Poll: Trump Still Dominates, Leading 2024 Republican Primary By 43 Points


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Its happening unless Trump decides to not run.

By Alicia Powe
Published January 4, 2022 at 10:45am

No potential Republican presidential candidate holds a candle next former President Donald amongst GOP voters, a new Reuters/Ipso survey reveals.
The survey published Dec. 29 asks respondents to think “about the presidential election in 2024, who would you support as the Republican nominee for president?”
Trump dominated the field of hypothetical candidates in a 2024 Republican Primary, with 54 percent.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis amassed more support than the other candidates at 11 percent but still trailed by double digits.
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Former Vice President Mike Pence came in third place with 8 percent support, followed by former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley at 4 percent and Sen. Ted Cruz at 3 percent.
A Harvard/Harris survey published on Dec. 2, also shows Trump leading his closest potential challenger by 58 points, garnering 67 percent support.

The former president has come under fire in recent weeks after repeatedly touting the efficacy of experimental Covid gene therapy, but Americans are still banking on the America First leader to make a comeback, make America great again and fix the catastrophe wreaked by führer Biden.
He's going to win the republican nomination, unless pubs pull some Hillary level Bernie back stabbing.
Please no.

I want to write please yes in response, because, as you note below, it would virtually guarantee a Dem remains pres, but more than that, I'm genuinely worried about another Trump loss being the end of our democracy. Seriously. His supporters won't accept it and will get more aggressive. They will run for and win secretary of state races and county clerk races and absolutely destroy free and fair elections.
I want to write please yes in response, because, as you note below, it would virtually guarantee a Dem remains pres, but more than that, I'm genuinely worried about another Trump loss being the end of our democracy. Seriously. His supporters won't accept it and will get more aggressive. They will run for and win secretary of state races and county clerk races and absolutely destroy free and fair elections.

If Trump runs, even if he loses, he will ultimately win. He has put the pieces in place to overturn the next election and he has a passionate and violent base behind him. The GA and AZ state legislatures have already passed laws allowing them to be the ones that ultimately decide who wins.

This is a really interesting article. I would challenge everyone to read it.

I’m far from a conspiracy guy and generally don’t think there are nefarious schemes in play to overturn elections. But people also seem to have lost their minds the last couple of years. The amount of lunacy associated with the election, covid, vaccines, 1/6, BLM, riots, etc is absolutely bizarre. Hyper-partisan “media” outlets (like TGP) and clear bias in major news organizations have completely destroyed a rational narrative for so many.

So I’m not sure I can dismiss anything as a possibility anymore.
I’m far from a conspiracy guy and generally don’t think there are nefarious schemes in play to overturn elections. But people also seem to have lost their minds the last couple of years. The amount of lunacy associated with the election, covid, vaccines, 1/6, BLM, riots, etc is absolutely bizarre. Hyper-partisan “media” outlets (like TGP) and clear bias in major news organizations have completely destroyed a rational narrative for so many.

So I’m not sure I can dismiss anything as a possibility anymore.

I am by no means saying that every trump voter is passionate and violent. But 9% of our population (roughly 21mm people) said when surveyed that they believe both of these things:

trump had his election win stolen from him.
Violence is justified to reinstate trump as president.

One out of six of those people are ex military. That number jumps to 12% when you include people who said violence may be warranted in the future to reinstate trump.

That should terrify the hell out of the rest of us. trump is bad for our country. if he runs again, either way it is going to get real bad.
I am by no means saying that every trump voter is passionate and violent. But 9% of our population (roughly 21mm people) said when surveyed that they believe both of these things:

trump had his election win stolen from him.
Violence is justified to reinstate trump as president.

One out of six of those people are ex military. That number jumps to 12% when you include people who said violence may be warranted in the future to reinstate trump.

That should terrify the hell out of the rest of us. trump is bad for our country. if he runs again, either way it is going to get real bad.
Our country deserves it. We have a bunch of ignorant people running around basing their view of reality on facebook memes. We deserve to have our democracy overthrown by morons.
If Trump runs, even if he loses, he will ultimately win. He has put the pieces in place to overturn the next election and he has a passionate and violent base behind him. The GA and AZ state legislatures have already passed laws allowing them to be the ones that ultimately decide who wins.

This is a really interesting article. I would challenge everyone to read it.

State legislatures have always determined the winner of the general POTUS election.
State legislatures have always determined the winner of the general POTUS election.

Anyone who refused to go along with Trump's demands to overturn the will of the people is being removed.

