Question for Clemson alumni

The top 20 initiative was fantastic, but I don’t know that it contributed to football. That seemed to be driven by a commitment to winning from the board down and also Spurrier dominating is

The top 20 initiative and the AARC (which we all hated) really. That board was formed to ensure that players who were admitted were capable of graduating. Dabo was the guy getting to understand what the university wanted from its student athletes and that it wasn’t just all about the wins.

We it comes to Dabo’s vision translating to graduating players, life skills, APR, making better fathers and husbands...not just purely winning games at all cost, I’d be willing to bet that all of those meetings contributed. Dabo knew how to bring the school and the athletic department together into One Clemson.
I haven't read the entire thread so I'm sorry if someone else has articulated my points.

Listen, none of this is that hard. It's not whitewashing history to change the name on a building. I bet none of you were mad when they changed Leningrad back to St. Petersburg. You make decisions on a case by case basis on a few different criteria.

  1. How shitty was the person relative to the time the lived in? Ben Tillman was 100% a piece of shit in the time he lived. His views and statements were extremely racist even in those more racist times. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, however, were not notably shitty based on their time period. Calhoun is a closer call.
  2. How long has the thing been called what it is? Tillman Hall hasn't even been named what it is for 100 years. Calhoun Honors even less. Tillman was renamed to something shitty. No brainer, not enough history for either of them.
  3. What was the context of the thing when it was named? Calhoun I have no idea. Tillman hall was named well after Tillman had died and when Civil Rights was (finally) starting to become a real topic in this country. The context isn't worth saving. Note: this also applies to most confederate monuments and the confederate flag. They were built (or flown) mostly during periods of societal progress as a giant middle finger to black people. Inexcusable.
Change the name of both. No need to honor either of them in this way. There's no slippery slope here, you trolls.

EDIT: Oh, graduated 2010.

Like all names everywhere these were changed for monetary donations to the school back when the school really needed the money. The descendants of those people pretty much strong armed the school into getting their family names put onto something Clemson. I am in agreement that Tillman should go back to Old Main, and honestly no reason to have put a name attached to Honors College. It should've just read Clemson Honors College.

Class '94