Mask usage (and mandated usage) is at its highest rate ever, and so is the infection rate. Masks give folks a false sense of security. Folks are trying to live their normal lives and putting on a face cloth. Sorry, but copperfit isn't a medical grade filter and neither is that company selling masks made last years bathing suites because of easy breathability.
The mask studies are deeply flawed because they use medical grade PPE and usage in contained environments with trained people. Its not based on normal utilization by the general population. Its a false extrapolation. Tobacco companies did the same type of studies and it cost them billions in lawsuits. Masks don't hurt, but they aren't a reason to go Christmas shopping in crowded malls. If you are around people, you are at risk.
I think the bolded is a fair take, and I say that as a mask wearer.
Masks are a tool that lower the chance of transmission - not remove it. The more tools used (mask, 6 foot distance, less people, etc) the lower the probability of spread. Folks in the safety world call it "defense in depth". The more layers, the greater chance of nothing happening. Obviously, staying at home is the greatest defense (hence lockdowns), but carries a huge price for economics, mental health, education, etc. It's like driving. If you wear your seat belt, drive the speed limit, follow all traffic laws, reduce distractions, and travel during non-peak hours, your chance of having a wreck causing a fatality are greatly reduced. Every time you remove one of these factors, the probability rises. Remove all of them and the driver is a risk to themselves and others.
Ultimately, we have learned that America simply isn't wired to handle a pandemic, especially one that has been so politicized on every front. Our rugged, American individualistic way of life is too ingrained in us to make long-term sacrifices that at times seem like we are losing freedoms. We just don't like being told what to do. Also, we aren't structured with our diverse population and vastness to have a "national strategy" that is fair. Basically, NYC can't be treated like rural SC.
This has been incredibly stressful on everyone, but I couldn't imagine being a political leader (Governor, Mayor, City Council, School Board, etc) during these times. These folks are damned if they do, and damned if they don't. I don't know the answer, but I'm ready for it to be over!