And there it is… Continuation of Executive Order 13848 It’s on White House dot Gov, not where continued Executive Orders are archived, the Federal Register.

EO 13848 with National Emergency will provide ALL evidence of Election Interference for 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024.

It’s going to ROAST all the swamp, both sides of the aisle, for their rigged system, swing states, etc.

It also doesn’t mean it will take a year to resolve simply because it was extended that long. —
45–47 Let’s gooooo!
  • Haha
Reactions: yoshi121374

It’s truly an utter disgrace how ignorant both sides of the aisle are.

Arguing over ignorant and petty surface-level bullshit and propaganda.

Liberals are the worst. They would lead you to a camp or train quicker than a cat can lick its ass.

Many claim to “support” the Military, Declaration of Independence, and Constitution, but don’t know 💩 about them.

The world's been watching a Military Occupation, Government-in-Exile, Continuity of Operations, for 7.9 years now.

Outlined in CURRENT and PUBLIC Military and Federal Laws and Orders.

Military L&O is separate from Federal (see Military Justice Act 2016).

Every Veteran, like myself, took an Oath via Title 10 Section §502. One cannot believe in one portion without the other.

75% of ppl cannot name the 3 Branches of Gov't, much less Laws and Orders currently invoked.

These things took place on January 20, 2021, and WILL have Public Resolution:

1. “Biden” did not receive the traditional flight into D.C. on Air Force One as President-Elect.

2. Swore in at 11:47 AM EST which is a violation of the 20th Amendment which says “the presidents term ends at noon / the successors term shall THEN begin.”

The Constitution you “claim” to support:…

3. ‘Amazing Grace’ was performed; which is found in Memorial Honors PDF for Military Funerals.

Page 8:…

5. Which explains why the ONLY Cannons shown for "Joe" all day long were at Arlington National Cemetery, which is NOT a 21 Gun Salute.

That is a FUNERAL for an American Ambassador returning to the U.S. but not on official business.

21-Gun Salute / Arlington National:…

Page 5: Table 3-1, Cannons:…

Those "soldiers" were NOT the Presidential Salute Battery, the 3rd Infantry Regiment aka the Old Guard, as the actors shown were wearing Non-Regulation uniforms and zero marching.

5. Which explains why there was not a Commissioned Officer present for the cannons, which is a violation of Army Regulations 600-25.

Page 2:…

6. The 21-Gun Salute is 4 Cannons, 21 rounds fired, by the Presidential Salute Battery, the 3rd Infantry Regiment.

Mainstream Media told you on Jan. 20, 2021, the OFFICIAL PSB was with President Trump at Joint Base Andrews.

👉🏻 THAT was the Inauguration Ceremony BY OUR Military Regulations and Customs.

Aug. 29, 2024, the "Press Secretary" told a "reporter" and public when asked why Pres. Trump was at Arlington:

I'm going to have to refer you to the:

Dept. of the Army
Dept. of Arlington National Cemetery RULES and REGULATIONS.
Dept. of the National Guard.

He's the ONLY who's Federalized the National Guard to Active-Duty, with specific and unique L&O’s that made him a Wartime President, all Constitutional.

I guess that's also why the State dot gov has been suspended and not updated from Dec. 21, 2020 to today?

The Travel of the President Abroad = Donald J. Trump (2017-2021)

Secretary of State Abroad = Mike Pompeo (2017-2021)

Foreign Leaders to the U.S. = 2020

Administrative Timeline of the Dept. of State - 2020-present - last updated = Dec. 21, 2020

Is that why "Biden's" National Security Strategy is on White House dot Gov and not on Defense dot Gov, where it's supposed to be? The last on site is from 2017.

Is that why there's zero White House Military Office?

The last WHMO dot Gov archive that pulls up via Google is Obama?

Garrett Hoffman = Rainman (Movie)

Is that why Continued Executive Orders are on White House dot Gov, that "Biden" has CONTINUED (enforced) BY Trump, but 0 on the Federal Register dot Gov, where they're supposed to be?

