And there it is… Continuation of Executive Order 13848 It’s on White House dot Gov, not where continued Executive Orders are archived, the Federal Register.

EO 13848 with National Emergency will provide ALL evidence of Election Interference for 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024.

It’s going to ROAST all the swamp, both sides of the aisle, for their rigged system, swing states, etc.

It also doesn’t mean it will take a year to resolve simply because it was extended that long. —
45–47 Let’s gooooo!

It’s truly an utter disgrace how ignorant both sides of the aisle are.

Arguing over ignorant and petty surface-level bullshit and propaganda.

Liberals are the worst. They would lead you to a camp or train quicker than a cat can lick its ass.

Many claim to “support” the Military, Declaration of Independence, and Constitution, but don’t know 💩 about them.

The world's been watching a Military Occupation, Government-in-Exile, Continuity of Operations, for 7.9 years now.

Outlined in CURRENT and PUBLIC Military and Federal Laws and Orders.

Military L&O is separate from Federal (see Military Justice Act 2016).

Every Veteran, like myself, took an Oath via Title 10 Section §502. One cannot believe in one portion without the other.

75% of ppl cannot name the 3 Branches of Gov't, much less Laws and Orders currently invoked.

These things took place on January 20, 2021, and WILL have Public Resolution:

1. “Biden” did not receive the traditional flight into D.C. on Air Force One as President-Elect.

2. Swore in at 11:47 AM EST which is a violation of the 20th Amendment which says “the presidents term ends at noon / the successors term shall THEN begin.”

The Constitution you “claim” to support:…

3. ‘Amazing Grace’ was performed; which is found in Memorial Honors PDF for Military Funerals.

Page 8:…

5. Which explains why the ONLY Cannons shown for "Joe" all day long were at Arlington National Cemetery, which is NOT a 21 Gun Salute.

That is a FUNERAL for an American Ambassador returning to the U.S. but not on official business.

21-Gun Salute / Arlington National:…

Page 5: Table 3-1, Cannons:…

Those "soldiers" were NOT the Presidential Salute Battery, the 3rd Infantry Regiment aka the Old Guard, as the actors shown were wearing Non-Regulation uniforms and zero marching.

5. Which explains why there was not a Commissioned Officer present for the cannons, which is a violation of Army Regulations 600-25.

Page 2:…

6. The 21-Gun Salute is 4 Cannons, 21 rounds fired, by the Presidential Salute Battery, the 3rd Infantry Regiment.

Mainstream Media told you on Jan. 20, 2021, the OFFICIAL PSB was with President Trump at Joint Base Andrews.

👉🏻 THAT was the Inauguration Ceremony BY OUR Military Regulations and Customs.

Aug. 29, 2024, the "Press Secretary" told a "reporter" and public when asked why Pres. Trump was at Arlington:

I'm going to have to refer you to the:

Dept. of the Army
Dept. of Arlington National Cemetery RULES and REGULATIONS.
Dept. of the National Guard.

He's the ONLY who's Federalized the National Guard to Active-Duty, with specific and unique L&O’s that made him a Wartime President, all Constitutional.

I guess that's also why the State dot gov has been suspended and not updated from Dec. 21, 2020 to today?

The Travel of the President Abroad = Donald J. Trump (2017-2021)

Secretary of State Abroad = Mike Pompeo (2017-2021)

Foreign Leaders to the U.S. = 2020

Administrative Timeline of the Dept. of State - 2020-present - last updated = Dec. 21, 2020

Is that why "Biden's" National Security Strategy is on White House dot Gov and not on Defense dot Gov, where it's supposed to be? The last on site is from 2017.

Is that why there's zero White House Military Office?

The last WHMO dot Gov archive that pulls up via Google is Obama?

Garrett Hoffman = Rainman (Movie)

Is that why Continued Executive Orders are on White House dot Gov, that "Biden" has CONTINUED (enforced) BY Trump, but 0 on the Federal Register dot Gov, where they're supposed to be?

If this was a "Conspiracy Theory"… "Biden" wouldn't be extending these particular 8 EO's with 8 National Emergencies attached, especially Election Interference EO 13848.

Educate your selfish and ignorant asses.

Military’s BEEN in control.

The DASH came April 2023.

👉🏻 —

👉🏻 45—47

The DASH Matters. 🤫🇺🇸
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Reactions: CUTiger1977

This is a perfect example of why one must LISTEN.

This whole “debate” was freaking EPIC and Brilliant. #

Too many people focus on the gaslighting because many Americans LOVE some drama.

This whole Occupation and Operation was not just to drain the Swamp of Republicans, Democrats, Media, Reporters, and Journalists…

But also make Americans choose a line between:

Integrity and Hypocrisy.

Especially Liberals who are the worst.

This is NOT a Republican/Democrat thing, but the low level LibTARDS who keep pushing the narrative they are on social media is a must to be able to identify who’s going to remain dumb and ignorant versus practice what they preach.

As Elon Musk said, “we are at the crossroads of civilization.”

I believe in live and let live, but Liberals are all “do as I say not as I do.”

Their kind of delusional ignorance would have you on a train quicker than Mike Tyson can butcher Mississippi.

This is ALL theatrics with Public Disclosure.

👉🏻 —

There’s no such thing as “Midterm Rallies.”

In 2021 and 2022, President Trump had many rallies, which in a normal period, would be a violation of Federal Election Rules.

All of the Rallies, including the rare, no audience since 1960 “debates,” are nothing but Public Disclosure of what’s happening and what’s to come… LAWFULLY.

They have all increased with disclosures in segments as time has passed.

That’s HOW you hear:

“President Trump was right about everything.”

Libtardents abuse the phrase: "rule of Law."

