There can be a happy medium between Hillary Clinton and Jill Stein. We could provide universal healthcare without bankrupting our country. Have you seen the most recent report about efficiency in healthcare? We are 50th out of 55 countries listed. And the most expensive overall. Is Obamacare perfect? Not close. Is it a good step? Yes. It needs major overhauling. But the younger generation realizes that things such as healthcare should be a priority, and should be funded.
Let me give you another example of how minor changes wont bankrupt our country. SC's roads are shite. But politicians are too spineless to increase the gas tax, which hasnt changed in like 30 years. Would an increase of another 18 cents bankrupt the country? Absolutely not. People might drive more efficient vehicles and might not have boats, etc. But bankruptcy is not going to happen.
The same can be said over many parts of the economy. Do I think free tuition to all is attainable? No. It's not. We have too many colleges for that. Is free community college attainable? You bet.
Like I said, a medium can be reached between Hillary and Jill Stein. And that's what most young people want. Another poster said "who cares, those kids dont vote anyway." Well, those kids will be voting in 15 years, and all the old white people will be dead. And when that happens, the country is going to look a lot different.