i struggle greatly with the command to win others over...i find it off putting. I have always found that living a good life is the best way to win others over
Certainly understand that position, and why anyone would say such.
So, this comment is not directed at you, per se.
Just a general observation.
Anyone would agree with the axiom that your actions speak so loud, I can't hear what you're saying.
On that note everyone agrees.
Plus, I'm sure that no one has ever been argued into Heaven. Grabbing them by the throat and demanding to know if they are saved..........uh, is not effective.
Of course, the fact that Christ's essential, final command/instruction was to 'go spread the Gospel' (paraphrased) in Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:19 - is pretty direct stuff.
I think it's more important that true Believers mention, or bring up ......whenever fitting...... a couple of things:
1) What do people need to be saved from? "I have a good job, money in the bank, a big house and one at the beach and one in the mountains, a beautiful family and wife, fast cars and knockout girlfriend........ What do I need to be saved from, you idiot?"
Hell is real. God's
eternal wrath is real.
You can tell them:
That's what to be saved from.
Without the Bad News, there is no Good News.
We can't make anyone believe. We humans 'save' no one. We just plant the seeds.
The longing in a soul is either there or it isn't. The Spirit calls.
2) Secondly, if you noticed someone's house was on fire, and knew a family was inside, unaware of the flames............would you walk on by?
Just shrug your shoulders: (insert Jerry Seinfeld) 'That's a shame.'
Hopefully not. You'd make sure they were made aware.......and very possibly save their life.
Living and doing and speaking truth in the process.......... That is more evangelism than far, far too many people never get around to.
Maybe we just need more 'Round 2s'