Originally posted by BigCat123:
Originally posted by Transference:
1) Unless your definition of God ranges from bearded white guy in the sky all the way to multiverse phenomena, and everything in between, then there is no proof of a god (as any religion past or present claims).
I mean, that's pretty much my definition. I feel like the existence of a Creator (God, Spaghetti Monster avec Noodly Appendage, Iluvatar, call it whatever you want) is
evident, so much so that I don't understand when people request proof of that existence. I'm proof, you're proof, everything is proof that we were created by something.
I think its equally evident that whatever God created us has no vested interest in our corporeal safety or our material prosperity. Not only is that truth born out 150,000 times daily with each human death, but in every instance of unjust suffering or pain. Everytime you see an animal eat another animal that didn't want to be eaten, thats proof that whatever created us all does not care about our Earthly well-being. Hell, most of the Gospel is Jesus telling us exactly that in different ways (My kingdom is not of this world). Which is what makes stuff like prosperity gospel so ridiculous and insulting. Its so obviously not true.
But that's as far as you can take it without venturing into the realm of conjecture. Any God that could have created me and also dark matter and the Crab Nebula and quantum physics and photosynthesis must be so unfathomable as to defy even one word of explanation. And, to me, that's all religion is; an imperfect attempt to define and understand the Divine. Which is fine, no harm in trying. Lots and lots of harm in declaring you know everything and telling everybody else they're going to hell for not agreeing with you. Even more in blowing up buildings and cutting people's heads off because they don't agree with you. But that's people for you and a lot of people suck, unfortunately.
That doesn't mean that I don't believe in an ultimately loving and good God. I absolutely do. I refuse to believe that the God who created us did so only to watch us suffer in pain and death and nothing more. I see the beauty in the world, I know that beauty is not necessary. Love is not necessary. Joy is not necessary. But we have all of these things. We have rainbows and roses. That's not proof of anything, I know. But for me its enough.