If they only knew what was CURRENTLY in Laws and Orders right now and how "Biden," though a Faux "president," has continued all the unique Executive Orders with National Emergencies PLUS relinquished "his" authority of the Military in the Executive Documents Memo in Title 50 (War and National Defense) Chapter 33 (War Powers Act of 1973) Section 1550, to the Secretary of Defense, in which that's what one of the key Executive Orders, 13919, is all about by President Trump, that invoked Title 10 Section 12304, that pairs with Executive Order 13912, that invoked Title 10 Section 12302, that Federalized 1 Million Reserve Components to Active-Duty, and made the Secretary of Defense equally in power to Federalize, though the SECDEF still listens to a CIC, 👉🏻 45–47.

CURRENT and PUBLIC Laws and Orders more than clearly outline and define a:

Military Occupation
Government in Exile
Continuity of Operations

"I will be totally exonerated."

"I will be free November 5."

" The Great Liberation starts November 5."

"I hope the Military revolts at the voting booth." (We don't vote at voting booths; National Guard Cybersecurity Teams have been running the Election Count since 2016, collecting evidence).

We will see what kind of "Americans" the Libtard Nation is when they're punched in the mouth with Military Data and Evidence.

As Mike Tyson thays: "Everyone has a plan until they're punched in the face."

"We have it ALL. We've caught them ALL."

He's not wearing 45–47 since April 2023 for NOTHING.

"There's a storm coming, wait for it."

"Be careful what you wish for."'

Those of you who jumped ship... you're going to learn a lesson too.

Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Songbird McCain, and RINO Mitt Romney Aides, plus Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, are the LAST endorsements you want to be bragging about at the same time you're talking about limiting Foreign Oil.

Who's the one who talks about "Drill Baby, Drill?"

Who's those who shutdown the Keystone Pipeline?

They're all connected to Ukraine, China, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iran... and their children.

This whole "debate" was NOTHING but Public Disclosure of what's going to be revealed and added to the:

"President Trump was right about everything."

All a Strategic Plan.

The DASH is public. All in Laws and Orders.

Choose your line libtards.

Patriots, make notes of who sides with the hypocrisy.

They're NOT to be anywhere near Local, State, or Federal Government.

👉🏻 —

👉🏻 45–47

👉🏻 #

#TheDASHMatters 🤌🏼🎲🐂🇺🇸

Who was the mentor to Michael Flynn? Stanley McChrystal.

Who's residence did Michael Flynn run his business out of? Stanley McChrystal.

Who told us that Donald Trump could not be trusted because he is immoral and doesn't tell the truth? Stanley McChrystal.

Are things becoming more clear to you now? Do you see what I mean when I have said liberals have infiltrated The MAGA Movement?

But people in 'The Flynn Network' will tell you headlines like this don't exist or that it's part of "The Plan" to gaslight you you into supporting traitors who Donald Trump does not even hang around.

These are also the people that don't want you to take headlines like these at face value but they want you to take everything they say about me as fact with no further research to substantiate it.

And they wonder why we have had staunch Michael Flynn supporters turn on him after reading my info because they have not challenge or debunked any of it.

Remember they were the ones going around telling conservatives that M. Flynn was going to be picked for VP. All the while we find out this year that D. Trump never approached M. Flynn for that spot.

Robert F. Kennedy was the one D. Trump approached for VP. M. Flynn was not even thought of. But they tried to use clips of Michael Flynn being patted on the head and D. Trump speech as hints & clues that he was the prime runner up for VP.

Richard Dearlove

Stanley McChrystal

Michael Flynn

Charles Flynn

Roger Stone

Ivan Raiklin

William Barr

Christopher Wray

Merrick Garland

Alejandro Mayorkas

All of these men want Donald Trump removed from power to sustain the Military Industrial Complex.

Part One:

President Trump meets with Zelenskyy and what it really means.

Ukraine didn’t start in the past few years. Everything going on with Ukraine is about draining the global Swamp from what took place before 2016.

2004, the United States Military, Department of Defense was funding the Ukraine Biolabs:…

As President Trump says, "It's not the 3 letter agency that's bad... it's the Senior Level Leadership." He said that very early on around 2017.

You have to know the History of the USSR and Ukraine to follow what's going on... or you're going to be surface-level spewing and looking like a fool when you do.

Remember, Putin was NOT President from 2008-2012.

Obama had 4 Executive Orders with Ukraine in 2014.

3 of which were March 6, 16, and 20 with the terms ‘unusual and extraordinary threats’ in each.

Declaring a National Emergency and this rhetoric:

“finding that the actions and policies of the Government of the Russian Federation with respect to Ukraine—including the recent deployment of Russian Federation military forces in the Crimea region of Ukraine—undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and contribute to the misappropriation of its assets, and thereby constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”

What was so extraordinary and unusual that Ukraine would be a dire responsibility and priority for the United States as a Nation who is not a member of NATO?

VP Biden made 7 trips in 7 months to Ukraine.

Victoria Nuland secured $1 BILLION dollars on defense for Ukraine in 2014.

That $1 Billion “Biden” said he’d stop if someone wasn’t removed… and they were. And he bragged about the "son of a bitch being fired."

“Biden” and his Public Exposure via CONGRESSIONAL Report:…

At the same time she was caught on tape saying “F*ck the EU.” (European Union).

Russia capitulated to President Trump, July 16, 2018, when Putin handed the Soccer Ball ⚽️ to CIC Donald John Trump.

⚽️ = Capitulation.

Capitulation = Chapter 12, Law of War Manual.

Capitulation = Surrender.

⚽️ = Optic = “the Ball is in your Court sir, tell us what you want us to do.”

In 2018, Ukraine broke a CIS Treaty with Russia.

U.S. and Russia end the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 2019.

All throughout 2021, “Biden Admin” 👉🏻 “there are NO BIOLABS in Ukraine!”

March 8, 2022, Victoria Nuland, under Oath in Congressional hearings when asked by Senator Marco Rubio are there Biolabs in Ukraine:

👉🏻 “Yes! But we were afraid the Russians were going to get them!”

