10 years ago we were going to be burned to crisp by a man caused ozone hole. Now they realize that the ozone hole fluctuates with the seasons.
In the 70’s global cooling (also caused by man) was going to kill us all. Then it was acid rain. Then it was global warming. That wasn’t consistent, so now it is climate change. Blamed for everything. Hurricanes et al.
I’m not an expert but age means experience. I have seen these things and more. Designed to accumulate power and reduce your freedom and choice. Don’t believe everything you read. Even if blasted out by all sources. Remain skeptical and patient. The truth will come out eventually.
In the 70’s global cooling (also caused by man) was going to kill us all. Then it was acid rain. Then it was global warming. That wasn’t consistent, so now it is climate change. Blamed for everything. Hurricanes et al.
I’m not an expert but age means experience. I have seen these things and more. Designed to accumulate power and reduce your freedom and choice. Don’t believe everything you read. Even if blasted out by all sources. Remain skeptical and patient. The truth will come out eventually.