Parsing Through Dis/Misinformation About Georgia's New Voting Laws

It took her a couple of weeks, but she did concede.

Abrams, speaking on "CBS This Morning," answered why she hasn't conceded.

"Concession means to say that the process was fair, but when I run an organization that in 10 days between election night and the night I refuse to concede we receive more than 50,000 phone calls for people who were denied the right to vote I am complicit if I say that that system is fair," Abrams said.

I didn’t listen to the entire clip you posted but I never heard her concede. If she did then she changed her mind pretty quickly as this interview was in August 2019.
The last election was a resounding defeat for Trump and extreme liberalism. There was a core group who supported Trump, but far from 74M, probably in the 20-30M range. There was a smaller core who voted for Biden because they thought he was the leader we needed. The Republican message, "be scared of the far left socialists" was very effective. I agree with the concern, by the way. Most American thought that Trump was too great a price for protection against the Sanders branch.

Did you check the vote tally from November?? Even though dems stole the election Trump still received 74M votes. That counts as support.

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