Rencher has a point

I tried to have a logical discussion with you, but now a realize you’re just a cvnt who will always look for some sort of injustice instead of accepting personal responsibility. Congrats on being a first class bitch.
Don't be mad at me because you don't understand per-capita statistics. Your fragile feelings are duly noted.
Perfect example of being a victim. If you look for racism you’ll damn sure find it. Quit being a bitch and man up. Everyone has ample opportunity to succeed in this country, so get the fvck over it
Wow, you really are extra upset. If this gets you this mad maybe you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and figure out why.
Don't be mad at me because you don't understand per-capita statistics. Your fragile feelings are duly noted.
Haha, so you decide to be a bitch and scream racism at every opportunity and then claim that others are fragile. You’re such a cvnt.
Your description of your response to your contact is probably why you didn't see much racism. Many times people who are racist will avoid someone like you because you won't tolerate it. The problem is it them seems like there's no racism because you're not racist and none of your friends are. Things must be better right? Meanwhile your black friends may be suffering in silence.

I don't share with my white friends what I go through all the time. It's just not worth it and its exhausting to talk about. Now some of it they've seen on their own and they were livid. Many of them were honestly like you. Really believing things were better. Now they themselves notice it more in other situations and they'll actually call me and share. Times in the grocery store, on the job, etc. They wonder how many times they must've missed it over the years just not paying attention. Are they woke now? They don't speak up everytime and i recommended they don't. It can be a little overwhelming so pick your spots.

I got a million stories man and I'm not proud of any of them. It sucks. It's still happening. I would love not to ever discuss it again. I'm about as clean cut as they come, as law abiding as a person can be. I still get it. Imagine folks that look the least bit shady.

The media sucks. Our leadership in govt sucks. All of them. Not just one side and not just recently. They are all crooks that have sold out the American people. They pour gasoline on any issue but that doesn't mean the issue doesn't exist tho. They do a great job of playing it in a way that has the different groups at each other's throats. Meanwhile they rob us all blind both monetarily and morally.

And yes a bunch of racists were closeted. Racism was not as cool so you had to operate carefully because they risked running into someone like you. The anonymity of social media reinvigorated them in my opinion and created a way to connect and operate openly again. Just some opinions because I certainly don't have any answers beyond average Joe citizen saying hell no to this mess. Too many people excusing bad behavior.

I'll end my conversation here because if we keep going back and forth this thread is going to meet the Roundtable forum.

But no one is born racist. it is learned. And if you think I was insulated by it because I didn't hang around racists then you might be naive. There are people from groups out there that are racists. One guy that I grew up with in my neighborhood was such. And it didn't take long for me to see the source...his father. I no longer saw him until about 10 years later after leaving the regular army. He came by my house, and since I had a extra room, I rented it to him. Well, he was even more racist, and his father as well. This time I tried talking some sense into him, to no avail. I finally found a reason to get him to move without making a scene. But I was certainly around racists, but fortunately my parents and grandparents instilled in me that this was wrong. I was in the 3rd grade in Charleston County (the last county in the state to integrate) when integration occurred. My first black friend I still remember his name, Raymond Simmons. But I knew what racism was, I just didn't know or never met any card carrying KKK members. But since racism is a taught thing, that is what has been going on for the last few decades. Now we see that it was taught in many schools (CRT), and had it not been for the pandemic, we may have not know it was being pushed in elementary schools, and even kindergarten. this is what I mean when I say we are making more racists!!! This has been a Marxist agenda for years, done mainly by foreign entities. It's a lot easier to destroy from within, getting people at each other throats, then dropping bombs. This, I feel, is about to come to an end. the old saying that you give such people enough rope and they will hang themselves. Well, that is about to happen.

Take care my friend...
Perfect example of being a victim. If you look for racism you’ll damn sure find it. Quit being a bitch and man up. Everyone has ample opportunity to succeed in this country, so get the fvck over it
Look for it? It's right in my face and I 99% of the time ignore it. But I'm not a victim because I can try and educate your dumb ass and share my experience, my perspective. Doesnt mean I'm out here reporting people to the police.

You just went from 0-100 and you're telling someone else to man up. Your post made it clear that you're the real bitch. Your post legit made me laugh even tho it was completely stupid. I'm conflicted lol.
I'll end my conversation here because if we keep going back and forth this thread is going to meet the Roundtable forum.

