First, I appreciate your decision not to go on a personal attack, like many feel the necessity to do. This is an important topic, and one that needs to be discussed, and not cancelled. Back in the 1970s we could talk about race relations. And there could be agreement and disagreement. But now, if the mainstream doesn't agree with you, they silence you, and cancel you.
I spent three (3) years of my nine (9) year Army service in Germany (1978-1981). I served with, trained with, partied with, soldiers of different races and ethnic, Hispanic, oriental, etc. There was virtually none of what you see happening right now. Only on one occasion, where a white soldier from Alabama showed me his KKK card, was I exposed to the type of hate and racism that I see now. And, I'm glad he showed me that KKK card, because I avoided him from that point on. So, for three (3) years in Germany, that country where Nazi Fascism started, I did not encounter the type of racial polarization and hatred that I see in the streets of this country, the media, and the schools, that I see right now. You can deny this all you want, or say that all the white racists were in the closet, and they just chose to come out now. I contend that over the decades that this was a planned and scripted move to cause racial polarization (or much more racial polarization).
But again I appreciate to kind demeanor in discussing this, because you rarely see that these days. God bless you.