OT: Should women be permitted to drink alcohol before 40ish?

Well, you're wrong about the science on this. Your position, which comes from the idea that people ought to be autonomous- even from their bodies- has more to do with faith than the one based on the scientific fact that a new human organism exists at conception. I really have no idea why you think it's "only supported by religion or incredibly barbaric" to want to give the right to life to all human beings, other than that you have a very blinkered understanding of this issue.
It's not a human organism just because it shares my DNA if it still doesn't even resemble anything outside of a puddle.

I can see you're trying to guilt trip me for defending a women's right to make decisions about her own body, but it's not going to work. I understand as a male that I have no place to say what a woman can and can't do with her body. I may disagree with what she wants to do (in all honesty, abortion is never ideal, and it should only be used when other options have been exhausted) but at the end of the day, I am simply not going to deprive another cognizant human being of available medical treatment. If women were to collectively vote that they don't want abortion to be legal, that's fine with me, it's their choice.

What if women thought it was murder for men to masturbate? Or to still have testicles after having all of the kids you want? Would you have something to say about that? I'm sure you would, because as a male you understand it 100x more than a woman could ever dream to be able to. That's just the way life is, each sex has certain aspects of life that relate to them, and only them.

Quit trying to take the high road by saying "but it's alive! It's alive!" That just makes you look ignorant, and shows that you're looking for a cop out to deprive other Americans of liberty.

Abortion is not an issue of life, that's is unequivocally false (except for abortions past 10 weeks, obviously). It's an issue of women being able to make decisions about their own body, the same way you and I make decisions about our own. Just because it's available doesn't mean it's going to become rampant.

Maybe I'll pray for you, in hopes that one day you can come around and join us in the 21st century.
I think most people would agree that whether or not you mentor somebody is a question on a different level from one about whether or you can be killed for no reason. There's not much reason to sort out questions about social support if you're dead.
My point was that many people who claim to be pro-life do not really provide the help to make sure these unwanted children - that they want the government to force to be born - besides I pay my taxes. Put your money & time where your mouth is. You're not prolife, just pro birth and then likely complain that their taxes are too high - but they then want the government to force childbirth.

Of course, most don't realize even if Roe v Wade is overturned it does not mean all the states will ban abortions.
We always have. When it's an actual fetus, we would rather it not be aborted. When it's a few thousand cells, then it's fine. It's taking up the same amount of space in your body as a bacterial infection. They are esssntially one in the same.

Weak sauce.

I support a woman's right to chose ftr. But it has nothing to do with the size of a cell....
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My point was that many people who claim to be pro-life do not really provide the help to make sure these unwanted children - that they want the government to force to be born - besides I pay my taxes. Put your money & time where your mouth is. You're not prolife, just pro birth and then likely complain that their taxes are too high - but they then want the government to force childbirth.

Of course, most don't realize even if Roe v Wade is overturned it does not mean all the states will ban abortions.

It may be true that some people who are pro-life just don't want innocent people to be killed, rather than having a more comprehensive view of the policies to support mothers who may be thinking about killing their children. But I think the question of killing is just of a different magnitude than the one about which policies would best support poor families.
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It's not a human organism just because it shares my DNA if it still doesn't even resemble anything outside of a puddle.

I can see you're trying to guilt trip me for defending a women's right to make decisions about her own body, but it's not going to work. I understand as a male that I have no place to say what a woman can and can't do with her body. I may disagree with what she wants to do (in all honesty, abortion is never ideal, and it should only be used when other options have been exhausted) but at the end of the day, I am simply not going to deprive another cognizant human being of available medical treatment. If women were to collectively vote that they don't want abortion to be legal, that's fine with me, it's their choice.

What if women thought it was murder for men to masturbate? Or to still have testicles after having all of the kids you want? Would you have something to say about that? I'm sure you would, because as a male you understand it 100x more than a woman could ever dream to be able to. That's just the way life is, each sex has certain aspects of life that relate to them, and only them.

Quit trying to take the high road by saying "but it's alive! It's alive!" That just makes you look ignorant, and shows that you're looking for a cop out to deprive other Americans of liberty.

Abortion is not an issue of life, that's is unequivocally false (except for abortions past 10 weeks, obviously). It's an issue of women being able to make decisions about their own body, the same way you and I make decisions about our own. Just because it's available doesn't mean it's going to become rampant.

Maybe I'll pray for you, in hopes that one day you can come around and join us in the 21st century.

Well, actually you're wrong about that: The rest of your post is just scientifically illiterate gobbledegook.

We shouldn't confuse human life with human life with political rights, though.
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The rest of your post is just scientifically illiterate gobbledegook.
I don't necessarily agree with the rest of the quote, but offhandedly dismissing it isn't a position either. Debate is wonderful until it becomes tedious I guess.
Learning about pregnancy in lifespan development psychology, and prof is talking about how it's quite common for a woman to not know she's pregnant until it's been a couple months. Coincidentally, prenatal alcohol exposure is the leading preventable cause of birth defects and problems. In concern and protection of the unborn child, should a women be allowed to drink alcohol when she is in her fertile age? Obviously if she was on contraception exceptions could be made, but still.


Heck no! They shouldn't drink at all. In fact, take their shoes and put them in the kitchen to work on their cooking skills! If they are playing sports or hell even driving a car and they are preggers, the baby could be injured. Lock em up!