What are the odds lil Vicky is working with “Biden” as “Under Secretary?”

Guess who didn’t play in the FIFA World Cup of Soccer in 2022?

Russia. ⚽️

Another piece of proof / evidence of the Law of War Manual in use as President Trump is a Wartime President...

Angela Merkel. On Piers Morgan and other speeches, President Trump says he gave her the 'White Flag of Surrender'...

White Flag of Surrender = White Flag of Truce

White Flag of Truce = Chapter 12 of the Law of War Manual

Truce = Negotiations

Negotiations = 2016 Unconventional Warfare Guide

Which also outlines a Government in Exile and Title 50.

Title 50 was amended on December 20, 2019, with a specific clause of Military Actions by the President.

In that clause, actions were taken in the first time slot outlined in that clause, with President Trump Federalizing up to 1 million Reserves to Active-Duty and Directing the Secretary of Defense equal authority to do so as well.

Ever since then, the Reserves and National Guard have been active daily, weekly, monthly, and also operating out of their State Jurisdictions.

Meaning... that's your visual the Orders are still in place. Those were National Wartime Orders, they do NOT transfer to the next president.

Part Two:

Hence why these things happened on January 20, 2021:

1. “Biden” did not receive the traditional flight into D.C. on Air Force One as President-Elect.

2. “Swore in” at 11:47 AM EST; a 20th Amendment violation, which says “the president's term ends at noon / the successor's term shall THEN begin.”


3. ‘Amazing Grace’ was performed; which is found in Memorial Honors PDF for Military Funerals.

Page 8:…

5. Which explains the ONLY Cannons shown for "Joe" all day were at Arlington National Cemetery, which is NOT a 21 Gun Salute by OUR Military CUSTOMS.

That is a Military FUNERAL. "Biden" had a Funeral, NOT an inauguration. Which was actually a Funeral for the Monarchy of the Organic Act of 1878 dying.

21-Gun Salute / Arlington:…

Page 5: Table 3-1, Cannons:…

Those "soldiers" were NOT the Presidential Salute Battery, the 3rd Infantry Regiment aka the Old Guard, as the actors shown were wearing Non-Regulation uniforms and zero marching ceremony.

6. Which explains why there was NOT a Commissioned Officer present for the cannons, which is a violation of Army Regulations 600-25.

Page 2:…

7. The NG did not salute the "motorcade." We always salute the CIC and moving Flags.

8. The 21-Gun Salute is 4 Cannons, 21 rounds fired, by the Presidential Salute Battery / 3rd Infantry Regiment.

Jan. 20, 2021, MSM told you the OFFICIAL PSB was with Pres. Trump at Joint Base Andrews.

👉🏻 THAT was the Inauguration Ceremony BY OUR Military Regulations and Customs.

All of those were a Continuity of Operations visual as 99% of Americans did not see any of that... because they're not trained to pay attention to details and know nothing about Military Customs.

Part II

Recently “Biden" said, “We don’t tell Ukraine what to do.” 💩

But in turn quotes Article 5 of NATO which says, "an attack on one is an attack on all."

One slight problem, Ukraine is not a member of NATO.

"Kamala" in the "debate"... said, "Ukraine is an independent country."

After saying "it's America's interest to protect it" when it's not a member of NATO.

So, once again, if one does not know anything about the busting up of the Soviet Union, what is so unusual and extraordinary for the United States to be the police and aid for Ukraine?

Why isn't NATO and Europe and Asia taking the same initiative?

Perhaps due to most of those Capitulating to President Trump from 2017-2020 and this is a world Special Operation?


Didn't the libtards try to "impeach" President Trump over one phone call with Zelenskyy and accuse him of all kinds of hogwash when the call was made public and those in positions said it was a perfect call even Zelenskyy himself?

What did "Kamala" say to the public in the 'debate'?

“I gave Zelenskyy Military Intelligence.”

You sure you want to talk about classified information and documents, libtards?

Or would you like to talk about how all of this is a Strategically Planned Special Operation to take out the swamp all over the world with many layers of warfare being used and the taking down of child traffickers, human traffickers, sex traffickers, and drug traffickers?

Because even the phone calls and all, are a part of the Special Operation taking place.

You can believe what you want on a surface level and sound like the left when they charge that President Trump is a 'Felon'...

But every day Liberals and even Republicans, don't know ANYTHING about President Trump, much less Laws and Orders and how they function and operate..

Meeting with a Foreign Leader as a "Former" President in an Election Year would be Election Interference to the sitting President, IF that was "Biden."

Obama and Biden hammered their own Director of Defense Intelligence Agency, 3-Star General Michael Flynn, with the Logan Act for a 'Private meeting with a Foreign Leader.’

Part Three:

IF "Biden" was president... and if Obama, Bush, the Clintons, "Kamala" and all of 'em were involved...

They could invoke the 25th Amendment and charge him with Election Interference via Executive Order 13848, on President Trump for meeting with 7 Foreign Leaders, 8 times (sitting Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, twice).

That would be President Trump violating his own Executive Order 13848 with a National Emergency that he declared.

If you believe that, over the Laws and Orders invoked and in place put there by the Man... you're too stupid to lose brain cells over.

There's certain powers that a President has that makes one a Wartime President. There's certain Laws and Orders that are invoked that separate the roles, duties, obligations, laws and orders of a Wartime President versus a President by the Constitutional norms.

Presidential Emergency Action Documents expand the power of a President and invoke the Continuity of Government / Operations.

The Continuity of Government / Operations has National Essential Functions while the Constitution is suspended and the Military Law is implied and in force performing the tasks of which the Constitution was suspended.

Article 1 Section 9 Clause 2 of the Constitution is titled the Writ of Habeas Corpus, the Suspension Clause, that allows the President to suspend the Constitution for Rebellion or Invasion of Public Safety.

