Pagers Exploding

Wow - that is pretty bad ass.
Will make the terrorists think twice about how they are communicating. Wonder how they infiltrated the communications and got this done?

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Two scenarios i can think of here

1) Mosaad sold pre-made pagers with bombs inside them. They worked as intended but had planted explosives in them. Israel tracked the phones and once enough were initiated and being used the then attacked.

2) They sent a virus to the phones causing their batteries to overheat and explode. The implications of this are very scary. This means technology exists to blow up phones in airplanes etc. We all carry them with us all the time. And if they can do it to a pager they can do it to a cell phone.

I've seen both ways discussed so not sure which one it was or possibly even another method?

Two scenarios i can think of here

1) Mosaad sold pre-made pagers with bombs inside them. They worked as intended but had planted explosives in them. Israel tracked the phones and once enough were initiated and being used the then attacked.

2) They sent a virus to the phones causing their batteries to overheat and explode. The implications of this are very scary. This means technology exists to blow up phones in airplanes etc. We all carry them with us all the time. And if they can do it to a pager they can do it to a cell phone.

I've seen both ways discussed so not sure which one it was or possibly even another method?

These were all new pagers from a recent shipment. I’m assuming they had plastic explosives inserted before shipment. I doubt they could induce a battery explosion. Motorola pagers - don’t know exact model here - probably have Ni-MH batteries not Li ion, and they would be significantly less likely to explode.

Either way, pretty wild. Israel is very good at this type of thing. They’ve done it in the past. Cell phones, landline phones, car headrests, Spare tires. Think they probably saw an opportunity here. After their COS was killed in the middle of Beirut several weeks back, Hezbollah switched to heavy pager use instead of carrying phones (or having them on all the time). Assuming israel took the opportunity to “fix” the pagers. The subtle genius that’s being overlooked here is the amount of intel falling into Israel’s lap right now. They’re getting tons of photos and video footage - off social media and open source platforms - that will help to identify Hezbollah operatives/members going forward.

Another interesting note in the last 24 hours, you had multiple USAF EC-130s (C-130 specially kitted for electronic warfare functions) off the coast of Lebanon. Most likely there for some other reason, unrelated to this, but interesting nonetheless.
This. Pandora's box was just opened. Even if this was through the supply chain, the idea has been hatched.

This. Pandora's box was just opened. Even if this was through the supply chain, the idea has been hatched.

I’ve seen this tossed around in a handful of places. Cell phones would be difficult to do this with at any sort of scale for several reasons.

I very seriously doubt this had anything to do with battery discharge or induced overheating to cause an explosion. This was done after manufacture and prior to delivery and involved explosives and some sort of wireless frequency transmission.
I’ve seen this tossed around in a handful of places. Cell phones would be difficult to do this with at any sort of scale for several reasons.

I very seriously doubt this had anything to do with battery discharge or induced overheating to cause an explosion. This was done after manufacture and prior to delivery and involved explosives and some sort of wireless frequency transmission.
Agree that is the most likely scenario.

This is awesome. If Israel actually pulled off:
  • Leveraging the killing of Hezbollah COS to create a shift in communication technology
  • Sabotaging a mass order of new communication technology (pagers) heading to Hezbollah operatives
  • Exploding said pagers en masse to create a mass injury/casualty event for Hezbollah operatives

That's a hell of a play. Way to go team Israel.
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This is awesome. If Israel actually pulled off:
  • Leveraging the killing of Hezbollah COS to create a shift in communication technology
  • Sabotaging a mass order of new communication technology (pagers) heading to Hezbollah operatives
  • Exploding said pagers en masse to create a mass injury/casualty event for Hezbollah operatives

That's a hell of a play. Way to go team Israel.
I'd add one bullet point to the end of your list.
- The videos uploaded to the internet documents and exposes who the terrorist are and who they are hanging out with. Unwittingly providing Mossad with more targets.
I'd add one bullet point to the end of your list.
- The videos uploaded to the internet documents and exposes who the terrorist are and who they are hanging out with. Unwittingly providing Mossad with more targets.

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This is scary if the used advanced technology can be used without implanting something into pagers , Cell phones, EV's , laptops , anything with a lithium battery or batteries.

Some speculation has come out this was some type of cyber hack using a frequency to overload the pager battery and cause it to explode.
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This is awesome. If Israel actually pulled off:
  • Leveraging the killing of Hezbollah COS to create a shift in communication technology
  • Sabotaging a mass order of new communication technology (pagers) heading to Hezbollah operatives
  • Exploding said pagers en masse to create a mass injury/casualty event for Hezbollah operatives

That's a hell of a play. Way to go team Israel.
Good point. Israel probably had a technology consultant implanted to make the suggestion.
Bit rich considering the source. Not a crime either. The precedent was already set. It was Natanz in ‘21. It was just confined to a highly secretive military installation and we don’t know how many died. Iran wanted it to go away.
Can you clarify what you mean by not a crime? What Israel did is either a crime or an act of war, however you want to consider it I suppose.
Can you clarify what you mean by not a crime? What Israel did is either a crime or an act of war, however you want to consider it I suppose.
It’s an act of war. The pagers were carried by members of Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. They paid a price for shitty OPSEC.
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Stuxnet is my favorite hacking story every. The Israelies have been doing genius computer espionage for decades.