneumonia…that would be an incorrect statement. What I said is that Covid poses no more danger to small children than flu or pneumonia, therefore you should’ve been masking your kids every flu season.

Putting small children in masks is beyond stupid.
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We are talking about kids here my man….so I have no clue why you are posting overall Covid number; they are meaningless. I didn’t say Covid was the same as flu or pneumonia…that would be an incorrect statement. What I said is that Covid poses no more danger to small children than flu or pneumonia, therefore you should’ve been masking your kids every flu season.

Putting small children in masks is beyond stupid.
Again…a child is able to receive an annual vaccination for the flu. They cannot for covid. These are not the same.
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Again…a child is able to receive an annual vaccination for the flu. They cannot for covid. These are not the same.

I got it. You have an irrational fear of Covid as pertains to your child. I’m glad you don’t get to make the decisions for state mask mandate legislation. I want my 2 year old and my 5 year old to have their breathing left unimpeded.
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I got it. You have an irrational fear of Covid as pertains to your child. I’m glad you don’t get to make the decisions for state mask mandate legislation. I want my 2 year old and my 5 year old to breathe unimpeded.
You’ve crossed the line with that comment…and you couldn’t be more wrong. This entire discussion has been about taking reasoned and logical steps to limit the chances our children get a virus that is on pace to kill over a million people in this country. No, the likelihood that a child will die from this virus is not large, but that does not mean the story ends there.