Covid was a biological chemical weapon that allowed President Trump to do so. As Fauci said on January 12, 2017, a Pandemic was going to plague this upcoming Presidency. How did he know?

"Biden" has made numerous quotes about President Trump being the sitting President.

John Bolton on CNN in February talked about how the Constitution bars President Trump from a 3rd Term...

Which is False. The Constitution does not say anywhere that a President cannot serve more than 2 terms. Franklin Roosevelt was in his 4th term, 13th year when he died, elected by the people 4 times.

The 82nd Congress of 1951 abused their powers by placing term limits on the President when Article 2 Section 1 Clause 1 of the Constitution says nothing about term limits, "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows."


February 29, 2024, on the Texas Border... the first appearance the Adjutant General makes on world TV is with the "former" President and the Governor of Texas?

The MSM told the world "Biden" was in Brownsville, TX, the same day... they just failed to tell you two C-32's with No Presidential Call Sign or tail numbers.

Why wasn't the Governor and Adjutant General with "Biden?"

The Adjutant General reports to the Governor UNLESS the National Guard are Federalized by Title 10.

The only President who has Federalized the National Guard to Active-Duty is President Trump with Executive Orders 13912 invoking Title 10 Section 12302 and 13919 invoking Title 10 Section 12304 all under Title 50.

And there was your Chain of Command, Rank Structure on February 29, 2024, for the whole world to see. Military Operation.

If President Trump was a "Former" President... "Biden" wouldn't be saying "Trump is just trying to one-up me for the Presidency"...when asked about President Trump meeting with Foreign Leaders... as "he" dropped out of being a candidate.

If you cannot see what you've been watching is out of the norm, yet under control by a Special Operation, you're missing out on an awesome and brilliant plan.

The current Laws and Orders invoked outline a Military Occupation, Government in Exile, and Continuity of Operations, all in a Special Operation using many forms of Unconventional Warfare.

It all depends on what side of the aisle you want to be on.

1. Drama-filled and surface-level propaganda.


2. The Rule of Laws and Orders.

Part Four (4/4):

Which has 2 Sectors: Military and Federal.

President Trump is a Wartime Commander (President) and uses the correct verbiage of such. When he says, "if I was President"... that does not mean he's not a Wartime Commander.

Two separate roles, duties, and commands with unique Laws and Orders. It's a lot of information, but it's all there and all via dot Gov and Mil sites.

I'm not for everyone... especially normies who want to keep their heads so far up their asses they can perform their own colonoscopies.

Everything I talk about is current and public. It's a lot of information, but I save you the time and energy from having to look everything up. Everything is in currently invoked Laws and Orders.

Once again, you have options. Stay with the drama-filled, surface-level meat lips who don't know shit from shinola, or see what's under the hood of the shiny Corvette that makes it a Corvette.

👉🏻 ——

👉🏻 45—47

The DASH is NOT a fluke. It is a Strategic Plan and Operation.

I’ll die on that hill. 🫡🐂🇺🇸

I want to point out something important that Trump said in his acceptance speech late last night.

He said his next term will be based on one thing.

“Promises made, promises kept.”

Why is that so important.
It means more than most people understand.

We are fighting against an enemy that is controlled by foreign elites and has infiltrated our entire government and society.

Trump is fighting a war against an “insurgency.”

They were following the military’s counterinsurgency manual.

This entire strategy was given to us years ago. If you wanted to understand what was happening and why things were taking so long, the answer was in the Counterinsurgency manual.

Q posted the Counterinsurgency manual four times in the drops.
There are very important pieces of information within that manual.
It explains why it would take several years to “remove” an embedded insurgency.
It talked about waking the public up to the insurgency. The exposure phase.
It talked about re-establishing the rule of law.
It talked about restoring faith in the government institutions.
It talks about the importance of the political narrative and choosing the right person to lead the movement.
Trump was the perfect candidate.

But there was another critical aspect to the Counterinsurgency strategy, if you wanted to defeat the insurgency and turn the population against them.


If you were going to make promises, it was important that you keep them.
That’s what would contrast you from the insurgency and attract support.

It was a huge part of the plan from the beginning.
And Trump didn’t just make small, meaningless promises.
He made big, bold promises and then he kept them.

He has made a lot more promises on the campaign trail this time around and if you think he’s just campaigning, then you don’t understand how serious he is to completely transform this country.
I personally don’t think we are thinking big enough.
RFK Jr recently did an interview and said when he sat down seriously and talked to Trump about changing the government, Trump shocked him by what he is about to do in order to transform government.
He described it as unprecedented.
Now that is saying something considering that most people think RFK Jr is about to transform our food and health systems.

Trump has said so many times, that the best is yet to come.
We’ve all gotten used to hearing it but I think Trump is making a promise and we can’t imagine what’s coming.

The Counterinsurgency manual is in this drop.

There’s a reason Trump has recently been saying he was going to give us liberty from the occupiers.

Q drop
Sep 14, 2020 12:34:31 PM EDT

Worth remembering [think what you see today].… 📁
INSURGENCY can be defined as ‘the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge political control of a region.’
Insurgents seek to subvert or displace the government and completely or partially control the resources and population of a given territory. They do so through the use of force (including guerrilla warfare, terrorism and coercion/intimidation), propa- ganda, subversion and political mobilization. Insurgents fight government forces only to the extent needed to achieve their political aims: their main effort is not to kill counterinsurgents, but rather to establish a competitive system of control over the population, making it impossible for the government to administer its territory and people. Insurgent activity is therefore designed to weaken government control and legitimacy while increasing insurgent control and influence.
Insurgents require supporters, recruits, safe havens, money, supplies, weapons and intelligence on government actions. A robust INSURGENCY can be waged with the support of just a small percentage of a given population.
CounterINSURGENCY may be defined as ‘comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to simultaneously defeat and contain INSURGENCY and address its root causes’.
As always this thread is for entertainment purposes only.

