As God said in his word, close the book. Basically it is finished, you will believe what has been wrtitten, you will not take away nor add to what has been written. You will either turn in faith to Jesus Christ in repentance of your sins or go to hell. With that said you can debate many things on this message board, twitter accounts, liberals, conservatives, who’s right and who’s wrong on any subject you can think of. You will never be more wrong when you debate God at his word, the truth hurts. Hurts me sometimes as a Christian, that’s why God refers to it as a double edged sword, while it cuts and hurts it also cuts the infection of sin out at the same time, which ultimately is like a miracle salve. This country really needs to try turning to Jesus again and stop self repair, self help, it still don’t fix the heart or their sin condition. Hate Trump, hate this one or that one, but I wouldn’t let that send me to hell. People are so fixed on an agenda and how people should, act, respond and so on, when we all need to constantly look in the mirror that is called the Bible. Not just read it, pray and ask God before we seek His word for us, take it serious, then you find yourself needing fixing, then you will find yourself not pointing to others, but it will be “woe is me for I am undone”. I am speaking for the flaws of all Christians, we are not perfect and you sometimes can’t tell the difference (Lot), but you’re a lot less judgmental and forgiving, even if it don’t seem like it. The truth hurts, but a true Christian will offer help for being this way or that way. His name is Jesus, not Trump, not Billy Graham, not the next president, not the next law passed. Even if all the political parties became one, all the laws were perfect, there would still be sin because God didn’t intend for mankind to keep the law, but made the law to see themselves falling short of it in need of His pardon. That’s our problem America.