Originally posted by blythewood tigers:
After spending over what we humans call "40 years" on this Earth, there are two facts related to this post.
There is a God and it is the definition of God that is up for debate. Even atheists have to acknowledge this point/fact if you keep peeling back the layers, but that is another discussion.Evolution exists. Even the most religious have to acknowledge this point/fact because they, at one time or another, have caught the flu.
Jesus is THE most recognized misunderstood human to ever walk on this Earth that we exist on today. The subject that I dislike the most is, so many words have been written/said without his consent, i.e. the quotes you see posted on here or in the Bible, not said or written by him but his "disciples" long after he was gone, in some cases hundreds of years later. The subject that I love the most is, Jesus had a AWESOME monetary policy that SHOULD exist today.
People have made the assumption (the attached article) that religion is going away based on numbers, attendance or polls. I don't believe this because it is implying that all people were religious to begin with. IMO it is more based on culture than religion. The culture has changed to allow/expose non-religious people without persecution, etc... Try this a couple hundred years ago, yeah right!
In our past culture, US or other countries, humans looked to religion for a vast majority of their answers. We used "signs" as an indicator for action. This isn't fairy tale or fantasy, but an undeniable fact written in all religious/history books. Now back to my first point. There were people of religion and atheists during early times, they BOTH used these signs as indicators for their respective action, and for good reason because it usually was the difference between life and death. An atheist can/could only describe this action as a feeling, he or she doesn't have to think about it, they just do it based on their feelings, whereas a religious person says God made/told them do it. What do they have in common, they are BOTH innate, the only difference is like I said, the definition.
As humans we have "learned" a lot since Christ was born. We have learned the Earth is round, the Earth goes around the Sun, that electrical signals allow you to read what I typed, that all biological life on Earth literally comes from the death of life, the list goes on. The reason why religion attendance has/is going down is because humans don't look toward religion for answers as much, the culture has changed. Does this make people "less" religious? I don't think so, the ratio, I would bet is about the same. The only difference is today, since there are far more people, that means there are far more "non-religious" people and people that are religious but don't use religion for all their answers as well, i.e. don't think it is necessary to attend church.
So..... don't worry about the devil too much.