I have been saying this for years. This is a war between the United States of America corporation run by the Deep state and the United States Republic with Donald J Trump as our president and JFK Jr as our vice president.
They are taking down the Deep state and that just so happens to be the United States of America corporation.

Joe Biden was executed on January 17th 2021 and he was buried on January 20th 2021.
His gun salute was for a foreign dignitary or a funeral.

On the other hand President Donald J Trump is the one that got the 21 gun salute that day.

Donald J Trump is the dually elected president of the United States Republic and sworn in as such on January 20th 2021 at Mar-A-Lago.

He could not swear in in Washington DC because that is foreign soil and he signed a new Declaration of Independence at Mount Rushmore on July 4th 2020 declaring independence from the United States of America corporation.

The election he just won will give him the authority to put down the United States of America corporation once and for all because now it's clear for the whole world to see, he truly is the duly elected President. He won the popular vote by millions even with them trying to cheat. He won the Senate and the house.

I'm telling you right here and right now it is with my full belief that the Brunson case was heard behind closed doors, in emergency session, and that it was ruled in favor of the Brunson Brothers.

I also believe that we've been under martial law since January 20th 2017 when President Donald J Trump turned over the United States of America corporation to the military and gave them the authority to drain the swamp. And they've been doing military tribunals and executions ever since.

General Michael Flynn once said this is a war unlike any war we've ever been in.
It's a crazy war, we are literally at war with ourselves. It's insane to think of, but it's the truth. Our founding fathers set up our government to run a certain way, but in 1871 that government was hijacked. A loan was taken out through the British crown in 1871
and they made us a corporation and they made us collateral to that loan and that loan was required to be paid in gold.
We finally had the gold underneath the World Trade center September 11th 2001 and we were supposed to get our Republic back that day and the fake queen of England was supposed to step down that day. The proof she was the fake Queen was in building 7.
That's not the only place the proof was though. The proof was also at the Vatican and president Trump got it and also 650 planes of our gold back that was stolen from us and kept at the Vatican.
DC created by Organic Act of 1871.
On October 10th 2000 Bill Clinton signed into law NESARA and it just needs to be publicly announced.
Now mind you the military apparently had to have a gun to Bill Clinton's head to have him sign that into law because he didn't want to do it.

George W Bush was supposed to publicly announce NESARA on September 11th 2001.

This is David Lester Straight reading the New Declaration of Independence.
I heard him read it, for the first time, at a seminar he did in Texas in April of 2021.

This should help you understand why they tried to kill him. You only know of two or three times, but it's been far more than that that you don't know nothing about, most people don't.

Most people don't know that they tried to kill him in Scotland. They tried to poison his food and the food tester actually died.

They tried to shoot a missile at Air Force One.

They tried to attack him in his motorcade.

There's been a lot of assassination attempts on President Donald J Trump, but he still keeps doing this for us.
I know just a smidgen of what that amazing man has gone through, as well as his family, and that's why I truly would take a bullet for him, in a heartbeat, because he truly took one for us and they'll keep trying to kill him to keep us from having what is owed to us.


Another boomerang incoming?

Have you ever looked at all the December 17, 2019 Q drops?

There were several and they seem to have a common theme.

They talked about AG Barr and Durham. They also talk about the Senate and presidential impeachment.
They talk about Comey and how someone purposely misspelled his name in the records to hide his actions.
They spelled his name Corney and then Q talks about the corn harvest.

But then guess what Q posts?

A picture of the “Storm Has Arrived.”
With this:

The Storm Sequence of Events: Horowitz IG Report > Comey Report > Declas of FISA > Indictments

Worth remembering.

The Horowitz IG report and Comey’s report have already happened, except for maybe some still classified information that has been used behind the scenes in other investigations.

I believe we are waiting for the “reveal” of the biggest declassified FISA documents.
People might think that the FISA scandal was already revealed.
But not the most important parts. The most important evidence on the biggest players has yet to be revealed to the public.

Do you remember this Q drop?

Q drop
Mar 04, 2019 3:39:34 PM EST

HUSSEIN gave the order to start the spy campaign.
It was logged officially 2x.
1x - Domestic.
1x - Foreign.
FISC judge WH meeting?
WH visitor logs are important.
HUSSEIN library CLAS doc move?
Attempt to shelter/protect?
Who has AUTH to obtain?
The More You Know.

Hussein tried his best to hide his treason. But he failed.

But guess what else was mentioned on December 17, 2019?

Q drop
Dec 17, 2019 2:24:40 PM EST

National Presidential Alert System [2].
Why was this created and tested?
Political warfare.
Information warfare.

Was Q focusing us on an “alert” involving a president?

And then there’s this.

Q drop
Dec 17, 2019 2:39:05 PM EST

Though, nothing should ever replace 'Christ' in 'Christmas'.
Merry Christmas, Anons/Patriots.
God is on our side.

Hasn’t Trump mentioned in the past, that he promised a great Christmas?

Can you see the theme of these drops?

Now what would be the biggest “present” Trump could give the anons for Christmas this year?

Do you know what was the last Q drop on December 17, 2019?

It was so important that Q repeated it on the same day.

It was one of the biggest Q drops to hit the boards.

Q drop
Dec 17, 2019 5:03:45 PM EST

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].

Is there any bigger indictment (unseal) than Hussein Obama?

Wouldn’t that shock and wake up the world?
Wouldn’t his arrest confirm future actions?

Wouldn’t that change everything?

But how would that happen if Trump hasn’t been inaugurated yet?

There’s a possibility that most people have probably missed.

