I know what you are referring to. The Repubs vehemently objected to it as well. It is rule of convenience used by the party in power. You know this but you are locked into party tribalism. whataboutism. over the 200 years of our country it has not been rule. it has become weapon in modern political tribalism.
So what's good for dems is not good for repubs. I get it. Same old double standards. Who started the tribalism? Which party reamed Bork. Which party reamed Clarence Thomas? You've never seen the repubs do anything like this. The dems are the ones who vote in lock-step. The repubs are the ones who have variances of beliefs and thought. Don't talk about party tribalism.
Here's another thought. If there is no statute of limitations in Maryland, Why don't the dems just march Prof. Ford down to the police station and press charges.