In the end, this won't change a lot of people's mind on this man. I just wish the other trials where the counts were more serious and the evidence more impactful would be heard before the election. This was the least impactful of the charges he faced. But, I doubt they would change minds either. Regardless, the man is a guilty felon. But I didn't need this verdict to tell me who he is, he has shown us who he is his whole life. Even worse, multiple Chiefs of Staff, multiple Secretaries of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, his past Secretary of State, his past Attorney General, multiple National Security Advisors, multiple other cabinet secretaries, etc. have all worked closely with him and told us who this man is. Never has there been so many high ranking cabinet and military officials tell us the very President who appointed them was unworthy and incapable of serving us. Yet people continue to worship him and turn a blind eye.
In every criminal and civil case he has faced, he has been found to be someone who is not worthy of being the face of our democracy.
I'm not a Democrat and I am not a Republican. I am a rational human being who does not let party loyalty or party hate impact my judgement. I wish more people would leave party allegiance behind and get to nominating and electing capable people to serve this country.