OT: For any with connections with the athletic department

The human brain and specifically the prefrontal cortex which is involved in decision making, isn't fully developed until the mid 20s but let's encourage these nutbag parents to put their minor children under the knife for life altering surgeries.

How any adult with a normal fully functioning brain can support this or vote for ANY POS politician that supports this BS "gender care" is just mind boggling to me. I was raised to protect and help children, old people and anyone else who may be defenseless in a bad situation even if it's from their own parents. God help us.
If this needs to get bumped to the round table I understand, but I feel that this is something so evil that it needs attention. Departments like Clemson's need to put pressure on Nike to reject stuff like this.

From a purely business sense this is insanity. You simply have to look no further than Bud Light and Target and common sense tells you to stay away from all things political. I believe the hubris of some of these companies is going to be their downfall.
Mastectomies often save the lives of young AFAB people with gender dysphoria. The alternative is often harmful binding techniques, or worse (self harm / suicide) if they do not have support. The rate of people who later regret these procedures is remarkably low. If you really believe in protecting children, you should support the availability of procedures like this that have proven to be life-saving. Even if you believe it is wrong to be transgender, you ought to be able to understand the utility of these procedures. It does not make the doctor offering the procedure "evil". It in fact makes them compassionate.
Mastectomies often save the lives of young AFAB people with gender dysphoria. The alternative is often harmful binding techniques, or worse (self harm / suicide) if they do not have support. The rate of people who later regret these procedures is remarkably low. If you really believe in protecting children, you should support the availability of procedures like this that have proven to be life-saving. Even if you believe it is wrong to be transgender, you ought to be able to understand the utility of these procedures. It does not make the doctor offering the procedure "evil". It in fact makes them compassionate.
Holy shit
Mastectomies often save the lives of young AFAB people with gender dysphoria. The alternative is often harmful binding techniques, or worse (self harm / suicide) if they do not have support. The rate of people who later regret these procedures is remarkably low. If you really believe in protecting children, you should support the availability of procedures like this that have proven to be life-saving. Even if you believe it is wrong to be transgender, you ought to be able to understand the utility of these procedures. It does not make the doctor offering the procedure "evil". It in fact makes them compassionate.
Mastectomies often save the lives of young AFAB people with gender dysphoria. The alternative is often harmful binding techniques, or worse (self harm / suicide) if they do not have support. The rate of people who later regret these procedures is remarkably low. If you really believe in protecting children, you should support the availability of procedures like this that have proven to be life-saving. Even if you believe it is wrong to be transgender, you ought to be able to understand the utility of these procedures. It does not make the doctor offering the procedure "evil". It in fact makes them compassionate.
Vehemently disagree with that false choice and the data does not back you up either. Look at what countries that have been doing this longer are now doing.
If this needs to get bumped to the round table I understand, but I feel that this is something so evil that it needs attention. Departments like Clemson's need to put pressure on Nike to reject stuff like this.

Until Nike has the power to force gender affirming surgeries on the general populace, I think I'll just shut the **** up, buy my Nike swag and the let the Athletic Department spend their time doing their jobs instead of tilting at windmills. You do you.
Mastectomies often save the lives of young AFAB people with gender dysphoria. The alternative is often harmful binding techniques, or worse (self harm / suicide) if they do not have support. The rate of people who later regret these procedures is remarkably low. If you really believe in protecting children, you should support the availability of procedures like this that have proven to be life-saving. Even if you believe it is wrong to be transgender, you ought to be able to understand the utility of these procedures. It does not make the doctor offering the procedure "evil". It in fact makes them compassionate.
Instead of doing drastic medical procedures why don't we send them for mental health help. Afterall, if you can't look down and figure out what you are, isn't that a brain issue? I know, I know sometimes people are born with mixed anatomies, but that is VERY rare.
Until Nike has the power to force gender affirming surgeries on the general populace, I think I'll just shut the **** up, buy my Nike swag and the let the Athletic Department spend their time doing their jobs instead of tilting at windmills. You do you.
So....... You're a Bud LIght drinker.
Let me introduce you to the ignore button.
If you get out of your Dungeon you might find it.

I get $10 everytime someone ignores me.

Please give it a try.
You’ve been in ignore for a while now, but you somehow manage to be so obnoxious that you clog up threads for people who’ve got you muted anyways. Consider finding a hobby, or maybe a phone without mobile internet.
Mastectomies often save the lives of young AFAB people with gender dysphoria. The alternative is often harmful binding techniques, or worse (self harm / suicide) if they do not have support. The rate of people who later regret these procedures is remarkably low. If you really believe in protecting children, you should support the availability of procedures like this that have proven to be life-saving. Even if you believe it is wrong to be transgender, you ought to be able to understand the utility of these procedures. It does not make the doctor offering the procedure "evil". It in fact makes them compassionate.
Remarkably low, huh ? To quote the liberal gun haters, "even one is too many"
You’ve been in ignore for a while now, but you somehow manage to be so obnoxious that you clog up threads for people who’ve got you muted anyways. Consider finding a hobby, or maybe a phone without mobile internet.
Thanks for the advice.
If it came from a reputable source, it would mean more.
But, thanks nonetheless.