Q drop
Jun 20, 2020 3:15:16 PM EDT

CIA Director _early 2017 - April 2018?
External Advisory Board (CIA) members during this time?
Was Bill Barr a member of the board?
What advantages might exist to incoming AG Barr re: member of external advisory board (CIA)?
What advantages might exist to Sec of State re: former Dir of CIA?
It must be right.
It must be according to the law.
It must be proven.
It's what you don't see.
Durham is not the only GAME IN TOWN.

Q says……it’s what you don’t see.
Durham wasn’t the only game in town?

Neither was Huber.

This is from Q drop
Sep 26, 2020

What did we learn this week?
1. Durham 'true' start?
2. Durham 'take-over' Huber [select parts re: CF-i]?
What if there's another prosecutor (OUTSIDE OF DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority?

We know about Huber and that Durham took over at least parts of his investigations.

But Q is suggesting there is another investigator that nobody knows about.
No leaks.

Is it possible Obama gets indicted right before Christmas?
Wouldn’t that be the biggest Christmas present ever and the best way to kick off the justice phase?
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Don’t listen to anybody telling you nothing is happening.

News Flash:
Trump was NEVER in any real legal danger.

He knew that Soros prosecutors would go after him.
He “purposely” took the slings and arrows to set future “precedent” so that past presidents are no longer above the law.
Presidents can now be prosecuted for crimes once they’ve left office.

Trump didn’t commit a single crime and knew he would never be sentenced.

Now for the Boomerang.

Have you noticed lately that a whole lot of judges are suddenly standing for the constitution instead of playing politics?

What’s changed?

Have you heard the term “enemy combatant”?

These judges are making a choice to be on the right side of history.

Do you want more evidence of that?

“Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has been ordered by a local judge to release all communications between her office, Special Counsel Jack Smith's office, and the January 6th Committee regarding her RICO case against President Donald Trump and his allies, after she was found to have violated federal law by withholding them.”…

Fani Willis was bringing a RICO case against Trump.
But now she has to turn over all communications she had with other “enemy combatants” that were helping her in a conspiracy to frame Trump.

Now she is going to be exposed and will find herself being prosecuted in a RICO case of treason.

The perfect boomerang!

This was always going to be the outcome.

This is just one sting operation.
There are so many more about to be exposed.

Greatest military planning in history.

As you watch the pieces move about the board, if you have some idea of what the endgame looks like, you're a very happy person these days.

Hunter can talk now.


Hell, as many of you know, I suspect he's been talking for years behind the scenes.

But now they can begin rolling out 'the largest criminal investigations [note the plural, please] in modern day history.'

Declass is coming.

They can't stop it because the evidence was compiled years ago and patriots have been safeguarding it.

The country is now ready to see it all.

The country was not ready to see any of this in 2017. Or in 2020. Hell, not even by 2023 was much of the country ready to see the Awful Truth.


The battlespace is prepared. We are in position to finish the enemy off.

When the Declass happens and it all comes out about JFK, 9/11, the Fed, where all the Ukraine billions actually went, what 100 bn/yr in 'foreign aid' actually is, where all the missing children went, Epstein Island & who was compromised and controlled there, etc. etc.?

The public turns on The Machine. Forever. No going back.

That will be the most dangerous time.

Pray and stand fast in your faith and do not waver or be afraid.

And I’ll add to that.
Wray is playing the role we need him to do.
He fired all the top crooks at the FBI tied to framing Trump.
He hasn’t produced documents to Congress.
They are part of ongoing investigations and that is illegal.
How do we know Wray is helping in those investigations?

Q drop
Dec 05, 2018 2:58:46 PM EST

Dec 05, 2018 2:46:59 PM EST…
Will another attempt to 'delay' be made?
Delay > > > D's control House?
Move and countermoves.
See something.
Say something.
Long meetings held within a SCIF [unusual] usually indicate something 'highly important' was discussed [planned]?

Q told us that Wray was meeting in a SCIF with three of the most important people conducting investigations in the background.
Would you include a traitor in those meetings?

From Q drop 1318
May 08, 2018 12:36:41 AM EDT

“Who is the FBI director?
Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?
Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)
If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?
Why are they slow walking unredacted data?
Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?
Why is the WH backing up DOJ?
What if the same data is being used by other investigators?
What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?”

And then there’s this Q drop.

Q drop
Apr 10, 2018 1:48:24 AM EDT


That is an unambiguous endorsement of Wray by Q.

I believe Q.
I believe Wray played his role. He cleansed many corrupt players out of the FBI and then took all the arrows to get us to the point in the narrative war to put Kash in as FBI director in order to TRANSFORM the entire agency.

The perfect sleeper.

Do you want to know why Trump commuted Blagojevich’s sentence?

Trump knows everything.

Details matter.

It was all centered around Obama but it had nothing to do with selling his vacant Senate seat.
That was the planned narrative and Obama himself set the trap with a phone call.

So if it wasn’t about selling a Senate seat, why was Blagojevich targeted by Obama?

Blagojevich was the popular governor of Illinois and Obama had strong ties to a Chicago political base that was tied to Prince Alwaleed.

It wasn’t about controlling a Senate seat, it was about controlling government contracts.

They removed Blagojevich so that Obama’s fundraisers would get the lucrative government contracts in order to help fund his campaign for president and fill his overseas bank accounts.

Have you ever heard of “Loop Capital?”

Guess who told us this?

Q drop
Jan 05, 2018 5:12:23 PM EST

Follow the MONEY.
Loop CAPITAL Markets.
Happy Hunting.

Q drop
Jan 06, 2018 4:07:34 PM EST


Q focused us on Loop Capital for a reason.

“Loop capital
Loop Capital is a full-service investment bank, brokerage, and advisory firm that provides creative capital solutions for corporate, governmental, and institutional entities globally.”

Loop Capital’s CEO is Jim Reynolds and he was one of Obama’s first big fundraisers. His firm benefited the most from government contracts in Illinois, after Blagojevich was removed.
They laundered taxpayers money to fund the Obama campaign.