If this was a "Conspiracy Theory"… "Biden" wouldn't be extending these particular 8 EO's with 8 National Emergencies attached, especially Election Interference EO 13848.

Educate your selfish and ignorant asses.

Military’s BEEN in control.

The DASH came April 2023.

👉🏻 —

👉🏻 45—47

The DASH Matters. 🤫🇺🇸

This is a perfect example of why one must LISTEN.

This whole “debate” was freaking EPIC and Brilliant. #

Too many people focus on the gaslighting because many Americans LOVE some drama.

This whole Occupation and Operation was not just to drain the Swamp of Republicans, Democrats, Media, Reporters, and Journalists…

But also make Americans choose a line between:

Integrity and Hypocrisy.

Especially Liberals who are the worst.

This is NOT a Republican/Democrat thing, but the low level LibTARDS who keep pushing the narrative they are on social media is a must to be able to identify who’s going to remain dumb and ignorant versus practice what they preach.

As Elon Musk said, “we are at the crossroads of civilization.”

I believe in live and let live, but Liberals are all “do as I say not as I do.”

Their kind of delusional ignorance would have you on a train quicker than Mike Tyson can butcher Mississippi.

This is ALL theatrics with Public Disclosure.

👉🏻 —

There’s no such thing as “Midterm Rallies.”

In 2021 and 2022, President Trump had many rallies, which in a normal period, would be a violation of Federal Election Rules.

All of the Rallies, including the rare, no audience since 1960 “debates,” are nothing but Public Disclosure of what’s happening and what’s to come… LAWFULLY.

They have all increased with disclosures in segments as time has passed.

That’s HOW you hear:

“President Trump was right about everything.”

Libtardents abuse the phrase: "rule of Law."

If they only knew what was CURRENTLY in Laws and Orders right now and how "Biden," though a Faux "president," has continued all the unique Executive Orders with National Emergencies PLUS relinquished "his" authority of the Military in the Executive Documents Memo in Title 50 (War and National Defense) Chapter 33 (War Powers Act of 1973) Section 1550, to the Secretary of Defense, in which that's what one of the key Executive Orders, 13919, is all about by President Trump, that invoked Title 10 Section 12304, that pairs with Executive Order 13912, that invoked Title 10 Section 12302, that Federalized 1 Million Reserve Components to Active-Duty, and made the Secretary of Defense equally in power to Federalize, though the SECDEF still listens to a CIC, 👉🏻 45–47.

CURRENT and PUBLIC Laws and Orders more than clearly outline and define a:

Military Occupation
Government in Exile
Continuity of Operations

"I will be totally exonerated."

"I will be free November 5."

" The Great Liberation starts November 5."

"I hope the Military revolts at the voting booth." (We don't vote at voting booths; National Guard Cybersecurity Teams have been running the Election Count since 2016, collecting evidence).

We will see what kind of "Americans" the Libtard Nation is when they're punched in the mouth with Military Data and Evidence.

As Mike Tyson thays: "Everyone has a plan until they're punched in the face."

"We have it ALL. We've caught them ALL."

He's not wearing 45–47 since April 2023 for NOTHING.

"There's a storm coming, wait for it."

"Be careful what you wish for."'

Those of you who jumped ship... you're going to learn a lesson too.

Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Songbird McCain, and RINO Mitt Romney Aides, plus Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, are the LAST endorsements you want to be bragging about at the same time you're talking about limiting Foreign Oil.

Who's the one who talks about "Drill Baby, Drill?"

Who's those who shutdown the Keystone Pipeline?

They're all connected to Ukraine, China, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iran... and their children.

This whole "debate" was NOTHING but Public Disclosure of what's going to be revealed and added to the:

"President Trump was right about everything."

All a Strategic Plan.

The DASH is public. All in Laws and Orders.

Choose your line libtards.

Patriots, make notes of who sides with the hypocrisy.

They're NOT to be anywhere near Local, State, or Federal Government.

👉🏻 —

👉🏻 45–47

👉🏻 #

#TheDASHMatters 🤌🏼🎲🐂🇺🇸