Geez emote your air of self love and feeling of superiority. I am a multi issue voter, but have priorities.
1 - Economy. I am low tax trickle down economy proponent.
2 - Immigration. This issue has risen in recent years due to the total disaster at the border and lack of accountability.
3- National security.
4 - Healthcare reform to include everything related.
Thats about it for me. So whats yours? Please enlighten us.
1 - Education. People are ****ing retarded and actively rejoice in their retardation calling the educated: elite and aloof.
2 - Environment. I do believe poisoning the air, water and earth is a big deal that my children will wonder wtf dumbass told everyone it wouldn't be a big deal.
3 - Economy. trickle down economics has never worked. See my issue 1. The American economy must maintain a healthy capitalistic market place.
4 - Healthcare . HEY WE AGREE. Its terrible, and unfortunately isn't a problem that I've seen capitalism care to fix.
5 - Government Corruption. Honestly this is my number 1 but education is the first step in any progress.