If I were you. and them, I'd complain to Chris about my showing up despite your ignore.
Could be a problem.

Could be a blessing.
Instead of doing drastic medical procedures why don't we send them for mental health help. Afterall, if you can't look down and figure out what you are, isn't that a brain issue? I know, I know sometimes people are born with mixed anatomies, but that is VERY rare.
Because they blame being born that way instead of admitting they simply ****ed up in the head. It's the liberal way
Instead of doing drastic medical procedures why don't we send them for mental health help. Afterall, if you can't look down and figure out what you are, isn't that a brain issue? I know, I know sometimes people are born with mixed anatomies, but that is VERY rare.
Let me say first I want to respond in good faith because I understand this is an issue that has moved into public attention very fast and there is a lot of information out there. I don't want to come across as making it seem like I think anyone is inherently bad or ignorant for having a different point of view. But I do feel compelled to contribute in these threads lately because I am personally close to these issues and I hope to appeal to the compassionate side of at least some people on the board. I hope people respond to me in kind.

To answer your question, the really short and too simple answer is because one of those approaches works and one does not. The truth is a little more complicated, and of course there are always anecdotal counter examples, but generally speaking therapy and mental health treatment will never make a genuinely trans person not trans anymore. However, gender affirming medical treatment has been proven to improve both quality of life and survival rates in the aggregate. Also, nobody. especially no young person, is getting to the point of receiving a mastectomy without extensive prior consultation and demonstrating a genuine sincerity in their identity. These are not things that are rushed into.
Remarkably low, huh ? To quote the liberal gun haters, "even one is too many"
You aren't quoting me there, FWIW. But if that's the standard, cancel every medical procedure on the books. The regret rate for gender affirming care is 100 times less than the regret rate for a knee replacement.

Another way of framing this is the regret rate for gender affirming care has been placed between 0.2% and 1.0%, seemingly going down over time as pre-care psychological evaluations and the information available to the public has all become better, while that same care reduces risk of suicide in trans individuals by 73%. Those are pretty good numbers if your goal is to save lives.
Mastectomies often save the lives of young AFAB people with gender dysphoria. The alternative is often harmful binding techniques, or worse (self harm / suicide) if they do not have support. The rate of people who later regret these procedures is remarkably low. If you really believe in protecting children, you should support the availability of procedures like this that have proven to be life-saving. Even if you believe it is wrong to be transgender, you ought to be able to understand the utility of these procedures. It does not make the doctor offering the procedure "evil". It in fact makes them compassionate.
I saw this with our neighbors daughter ( and I know this is rare but its real) ... at 10 years old started having gender dysphoria issues, at 12 told her/his parents he was a boy... they had been getting him counseling/ therapy but ramped it up at that point ... childrens hospital (gender management center) ... even with professional compassionate care etc they still lost their child to suicide at 15 .... it was tragic. I agree these people need compassion / help etc ... the families do also its so sad and difficult for all involved. I don't begin to have the answers... this is a medical issue in many cases and in my opinion should be left to that community in private ... not Nike and the likes..
Let me say first I want to respond in good faith because I understand this is an issue that has moved into public attention very fast and there is a lot of information out there. I don't want to come across as making it seem like I think anyone is inherently bad or ignorant for having a different point of view. But I do feel compelled to contribute in these threads lately because I am personally close to these issues and I hope to appeal to the compassionate side of at least some people on the board. I hope people respond to me in kind.

To answer your question, the really short and too simple answer is because one of those approaches works and one does not. The truth is a little more complicated, and of course there are always anecdotal counter examples, but generally speaking therapy and mental health treatment will never make a genuinely trans person not trans anymore. However, gender affirming medical treatment has been proven to improve both quality of life and survival rates in the aggregate. Also, nobody. especially no young person, is getting to the point of receiving a mastectomy without extensive prior consultation and demonstrating a genuine sincerity in their identity. These are not things that are rushed into.
But, no facts to back it up, I would assume that they also suffer from a lot of other mental issues and this is only a bandaid fix to do medical procedures like this. Through my course of owning a business I have know 2 people who didn't know "what they were". But that wasn't the only issues they suffered from.

Also if we allow it not to be a mental issue where do we stop it. Eventually being a pedophile will be acceptable because, afterall, they can't help themselves. That was just what they identify as.
I saw this with our neighbors daughter ( and I know this is rare but its real) ... at 10 years old started having gender dysphoria issues, at 12 told her/his parents he was a boy... they had been getting him counseling/ therapy but ramped it up at that point ... childrens hospital (gender management center) ... even with professional compassionate care etc they still lost their child to suicide at 15 .... it was tragic. I agree these people need compassion / help etc ... the families do also its so sad and difficult for all involved. I don't begin to have the answers... this is a medical issue in many cases and in my opinion should be left to that community in private ... not Nike and the likes..
That is just so tremendously awful. I do hope your neighbors are able to find some peace.
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