Since the 2020 election, Trump’s acolytes have set about methodically identifying patches of resistance and pulling them out by the roots. Brad Raffensperger in Georgia, who refused to “find” extra votes for Trump? Formally censured by his state party, primaried, and stripped of his power as chief election officer. Aaron Van Langevelde in Michigan, who certified Biden’s victory? Hounded off the Board of State Canvassers. Governor Doug Ducey in Arizona, who signed his state’s “certificate of ascertainment” for Biden? Trump has endorsed a former Fox 10 news anchor named Kari Lake to succeed him, predicting that she “will fight to restore Election Integrity (both past and future!).” Future, here, is the operative word. Lake says she would not have certified Biden’s victory in Arizona, and even promises to revoke it (somehow) if she wins. None of this is normal.

Arizona’s legislature, meanwhile, has passed a law forbidding Katie Hobbs, the Democratic secretary of state, to take part in election lawsuits, as she did at crucial junctures last year. The legislature is also debating an extraordinary bill asserting its own prerogative, “by majority vote at any time before the presidential inauguration,” to “revoke the secretary of state’s issuance or certification of a presidential elector’s certificate of election.” There was no such thing under law as a method to “decertify” electors when Trump demanded it in 2020, but state Republicans think they have invented one for 2024.

In at least 15 more states, Republicans have advanced new laws to shift authority over elections from governors and career officials in the executive branch to the legislature. Under the Orwellian banner of “election integrity,” even more have rewritten laws to make it harder for Democrats to vote. Death threats and harassment from Trump supporters have meanwhile driven nonpartisan voting administrators to contemplate retirement.

Vernetta Keith Nuriddin, 52, who left the Fulton County, Georgia, election board in June, told me she had been bombarded with menacing emails from Trump supporters. One email, she recalled, said, “You guys need to be publicly executed … on pay per view.” Another, a copy of which she provided me, said, “Tick, Tick, Tick” in the subject line and “Not long now” as the message. Nuriddin said she knows colleagues on at least four county election boards who resigned in 2021 or chose not to renew their positions.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, excommunicated and primaried at Trump’s behest for certifying Biden’s victory, nonetheless signed a new law in March that undercuts the power of the county authorities who normally manage elections. Now a GOP-dominated state board, beholden to the legislature, may overrule and take control of voting tallies in any jurisdiction—for example, a heavily Black and Democratic one like Fulton County. The State Election Board can suspend a county board if it deems the board to be “underperforming” and replace it with a handpicked administrator. The administrator, in turn, will have final say on disqualifying voters and declaring ballots null and void. Instead of complaining about balls and strikes, Team Trump will now own the referee.

“The best-case scenario is [that in] the next session this law is overturned,” Nuriddin said. “The worst case is they start just pulling election directors across the state.”
A year ago, forces marshaled by then-president Donald Trump tried to overturn the legitimate results of an election and install Trump against the will of the majority. They failed on that day, but their efforts have not stopped. In the past year, 19 Republican-dominated states have reworked their election systems to suppress Democratic voting and to give control of election results to partisan Republicans. They have purged from office election officials who refused to overturn the election results, and NPR’s Miles Parks reported today that Republicans who continue to deny that Biden won the 2020 election—against all evidence—are running to become their state’s top election officials in at least 15 states in 2022.

Today, former president Jimmy Carter, who co-founded the Carter Center with his wife Rosalynn to promote democracy and human rights, published an op-ed in the New York Times titled: “I Fear for Our Democracy.”
“I have... seen how…democratic systems…can fall to military juntas or power-hungry despots,” he wrote. He urged Americans to respect free and fair elections, refuse violence, pass election reforms that would make it easier to vote, and ignore disinformation. “Our great nation now teeters on the brink of a widening abyss,” he wrote. “Without immediate action, we are at genuine risk of civil conflict and losing our precious democracy.”

Today, Attorney General Merrick Garland spoke about the first anniversary of the attack on the Capitol. He reassured those frustrated that prosecutors have so far charged only the rioters themselves, while those who planned and then incited the insurrection still walk free. Garland explained that large investigations always begin with the smaller, easier cases while the department builds a timeline and gathers evidence. He promised that the Justice Department will follow the facts and that it will hold “all January 6th perpetrators, at any level, accountable under law—whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy.”

He called attention to the fact that the Department of Justice has issued more than 5,000 subpoenas and search warrants, seized around 2,000 devices, watched more than 20,000 hours of video, and searched through 15 terabytes of data. It has arrested and charged more than 725 defendants.

