oh please... if Trump had 75% of the vote there wouldn't be anything to talk about. To date Trump has 37% of the popular vote and about 50% of the delegates awarded thus far. There are fair game gripes, like Trojan Horse delegates, but come on... he's benefited from the rules and has an outsized percentage of the delegates to show for it.
My point wasn't about him. It's about them. They don't even want Cruz to win man, lol. Nowhere did I say Trump deserves to win it. Im saying even if he or Cruz had 75% they would still be paying millions of dollars in adds against them both. It's really not hard to see that the GOP is on it's last leg. And who they truly care about. It's certainly not the people. Even if the majority of the people supported them. I mean, why in the hell did they even let 17 people on the stage to begin with. I mean that was a joke from the start. They aren't stupid. They know exactly what they are doing and what they want. And in the end it will happen their way.
I honestly think the Dems were going to concede it the Republicans this year. They don't like Bernie either, and im sure they didn't think Hillary would make it this far. But they probably promised her a fair shot at it after last time. So they probably conceded it to the GOP, thinking they would get Jeb. Which is fine for both parties. Both sides stay fat and happy, and if Jeb screws it up, the right gets the blame. And the left looks good. But neither of them expected the two candidates that have emerged, to do so. They thought they would be buried a long time ago. Now the people have spoken. They have spoken against the establishment with both Trump and Cruz. Combine their votes, and that's how many people are voting against big government and the typical Washington ways. They didn't like that and i'm sure it wasn't part of the plan. Now they are in "Operation Split the Delegates". Im sure Kasich has got some sort of promise and set up for something later down the road. They will take care of him. He's been a very good boy for them. All of this is just my opinion of it. I don't think it's out of the possibilities, considering this is a business now. Not just America voting for their next leader. Both parties are in it together. There's a reason they truly do not want a 3rd party to emerge.