But here’s the big Q drop on Loop Capital and Obama.

Q drop
Jan 13, 2018 10:45:39 PM EST

>Slush Fund
>>Hussein [1] $29,000,000 SINGAPORE
>>We don't say his name [2] $19,000,000 SINGAPORE
(Why don't we say his name?)
>>HRC/BC [3] $15,000,000 Banco de MEXICO
>>NP [4] $8,000,000 Deutsche Bank USA
FOCUS on loudest voices in WASH.
Net Worth?

Loop Capital went from laundering taxpayers money in Illinois for Obama, to one of the biggest money launderers in DC and funneling money into secret bank accounts for all the major players.

Did you notice the details Q gave?
Follow the money.
I have a headache after all of that - I don't know if I am who I think I am - but I will wait on a new drop
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🇺🇸 The Act of 1871, Congress unconstitutionally sold a bankrupted {Civil War} America to the bankers in the Vatican and in London. And a 10 plot of land separate from the rest of America was created called the District of Columbia, with their own flag, police force and Constitution.

They changed one word from the United States #for America, to the United States of America and we became a Corporation.

The Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913, handing over America‘s gold and silver reserves and ultimately total control of America’s economy to the Federal Reserve Bank. A private Corporation established their own private bank. 👁️

So, President Trump can receive the Traditional Flight into D.C. on Air Force One (this is a C-32, which is what Trump Force One is as well)….

But find me the video for “Biden” being flown into D.C. on any Air Force aircraft.

On January 20, 2021, these things took place:

a. "Joe" did not receive the traditional flight into D.C. on any Air Force aircraft.

b. Swore in at 11:47 AM EST - violation of the 20th Amendment.

c. National Guard did NOT salute motorcade and moving Flags, had turned their backs turned to them.

d. Amazing Grace was performed - Army Memorial Honors for a Funeral.

e. There was NOT a Commissioned Officer at Cannons show for “Biden” - violation of Army Regulations 600-25, 2-3 Cannon Salutes.

f. The ONLY Cannons shown all day for "Joe" was 3 Cannons at Arlington National Cemetery... which is a Military FUNERAL Honors NOT a 21-Gun Salute.

g. The 4 Cannons, 21-Gun Salute, was at Joint Base Andrews with President Trump.

h. On the Capitol Building, the States Flag, only had 13 Stars for “Joe”… matching President Trump’s 13 Stars on January 20, 2017, which is Rhode Island…

Neither have lived in Rhode Island. The only other reason there would be 13 Stars… is 13 original Colonies at the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Which talks about resetting our Foundation.

I guess that’s why on January 20, 2017, President Trump said, “we are taking the power from D.C. and giving it back to you the people.”

I guess that’s why there’s 27 Stars on the State Flags currently hanging and waiting for January 20, 2025.

27 Stars = Florida.

And here’s President Trump receiving the traditional flight.

The Dash Matters.

👉🏻 ——

👉🏻 45——47 🫡🐂🇺🇸
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So, let me get this straight… the Media and a lot of Republicans said the Secret Service and FBI were incompetent, not qualified, and made mistakes.

But President Trump is tapping one of those, from that very “day,” as Director. 🤭

Of ALL the qualified men and women in Law Enforcement, the guy who just so happens to be front and center, where those Flags just so happened to be positioned in the perfect spot and an upward angle for this?

Not a publicity stunt like the left accused.

Special Operations.

All outlined in the 2016 Unconventional Warfare Guide.

This guide outlines Title 50 and mentions Executive Order 12333.

Executive Order 12333 addresses ASSASSINATIONS.

What are the odds that in the same, first 180-days, in the Title 50 Chapter 33 Section §1550 clause…

The Executive Order immediately after the Executive Order that Federalized the Reserve Components to Active-Duty and the 4 Codes from Title 14 that transferred the Coast Guard from Homeland Security to the Department of Defense, EO 13912, still active…

He signs EO 13913, that references EO 12333. 🤭

And what are the odds that President Trump has a case filed with the United States Supreme Court, Donald J. Trump vs. the United States, that’s about Assassinations. 🤭

April 4, 2020 > July 13, 2024.

March 19, 2024 > July 13, 2024.

> = Before.

Strategic Plan.

Trap the swamp.

Expose the swamp.

Drain the swamp.

They didn’t drain it for themselves.

They drained it for you.

Hence why they needed everyone’s attention.


The Greatest Show on Earth.

👉🏻 ——

👉🏻 45——47 🫡🐂🇺🇸

So, President Trump can receive the Traditional Flight into D.C. on Air Force One (this is a C-32, which is what Trump Force One is as well)….

But find me the video for “Biden” being flown into D.C. on any Air Force aircraft.

On January 20, 2021, these things took place:

a. "Joe" did not receive the traditional flight into D.C. on any Air Force aircraft.

b. Swore in at 11:47 AM EST - violation of the 20th Amendment.

c. National Guard did NOT salute motorcade and moving Flags, had turned their backs turned to them.

d. Amazing Grace was performed - Army Memorial Honors for a Funeral.

e. There was NOT a Commissioned Officer at Cannons show for “Biden” - violation of Army Regulations 600-25, 2-3 Cannon Salutes.

f. The ONLY Cannons shown all day for "Joe" was 3 Cannons at Arlington National Cemetery... which is a Military FUNERAL Honors NOT a 21-Gun Salute.

g. The 4 Cannons, 21-Gun Salute, was at Joint Base Andrews with President Trump.

h. On the Capitol Building, the States Flag, only had 13 Stars for “Joe”… matching President Trump’s 13 Stars on January 20, 2017, which is Rhode Island…

Neither have lived in Rhode Island. The only other reason there would be 13 Stars… is 13 original Colonies at the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Which talks about resetting our Foundation.

I guess that’s why on January 20, 2017, President Trump said, “we are taking the power from D.C. and giving it back to you the people.”

