Pro-life groups turn on Trump, and the reason why will sicken you…


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
The swamp runs deep.

Trump was the most pro-life president of our lifetime.

During his term, President Trump defunded Planned Parenthood, signed the Mexico City Policy that prohibited foreign aid for abortions, nominated pro-life judges to the Supreme Court, and was vocal in his support for the rights of the unborn. His actions were recognized by many pro-life groups and individuals as having a significant impact on the pro-life movement.

So, why are these same pro-life groups who hailed Trump a hero suddenly abandoning him? There’s a very good reason, and you’re not going to like it one bit.

Recent weeks have been replete with betrayals in the Republican Party, from the treatment of James O’Keefe and to Tucker Carlson’s abrupt firing. The most insidious and shameful of betrayals, though, is the quasi-official pro-life movement opting to work against the re-election of President Donald J. Trump in 2024.

And one of the biggest pro-life movements in the country is currently leading the charge against President Trump.

One prominent pro-life organization, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, is leading the charge against Trump. They have the audacity to demonize his stance on abortion: that it is an issue that should be left to the states. SBA Pro-Life said Trump’s stance is a “morally indefensible position for a self-proclaimed pro-life presidential candidate.” Imagine having the audacity to call Trump a “self-proclaimed pro-life presidential candidate” after he was personally responsible for the repeal of Roe v. Wade, the most significant victory the movement could have imagined and the realization of their a half-century-old objective.

However, don’t be fooled. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America isn’t pushing back against Trump because they care about babies—they’re doing it for purely political reasons.

SBA Pro-Life gave away their con when they immediately shifted from criticizing Trump to praising former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, a neoconservative with dismal support even in her home state of South Carolina, for giving a speech filled with trivialities and platitudes at the group’s headquarters earlier this week.
“Haley’s commitment to acting on the American consensus against late-term abortion by protecting unborn children by at least 15 weeks when they can feel excruciating pain,” SBA Pro-Life said in response to Haley’s speech.

The problem with this glowing “pro-life” endorsement from SBA is that Haley hadn’t even outlined her abortion commitment when they made their declaration. How do they know what her plans are, if she hasn’t made them public?

SBA Pro-Life was later reminded that Haley never actually outlined her commitment to banning abortion at 15 weeks while giving her canned speech, after which they noted that they were “assured she would set national consensus at 15 weeks.”

Pro-life groups are now endorsing Republican “establishment” candidates blindly. It’s the “rubber-stamp” mentality, that whomever Conservative Inc. puts out will be approved with quickness, no questions asked. This behavior is the root cause of the problems we’re currently facing today. As a matter of fact, many have rightfully criticized groups like National Right to Life for endorsing Republican candidates based solely on party affiliation rather than their actual pro-life record.

This politically-driven pattern allows politicians to scoop up the pro-life votes without actually committing to the cause. It’s not just politics that’s making Pro-Life groups distance themselves from Trump. The real reason is that he’s cut off their cash flow, so they’re worried about losing their financial backing.

There’s no money to be made if they actually stop killing babies.

The real reason that pro-life groups are rejecting or, at the very least, chilly toward Trump’s presidential ambitions is because his decisive action to repeal Roe ended their gravy train. The pro-life groups had been dangling the carrot in front of Republican voters: ‘Vote for the RINO, and Roe may be repealed.’, ‘Get to the polls and vote Republican because it will mean we can repeal Roe.’, and so forth. Like Lucy yanking the football away from Charlie Brown at the last possible moment before he could kick, these promises were never meant to be fulfilled. Pro-life groups never changed their philosophy or their tactics despite failure after failure because they were always meant to lose. They existed to keep corralling Christian voters to vote for lousy Republican politicians and playing their dutiful role within the controlled opposition apparatus.

Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, the pro-life movement in deep red states no longer serves a function. These states have already approved severe abortion restrictions, including total bans, and this means that Republican operatives who have benefited from pro-life campaigns may now face fewer opportunities for easy paychecks.

It should come as no surprise that these professional pro-life activists are now turning on Trump and looking to soak up the Never Trump dollar now that their grift has come to an end. They are as much part of the swamp as any other special interest looking to dupe their hapless constituency to serve their own political and economic ends.

These pro-life groups need to be called out for blatantly lying about President Trump’s record. And if they don’t endorse Trump for the 2024 election, they should lose al their support and donations.

Trump was a real hero for the pro-life movement. He did more than Reagan, Bush Jr, and Bush Sr, which is saying a lot. He paved the way for even more gains in the post-Roe era. The 45th president’s pro-life record is seriously impressive. He’s done more for the movement than any other Republican politician, and any right-wing group that doesn’t give credit where credit is due or tries to twist his record should be shunned. We need to recognize the huge strides he made in protecting the rights of the unborn and work to continue that legacy by supporting his agenda.
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However, don’t be fooled. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America isn’t pushing back against Trump because they care about babies—they’re doing it for purely political reasons.

I mean … can the same statement not be applied to Trump himself? The very same man who once told Meet the Press that he was staunchly pro-choice? And then only pivoted on that position when he was running in the Republican primary?

However, don’t be fooled. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America isn’t pushing back against Trump because they care about babies—they’re doing it for purely political reasons.

I mean … can the same statement not be applied to Trump himself? The very same man who once told Meet the Press that he was staunchly pro-choice? And then only pivoted on that position when he was running in the Republican primary?

Lol, really a lot of people have changed their minds on some things since 1999. None believed in gay marriage in 1999.
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However, don’t be fooled. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America isn’t pushing back against Trump because they care about babies—they’re doing it for purely political reasons.

I mean … can the same statement not be applied to Trump himself? The very same man who once told Meet the Press that he was staunchly pro-choice? And then only pivoted on that position when he was running in the Republican primary?

NBC news means it’s fake news