I wasn’t insulting anyone on these board. I linked an article that I thought was hilarious. Strangers in Connecticut. I didn’t attack them nor did I call any poster ignorant nor a POS. You know....it’s a shame that we all pull for the same team and this is how some of you act. It’s never ok to personally attack and name call. Never. Guess your parents didn’t teach you manners.
Absolutely positively 100% untrue. You calling someone a ‘lib’ is the biggest insult in your myopic vocabulary.
You don’t have to call someone a POS to insult them. We all know what your insults are. It’s 100% tied to your identity. Conservatism/Trump.
Read Tim Keller’s ‘Counterfeit God’s’.
we’ve all got gobs of counterfeit gods. Identity politics is one of the biggest.
But I also am a POS. It’s why i find Christianity appealing. The greatest apostle of the Bible, Paul, says in 1 Timothy 1:15, Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom i am the worst.
What a refreshing self examination. And i probably am judging you. But i also know that the reason you’re pissed off is because you know people are right about you.
Truth statements hurt worse than falsities. I can’t stand when someone calls me out. I do what everyone does and get more pissed at the truth than the lies. Everybody does. It’s why i said your transparency is very real. You act sanctimonious, play along, then you get called out for being hypocritical at worst, oxymoronic at best, you resist the first few detractors and then blow a gasket when the TRUTH is too much to bear...not the lies.
Maybe that is judging. Maybe it’s just calling a spade a spade, i don’t know. But if it is judging, it’s because squashing Pharisaical ideology is one of my counterfeit gods, more specifically, am idol. And just another reason why my Christian faith is necessary to my sanity and salvation, because i damn sure can’t do it right myself. Just like those sinners that caught the gay instead of all those who are far more righteous because They chose, or lucked out, to be born the opposite way.