And then he gave an eloquent defense of democracy and the voting rights on which it depends. After all, Congress established the Department of Justice in 1870 to protect the civil rights promised in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments by protecting the right of Black Americans to vote and so have a say in their government.

Those who wrote the Reconstruction Amendments believed that voting was central to the concept of self-government, a belief Congress reinforced in 1965 with the Voting Rights Act that gave the Department of Justice new tools to protect the right to vote. But in the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder case, the Supreme Court gutted that law. Immediately, states began to pass laws to restrict voting. Lately, that push has gotten even stronger.

Garland promised that the Justice Department will continue to do all it can with the powers it has, but he called it “essential” for Congress to give the department the power it needs to guarantee that “every eligible voter can cast a vote that counts.”

What is at stake today in America is the nature of our government. Will we accept an authoritarian government like that currently under attack in Kazakhstan, in which an autocratic leader funnels money to his cronies while ordinary people struggle, unable to fix the system that is rigged against them until finally they lay down their lives to change it?
Or will we restore the principles on which the Founders based this nation: “that all men are created equal” and that governments derive “their just powers from the consent of the governed….”?
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Anyone who refused to go along with Trump's demands to overturn the will of the people is being removed.

Since the 2020 election, Trump’s acolytes have set about methodically identifying patches of resistance and pulling them out by the roots. Brad Raffensperger in Georgia, who refused to “find” extra votes for Trump? Formally censured by his state party, primaried, and stripped of his power as chief election officer. Aaron Van Langevelde in Michigan, who certified Biden’s victory? Hounded off the Board of State Canvassers. Governor Doug Ducey in Arizona, who signed his state’s “certificate of ascertainment” for Biden? Trump has endorsed a former Fox 10 news anchor named Kari Lake to succeed him, predicting that she “will fight to restore Election Integrity (both past and future!).” Future, here, is the operative word. Lake says she would not have certified Biden’s victory in Arizona, and even promises to revoke it (somehow) if she wins. None of this is normal.

Arizona’s legislature, meanwhile, has passed a law forbidding Katie Hobbs, the Democratic secretary of state, to take part in election lawsuits, as she did at crucial junctures last year. The legislature is also debating an extraordinary bill asserting its own prerogative, “by majority vote at any time before the presidential inauguration,” to “revoke the secretary of state’s issuance or certification of a presidential elector’s certificate of election.” There was no such thing under law as a method to “decertify” electors when Trump demanded it in 2020, but state Republicans think they have invented one for 2024.

In at least 15 more states, Republicans have advanced new laws to shift authority over elections from governors and career officials in the executive branch to the legislature. Under the Orwellian banner of “election integrity,” even more have rewritten laws to make it harder for Democrats to vote. Death threats and harassment from Trump supporters have meanwhile driven nonpartisan voting administrators to contemplate retirement.

Vernetta Keith Nuriddin, 52, who left the Fulton County, Georgia, election board in June, told me she had been bombarded with menacing emails from Trump supporters. One email, she recalled, said, “You guys need to be publicly executed … on pay per view.” Another, a copy of which she provided me, said, “Tick, Tick, Tick” in the subject line and “Not long now” as the message. Nuriddin said she knows colleagues on at least four county election boards who resigned in 2021 or chose not to renew their positions.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, excommunicated and primaried at Trump’s behest for certifying Biden’s victory, nonetheless signed a new law in March that undercuts the power of the county authorities who normally manage elections. Now a GOP-dominated state board, beholden to the legislature, may overrule and take control of voting tallies in any jurisdiction—for example, a heavily Black and Democratic one like Fulton County. The State Election Board can suspend a county board if it deems the board to be “underperforming” and replace it with a handpicked administrator. The administrator, in turn, will have final say on disqualifying voters and declaring ballots null and void. Instead of complaining about balls and strikes, Team Trump will now own the referee.

“The best-case scenario is [that in] the next session this law is overturned,” Nuriddin said. “The worst case is they start just pulling election directors across the state.”
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Maybe the Dems and MSM should stop talking about Trump. Maybe today's speech from Biden should have been about remembering the day and people instead of attacking Trump even more.
Maybe the Dems and MSM should stop talking about Trump. Maybe today's speech from Biden should have been about remembering the day and people instead of attacking Trump even more.
I was damn glad he said it. Who else is going to? We know that your party will cower and bend to his will, no matter what he does. And poll after poll shows that the majority of your voters believe every lie he tells and will absolve him of every one of his corruptions. Sorry, but our system of govt is too precious to just sit on our hands while he runs roughshod over the Constitution.
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