But no one is born racist. it is learned. And if you think I was insulated by it because I didn't hang around racists then you might be naive. There are people from groups out there that are racists. One guy that I grew up with in my neighborhood was such. And it didn't take long for me to see the source...his father. I no longer saw him until about 10 years later after leaving the regular army. He came by my house, and since I had a extra room, I rented it to him. Well, he was even more racist, and his father as well. This time I tried talking some sense into him, to no avail. I finally found a reason to get him to move without making a scene. But I was certainly around racists, but fortunately my parents and grandparents instilled in me that this was wrong. I was in the 3rd grade in Charleston County (the last county in the state to integrate) when integration occurred. My first black friend I still remember his name, Raymond Simmons. But I knew what racism was, I just didn't know or never met any card carrying KKK members. But since racism is a taught thing, that is what has been going on for the last few decades. Now we see that it was taught in many schools (CRT), and had it not been for the pandemic, we may have not know it was being pushed in elementary schools, and even kindergarten. this is what I mean when I say we are making more racists!!! This has been a Marxist agenda for years, done mainly by foreign entities. It's a lot easier to destroy from within, getting people at each other throats, then dropping bombs. This, I feel, is about to come to an end. the old saying that you give such people enough rope and they will hang themselves. Well, that is about to happen.

Take care my friend...
That was actually a compliment that you took the wrong way. People that are not racist usually don't tolerate racism either so racists can't exist around them. Therefore your life isn't complicated with racists doing racist stuff. Get it? They know not to do that crap around you. What ends up happening is you don't get to see as much racism because you don't allow it around you. That doesn't mean you're insulated. That means you don't tolerate hate so they don't come around you.
I'll end my conversation here because if we keep going back and forth this thread is going to meet the Roundtable forum.

But no one is born racist. it is learned. And if you think I was insulated by it because I didn't hang around racists then you might be naive. There are people from groups out there that are racists. One guy that I grew up with in my neighborhood was such. And it didn't take long for me to see the source...his father. I no longer saw him until about 10 years later after leaving the regular army. He came by my house, and since I had a extra room, I rented it to him. Well, he was even more racist, and his father as well. This time I tried talking some sense into him, to no avail. I finally found a reason to get him to move without making a scene. But I was certainly around racists, but fortunately my parents and grandparents instilled in me that this was wrong. I was in the 3rd grade in Charleston County (the last county in the state to integrate) when integration occurred. My first black friend I still remember his name, Raymond Simmons. But I knew what racism was, I just didn't know or never met any card carrying KKK members. But since racism is a taught thing, that is what has been going on for the last few decades. Now we see that it was taught in many schools (CRT), and had it not been for the pandemic, we may have not know it was being pushed in elementary schools, and even kindergarten. this is what I mean when I say we are making more racists!!! This has been a Marxist agenda for years, done mainly by foreign entities. It's a lot easier to destroy from within, getting people at each other throats, then dropping bombs. This, I feel, is about to come to an end. the old saying that you give such people enough rope and they will hang themselves. Well, that is about to happen.

Take care my friend...
So teaching the kids the real truth about US history is creating more racist people? #facepalm
Look for it? It's right in my face and I 99% of the time ignore it. But I'm not a victim because I can try and educate your dumb ass and share my experience, my perspective. Doesnt mean I'm out here reporting people to the police.

You just went from 0-100 and you're telling someone else to man up. Your post made it clear that you're the real bitch. Your post legit made me laugh even tho it was completely stupid. I'm conflicted lol.
Your entire post screams I’m a a bitch looking for something to be offended about. Sorry you can’t handle your lot in life.
Your entire post screams I’m a a bitch looking for something to be offended about. Sorry you can’t handle your lot in life.
My life is great. Your mental weakness is showing.

So much irony in your accusations on others. You're literally describing your own self and life. I would encourage you and say things will get better but I'm not a liar or a fake. It's more likely you're in trouble, lol. Good luck.
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Your entire post screams I’m a a bitch looking for something to be offended about. Sorry you can’t handle your lot in life.
Your entire post screams angry ignorance so it seems you're the one struggling with this thing called life. #prayerssent
My life is great. Your mental weakness is showing.

So much irony in your accusations on others. You're literally describing your own self and life. I would encourage you and say things will get better but I'm not a liar or a fake. It's more likely you're in trouble, lol. Good luck.
He is projecting extra hard. I pray he doesn't have kids that he has passed his beliefs on. This is how the cycle continues to repeat itself.
My life is great. Your mental weakness is showing.

So much irony in your accusations on others. You're literally describing your own self and life. I would encourage you and say things will get better but I'm not a liar or a fake. It's more likely you're in trouble, lol. Good luck.

