I'm not yelling, I probably tend to write in capital or bold too much (bad habit) for better expression, that's all. I actually enjoy the conversation to pass the time before I head to the beach and pull for the Tigers this weekend.
Going back to the younger generation, and maybe this includes you, I don't know, they view capitalism from their TV screens and what the media talks about. They don't live it, as we don't either. At it's root, capitalism is the most simple form of economic theory. If you strip all the jargon away, you are left with you, what you produce and the customer. Any sane human being would want to follow this method because it is the most naturally "fair" method to perform transactions. The only thing missing is money. Once money is introduced, which it was thousands of years ago for this very reason, a phenomena occurs which is referred to as spontaneous order. In today's day and time, it is literally millions of transactions that take place all for the sole purpose to seek out the correct supply and demand based on price.
In order to introduce any regulatory action, you have to upset the series of actions between you and the customer, it may sound over simplified, but it is really that simple. If a regulation is put in place, what happens is price discovery becomes perverted by an action other than supply and demand. As I mentioned in an earlier post, this is a form of price manipulation. Spontaneous order is the ONLY way to achieve the correct price for any product produced on the face of this Earth and allocate the correct resources accordingly.
If you do not follow this method, what occurs is referred to in the media as "bubbles", i.e. housing bubbles, automobile bubbles, dot com bubbles, student loan bubbles, the list can go on and on because this is the world we live in now and the term capitalism takes the blame. If you are firmly a capitalist, you would not stand for any regulations whatsoever simply because price discovery does not exist in it's natural form via capital (land, labor, machines, buildings, etc.), investment and risk. Those three things determine if anything will be built/made anywhere. I can go on and on but I have to go now. Go Tigers!