POTUS receives experimental antibody cocktail

Heading to Walter Reed shortly as precaution. 5:35 pm Friday.
For all those who are joyful about Trump’s predicament, remember these potential words: President Pence.

I hope after a four week recuperation, both Trumps will feel well enough to help the movers take their things to Mar A Lago.
For all those who are joyful about Trump’s predicament, remember these potential words: President Pence.

I hope after a four week recuperation, both Trumps will feel well enough to help the movers take their things to Mar A Lago.
And what exactly would Pence be able to do?
Omg, you cant be serious. But ok. Ill give you the first obvious reason. This treatment is new and better.

Maybe. Hopefully, for his and everyone else’s sake. But they certainly aren’t mutually exclusive.
Nope, not going there. I think is pretty apparent that I really, really don't like our President. I think he's a bad person. But I'm not going to wish ill health on him or any member of his party. Because that's the RIGHT thing to do. Period. I think I'm a better person than he is. It's times like these when we all (who think the same way) get to prove it. Now I can't deny the stray thought or three... but I'm the boss of what goes on in my head and the ABSOLUTE boss of what comes out of my mouth. So I've kept my mouth shut and I crush those unworthy thoughts as they appear.

We don't have to guess what Trump would do if the situation were reversed and Binen had tested positive. We need only look back to 2016 when Hillary collapsed on the way to her car when suffering from pneumonia. Here's Trump: "But here's a woman, she's supposed to fight all of these different things and she can't even make it 15 feet to her car. Give me a break. Give me a break." Then he acted out the collapse. And if any Trump supporter on this board said a damn thing about it, I'd like you to point it out to me. As I've said before ANYTHING he says or does is just fine. It' won't cost him a single vote.

The important thing is, that Trump's moral compass (or lack thereof) has ABSOLUTELY no effect on how I conduct myself. Nor should it have any effect on the way you do things. Whether you are a Christian or not, if you need some advice on what to do or say in a given situation, don't do what Trump would do, simply ask yourself WWJD and do that. It won't lead you wrong EVER. I wish I could say I did that all the time, but I'm far, far, FAR from a perfect person and can be just as petty and crappy as the next guy.

Sometimes it's really hard to know what is right with regard to what we do or say. This is NOT one of those times.
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