Your entire post screams angry ignorance so it seems you're the one struggling with this thing called life. #prayerssent
I’m happy to discuss it with both of you face ti face. I think serious discussion is much better person. However, I know you 2 victims would never man up and discuss it like a man. If you’re willing too, let me know, I’ll meet anytime over a beer and tell you to your face that you’re being a bitch. Time a place is up to you.
Come on, now. He’s trolling for attention with that tweet. He’s clearly at least playing on the prevailing connotation.
Dude, it’s IceHeart.. cmon. Him and Nytiger and others live for these post. It’s their life’s passion..
I’m happy to discuss it with both of you face ti face. I think serious discussion is much better person. However, I know you 2 victims would never man up and discuss it like a man. If you’re willing too, let me know, I’ll meet anytime over a beer and tell you to your face that you’re being a bitch. Time a place is up to you.

Is this where I also act like a child and call your mama a bitch and then we trade more insults knowing we'll never actually meet? You're a real tough guy.
Is this where I also act like a child and call your mama a bitch and then we trade more insults knowing we'll never actually meet? You're a real tough guy.
No, this is where you accept an adult conversation face to face with the understanding that I’m gonna say the same things I’m saying here to your face. You’re the one being mamas and other dumb shit into this. It’s a serious topic and if if you’re that serious about it, I’m happy to have a beer and discuss it with you. If not, continue to be a bitch and play the victim.
I’m happy to discuss it with both of you face ti face. I think serious discussion is much better person. However, I know you 2 victims would never man up and discuss it like a man. If you’re willing too, let me know, I’ll meet anytime over a beer and tell you to your face that you’re being a bitch. Time a place is up to you.
I'm in Columbia. I will record the interation so everyone in here can see the outcome. I'll be your Huckle Bearer.
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No, this is where you accept an adult conversation face to face with the understanding that I’m gonna say the same things I’m saying here to your face. You’re the one being mamas and other dumb shit into this. It’s a serious topic and if if you’re that serious about it, I’m happy to have a beer and discuss it with you. If not, continue to be a bitch and play the victim.
Your dumbass wouldn't be capable of having an adult conversation. We'd be short one adult first of all. You couldn't even chat without calling someone a bitch which it clearly was apparent you were the only bitch in this thread.
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Your dumbass wouldn't be capable of having an adult conversation. We'd be short one adult first of all. You couldn't even chat without calling someone a bitch which it clearly was apparent you were the only bitch in this thread.
That’s a full paragraph to say you’re not man enough to have a man to man conversation. You should’ve just typed I’m too much of a pussy to do something like that. Offers stands coward.
That’s a full paragraph to say you’re not man enough to have a man to man conversation. You should’ve just typed I’m too much of a pussy to do something like that. Offers stands coward.
Me beating your dumbass wouldn't prove anything. The people that know and respect me would be disappointed though they'd admit they enjoyed watching it. You are pathetic.
Me beating your dumbass wouldn't prove anything. The people that know and respect me would be disappointed though they'd admit they enjoyed watching it. You are pathetic.
Time and place bitch. Quit talking and man up.
Good grief guys, this is an embarrassing thread. Grown men torching some guy they‘ve never met (who was, by all accounts I’ve seen, very popular with his teammates) and making pretty ridiculous comments/assumptions about his character without knowing the guy. You know that it is possible to intelligently engage with people who have different views than yourself and agree to disagree without just roasting the guy and assume the worst about the person.
Weird you're attacking him when I've already accepted.
He doesn't actually want that. Those that know me on this board know I would like nothing more than to engage this pathetic piece of crap in real life. He has no idea who he is challenging. He hates himself and his life most likely.
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That's just a stupid, sorry ass take. But you do you......
Cool man
Check your facts and look back
I’m the one that announced Vinson was done with football 6 weeks before TI knew and announced
Hey you do you bro …..hopefully you aren’t from Florence if so that explains everything
… Holy sh*t …

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So teaching the kids the real truth about US history is creating more racist people? #facepalm
They are (were) teaching the truth in history. So teaching that this country and all white people are systemically racist is teaching real history??? Are you a white person, and hence, you and your family are all systemically racist (at least under this teaching)?? This is racist garbage being taught by REAL racists that are only trying to racially dived this country. Racists teaching racism is always a BAD thing!!!
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They are (were) teaching the truth in history. So teaching that this country and all white people are systemically racist is teaching real history??? Are you a white person, and hence, you and your family are all systemically racist (at least under this teaching)?? This is racist garbage being taught by REAL racists that are only trying to racially dived this country. Racists teaching racism is always a BAD
Wow. So you were taught how our forefathers treated the slaves they owned? You were taught how the 13th amendment never really ended slavery? You were taught how and why Jim Crow laws were created? Taught about Black Wall Street? The truth doesn't create racist people. It wakes up kids whose family was fed a whitewashed version of their history so that they do not pass a false narrative down to the next generation.
Wow. So you were taught how our forefathers treated the slaves they owned? You were taught how the 13th amendment never really ended slavery? You were taught how and why Jim Crow laws were created? Taught about Black Wall Street? The truth doesn't create racist people. It wakes up kids whose family was fed a whitewashed version of their history so that they do not pass a false narrative down to the next generation.

