A lot of distractions…
Remember… President Trump’s “rallies” aren’t rallies.
They are Proclamations.
October and November 2024:
“America is an Occupied Country, we will soon no longer be Occupied. The great Liberation starts November 5.”
Occupied Territory = Chapter 11 of the Law of War Manual
Military Occupation = Chapter 11 of the Law of War Manual
In 2022, President Trump started saying:
“Remember Angela Merkel? Nobody’s remembering her right now. I gave her the White Flag of Surrender.”
Now just what are the odds of ALL those partner nations, especially those working with the United States right now with the Transnational Crime and Trafficking busts, as well as the Abraham Accords and the USMCA still intact…
How come “Biden” didn’t have anything of “his” own?
How come “Biden” didn’t abolish anything by President Trump except for the revoking certain Executive Orders the Special Operation wanted and needed as a visual for Americans paying attention?
How come all of those issued by “Biden” they wanted and needed as visuals for Americans paying attention revoked by President Trump in two days time?
“The Best is Yet to Come.”
Best is a Chess term.
The Queen protects the King. When the King is stalemate, there’s no possible moves left.
Chess rules says it’s not a win or a loss, it’s a draw.
But that’s Chess.
If the good guys enforce every Law and Order, that’s great for all Americans, that’s 95% of the battle because it exposes those who never did plus finds those who defend them.
It traps the enemy… all they have left are accusations and retaliations.
But from the start… they’ve had a choice.
A _____ in the sand.
Come across this line now, and your punishment will be lighter.
The further they go, the worse it gets.
Their plan was already in place… Fauci proved this with his speech on January 12, 2017, guaranteeing the new Administration would see a pandemic in a few years.
Few = 3
2017 + 3 = 🤭
They made their choice a long time ago.
There was only one way to Save America, the World, and rid the Swamp.
Special Operations.
It ain’t always for the faint of heart.
There are bumps, bruises, mishaps, and tragedies.
But, who else was going to do it?
All those complaining… haven’t done a dang thing.
It had to be done a certain way.
The Operation isn’t over. Laws and Orders prove such.
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