I guess that’s why there’s 27 Stars on the State Flags currently hanging and waiting for January 20, 2025.

27 Stars = Florida.

And here’s President Trump receiving the traditional flight.

The Dash Matters.

👉🏻 ——

👉🏻 45——47 🫡🐂🇺🇸
You are so stupid. Biden sent the plane to pick up Trump and in 2021 Biden, who lives less than two hours away, was going to take the train until you bloodthirstly hooligans overran the Capitol so he took a private jet instead. You could have learned that yourself in just a few clicks, instead of blindly posting batshit.

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You are so stupid. Biden sent the plane to pick up Trump and in 2021 Biden, who lives less than two hours away, was going to take the train until you bloodthirstly hooligans overran the Capitol so he took a private jet instead. You could have learned that yourself in just a few clicks, instead of blindly posting batshit.

Entertainment purposes only dpic.

Someone asked me to do a post about this... because it seems that some "Patriots" haven't learned to stop arguing over things that aren't an argument.

Air Force One.

The problem is terminology.

The solution is terminology.

Anytime a President is on ANY type of Aircraft, it is called "Air Force One."

Anytime a Vice President is on ANY type of Aircraft, it is called "Air Force Two."

That has NOTHING to do with the Call Sign.

The Presidential Call Sign is SAM.

SAM = Special Air Mission.

"Biden" and "Kamala" never flew with the SAM Call Sign.

The Department of Defense has flown with the SAM Call Sign since January 2021.

No Call Sign or Empty Call Sign is what they had "Biden" flying with.

AF2 is what they had "Kamala" flying with.

Those are NOT Presidential Call Signs.

A President or VP can be in a Crop Duster and it's going to be called Air Force One or Air Force Two.

A President or VP can be in a Ultralight and it's going to be called Air Force One or Air Force Two.

A President or VP can be on a Cow with wings tied onto it, and it's going to be called Air Force One or Air Force Two.

If you want to argue such... you're only looking ignorant to those who know but especially to Veterans.

If you are a Veteran arguing that... you're making the case that your ASVAB explains why you were infantry or supply. #NotSorry

The thing that's most baffling is... how so many are still wanting to argue things that are Military Customs and Regulations.

The same as January 20, 2021...

Today, January 18, 2025, you see a C-32 (typically used for Air Force Two) pick up President Trump... and flew SAM47.

But "Biden" never received the Traditional Flight by the United States Air Force for January 20th, 2021 and never flew with a SAM Call Sign.

It's like the Cannons.

People make the Cannon Salutes complicated. And it's also a combination of never knowing there were different forms of Salutes, rifles and cannons.

The problem is terminology.

The solution is terminology.

The most common form of a funeral salute most people have seen is the 21-Gun-Salute fired by Rifles at a Funeral.

It's the 21-Gun part that confuses everything and everyone.

21-Guns = Rounds fired.

Let's type that again another way.

21-Guns = How many shots are fired.

At Funerals, they don't have 21 men standing there with 21 rifles.

It's 7 rifles firing 3 shots each totaling 21 rounds fired for a 21-Gun-Salute.

Every January 20th Inauguration service displayed 4 Cannons, 21 Rounds fired, in the National Capital Region immediately after the President swears in.

Then you see the President take a ride in the motorcade to Arlington National Cemetery, for the Wreath Laying Ceremony, an honor to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

On January 20, 2021, the ONLY Cannons shown ALL day for "Joe" were the 3 Cannons at Arlington.

Arlington National Cemetery dot Mil:

“The 21-gun salute is not to be confused with the three-volley salute (or three-rifle volley) rendered at military honors funerals, you might see or hear at Arlington National Cemetery.”

Notice how it adds rifles, meaning cannons and rifles?

‘See or Hear’, two senses there.

Every Inaugurationhas shown the 4 Cannons, 21-Gun-Salute, all the way back to Nixon on YouTube.

January 20, 2021, was the FIRST time in United States and Military History you’ve seen what happened.

The 4 Cannons, 21 Rounds, the 21-Gun Salute was at Joint Base Andrews with President Trump as the MSM told you it was the official Presidential Salute Battery, the 3rd Infantry Regiment, the Old Guard.

THAT was the Inauguration and 21-Gun-Salute that has been shown every January 20th.

The 3 Cannons were the ONLY cannons shown ALL DAY LONG for “Joe.”

That was a Funeral for the Monarchy being dead.

World History.

It's the reason I have a #1 Best Selling Book with Part II lighting it up. 🫡🐂🇺🇸

For those making a HUGE DEAL out of President Trump’s hand not on the Bible…

If people would put the same amount of time seeking to learn what a Military Government and Continuity of Operations are, which have dissolved the Corporation, they would appreciate the United States Military, more specifically Special Operations, and President Trump a lot more.

Hence the Funeral for the Monarchy and “Joe” on January 20, 2021.

45——47 is a WHOLE Operation, all outlined in Military and Federal Laws and Orders invoked.

It should be viewed like this:

| 45—47 |

Hence why the last White House Military Office Archive is Obama’s.

If President Trump was a Former President, there should be a White House Military Office archives dot Gov page.

Amongst everything else I’ve shown via Military Laws, Military Orders, Military Regulations, and Military Customs.

President Trump never went away but He has also been a Wartime President from the beginning.

Hence no WHMO archives.

Also, the most recent National Security Strategy found on the Department of Defense is from 2017.

Where’s “Joes” from 2022?

If “Joe” was President, why doesn’t the Department of Defense have “his” NATIONAL Security Strategy manual?

Some day… someone’s going to appreciate the one IQ that can retain ALL of it and the only who delivers ALL of it.

You wanna know it? Gotta put the time in for ALL of it too.

The Media has to portray a certain narrative via 47 United States Code §606.

👉🏻 ——

👉🏻 45—47 🫡🐂🇺🇸

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