WOW!!! You are insufferable. Yes I learned about slavery in school. They are actually now doing more to change the narrative of that terrible event, or remove it from a taught lesson. And to top it off, I am currently a Genealogist and Historian. So, I have studied slavery and studied the documents I'm quite sure much more than you have. You want to debate this with me? We can do it.

As bad as the morals of slavery were and are, I see how ethically and morally bad at every level this was than many just reading it out of a history book!!! This is a stain in our history, no doubt. But, as a genealogist, I see things maybe others fail to see. I see in the genealogical documents and stories of what those people in slavery had to overcome, what they had to endure. I see it!!! I get it!!! And I also see that many descendants fail to realize (and be thankful) what those people had to endure to get to the present. Many are much too worried about just complaining about the present time, and not be thankful what their ancestors had to go through, when it was their ancestors, and 650,000 (+) men who lost their lives, and paid a heavy price. Former First Lady Michelle Obama is a distant cousin of mine (7th cousin 2x removed), descending from my 6th great-grandfather Capt. Robert Smith. I put her line in my tree. I typed each generation, read (and saved) the stories, saw the documents, and kind of lived (in a way) the suffering and triumph of her ancestry, to make it to her accomplish that she has today. I would assume she knows her ancestry?

I mean, if want to talk about the history of slavery, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Spanish, the English, West Africa and the Ivory Coast, etc., let's do it. There's a lot more history behind this than you might know!!!
WOW!!! You are insufferable. Yes I learned about slavery in school. They are actually now doing more to change the narrative of that terrible event, or remove it from a taught lesson. And to top it off, I am currently a Genealogist and Historian. So, I have studied slavery and studied the documents I'm quite sure much more than you have. You want to debate this with me? We can do it.

As bad as the morals of slavery were and are, I see how ethically and morally bad at every level this was than many just reading it out of a history book!!! This is a stain in our history, no doubt. But, as a genealogist, I see things maybe others fail to see. I see in the genealogical documents and stories of what those people in slavery had to overcome, what they had to endure. I see it!!! I get it!!! And I also see that many descendants fail to realize (and be thankful) what those people had to endure to get to the present. Many are much too worried about just complaining about the present time, and not be thankful what their ancestors had to go through, when it was their ancestors, and 650,000 (+) men who lost their lives, and paid a heavy price. Former First Lady Michelle Obama is a distant cousin of mine (7th cousin 2x removed), descending from my 6th great-grandfather Capt. Robert Smith. I put her line in my tree. I typed each generation, read (and saved) the stories, saw the documents, and kind of lived (in a way) the suffering and triumph of her ancestry, to make it to her accomplish that she has today. I would assume she knows her ancestry?

I mean, if want to talk about the history of slavery, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Spanish, the English, West Africa and the Ivory Coast, etc., let's do it. There's a lot more history behind this than you might know!!!
Who is arguing that there aren't many to celebrate? This discussion is about how what we were taught in school (I'm in my mid 40's) wasn't the real truth. It is a whitewashed version of it. It isn't about how slavery still exist and disproportionately affects Americans that aren't white. We don't get taught this. There was no discussion how laws are written to target non white people. As the internet has grown it is only in recent history that the real truth is coming out for everyone. It created the push to take down statues and change names on buildings. Stark difference to going on field trips and hearing how great those on said statues were. Imagine learning the real history and seeing all your dollars and coins celebrated with slave owner faces. So much change needs to happen which makes it extra sad considering it is 2022.
Who is arguing that there aren't many to celebrate? This discussion is about how what we were taught in school (I'm in my mid 40's) wasn't the real truth. It is a whitewashed version of it. It isn't about how slavery still exist and disproportionately affects Americans that aren't white. We don't get taught this. There was no discussion how laws are written to target non white people. As the internet has grown it is only in recent history that the real truth is coming out for everyone. It created the push to take down statues and change names on buildings. Stark difference to going on field trips and hearing how great those on said statues were. Imagine learning the real history and seeing all your dollars and coins celebrated with slave owner faces. So much change needs to happen which makes it extra sad considering it is 2022.

So, you get your historical facts off of the internet and social media???

So, you get your historical facts off of the internet and social media???

I get my facts from being raised in predominantly Black communities. I simply said the facts are accessible, on the internet, for everyone. Seems like you need to spend some time on there reading up on all the levels of systemic racism that have had a huge impact on your fellow Americans.