Republicans already working to stop Trump?

oh please... if Trump had 75% of the vote there wouldn't be anything to talk about. To date Trump has 37% of the popular vote and about 50% of the delegates awarded thus far. There are fair game gripes, like Trojan Horse delegates, but come on... he's benefited from the rules and has an outsized percentage of the delegates to show for it.

My point wasn't about him. It's about them. They don't even want Cruz to win man, lol. Nowhere did I say Trump deserves to win it. Im saying even if he or Cruz had 75% they would still be paying millions of dollars in adds against them both. It's really not hard to see that the GOP is on it's last leg. And who they truly care about. It's certainly not the people. Even if the majority of the people supported them. I mean, why in the hell did they even let 17 people on the stage to begin with. I mean that was a joke from the start. They aren't stupid. They know exactly what they are doing and what they want. And in the end it will happen their way.

I honestly think the Dems were going to concede it the Republicans this year. They don't like Bernie either, and im sure they didn't think Hillary would make it this far. But they probably promised her a fair shot at it after last time. So they probably conceded it to the GOP, thinking they would get Jeb. Which is fine for both parties. Both sides stay fat and happy, and if Jeb screws it up, the right gets the blame. And the left looks good. But neither of them expected the two candidates that have emerged, to do so. They thought they would be buried a long time ago. Now the people have spoken. They have spoken against the establishment with both Trump and Cruz. Combine their votes, and that's how many people are voting against big government and the typical Washington ways. They didn't like that and i'm sure it wasn't part of the plan. Now they are in "Operation Split the Delegates". Im sure Kasich has got some sort of promise and set up for something later down the road. They will take care of him. He's been a very good boy for them. All of this is just my opinion of it. I don't think it's out of the possibilities, considering this is a business now. Not just America voting for their next leader. Both parties are in it together. There's a reason they truly do not want a 3rd party to emerge.
it is my understanding that trump would not be on the ballot in most states do to sore loser laws. more importantly, if trump really cared at all about the white house going to a conservative, then he wouldnt run as a third party candidate. people who would vote for trump even if he doesnt get the republican nomination would also rather have hillary in the whitehouse than whoever was elected the nominee
i meant if trump got the republican nomination north carolina would have a strong appetite to vote for a 3rd party against him. exit polling from the NC primary showed 30% of republican voters would be open to it.
Disagree even if its procedurally legal, it is ethically wrong. 100% of delegates from each state should be bound to winner of the popular vote from start to finish. They build these rules in to take power from the people and put it in the hands of the few. Additionally, if they succeed in doing this, its as good as handing the election to Hillary or whoever wins from the democrat side. This would be a disenfranchisement of the voter. I think Trump will make it a moot point and continue to steamroll anyway.
It was going to be an uphill battle for Republican's to win this election no matter who the candidates were. Their base is shrinking while the Democrat base is growing. Their best chance was to hope for a historically low voter turnout overall, and a base that is energized (think recent mid-term elections).

Even if the nominee isn't Trump at this point (it will be), I haven't seen a realistic model that shows how republican can win in 2016.
It will be Trump/Kasich.
Trump knows he needs Ohio to win the electoral college, and he needs Kasich as a "back up" President to make the establishment feel good about their vote for Trump.
He's not wrong. The 12 years of reconstruction that came after the civil war is what bread the vast majority of racial conflict and resentment in this country. People don't like to talk about it for a reason.

That along with the consolidation of Federal power that creates 99% of the political problems we see today is all traceable back to the the Civil War and Lincoln.

I've been studying the time period extensively as a hobby over the last year and it's fascinating. Things that went on that most people would never believe. I don't know that people can effectively study it until they're older and know enough about human nature to really grasp the courses that events plotted in our history.
I am going to go with institutionalized slavery during the 300 years prior. That seems like a more reasonable explanation for racial strife in this country.
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My point wasn't about him. It's about them. They don't even want Cruz to win man, lol. Nowhere did I say Trump deserves to win it. Im saying even if he or Cruz had 75% they would still be paying millions of dollars in adds against them both. It's really not hard to see that the GOP is on it's last leg. And who they truly care about. It's certainly not the people. Even if the majority of the people supported them. I mean, why in the hell did they even let 17 people on the stage to begin with. I mean that was a joke from the start. They aren't stupid. They know exactly what they are doing and what they want. And in the end it will happen their way.

I honestly think the Dems were going to concede it the Republicans this year. They don't like Bernie either, and im sure they didn't think Hillary would make it this far. But they probably promised her a fair shot at it after last time. So they probably conceded it to the GOP, thinking they would get Jeb. Which is fine for both parties. Both sides stay fat and happy, and if Jeb screws it up, the right gets the blame. And the left looks good. But neither of them expected the two candidates that have emerged, to do so. They thought they would be buried a long time ago. Now the people have spoken. They have spoken against the establishment with both Trump and Cruz. Combine their votes, and that's how many people are voting against big government and the typical Washington ways. They didn't like that and i'm sure it wasn't part of the plan. Now they are in "Operation Split the Delegates". Im sure Kasich has got some sort of promise and set up for something later down the road. They will take care of him. He's been a very good boy for them. All of this is just my opinion of it. I don't think it's out of the possibilities, considering this is a business now. Not just America voting for their next leader. Both parties are in it together. There's a reason they truly do not want a 3rd party to emerge.
i think Kasich is looking ahead to 2020 personally, and thinking he can use his publicity now to launch his campaign against clinton then. I guess i mis-interpreted your point. i personally like cruz less than trump. i think it is less sinister than you present it, i think the republican establishment realizes that they are letting an opportunity pass them by because their base is trending away from the center on some key issues, including trade and immigration. this should be an easy win and it is looking like a probable loss to an unpopular unlikable democrat.
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I am going to go with institutionalized slavery during the 300 years prior. That seems like a more reasonable explanation for racial strife in this country.

I totally understand why most people would say that because it seems obvious if you haven't studied it. I'm going to pose a single question though: after the war why didn't all of the former slaves move north?

Read up enough to understand the answer to that question and you'll have your explanation.
i think Kasich is looking ahead to 2020 personally, and thinking he can use his publicity now to launch his campaign against clinton then. I guess i mis-interpreted your point. i personally like cruz less than trump. i think it is less sinister than you present it, i think the republican establishment realizes that they are letting an opportunity pass them by because their base is trending away from the center on some key issues, including trade and immigration. this should be an easy win and it is looking like a probable loss to an unpopular unlikable democrat.

I agree.
@Ron Munson Just over a month ago we were debating whether Trump could win it all and you seemed adamant that he could and would. I tried to point out the polls and you said it didn't matter he would win the swing states. We agreed to disagree. Looks like you have done a 180. I'm curious what has changed in your mind in such a short period of time?
It is a average of 6 polls for Trump/Clinton. The polls are in a vacuum. X versus Y. A lot can happen between now and November.

I think it is fairly obviously that Trump has the worst chance to beat Clinton than the other two candidates. The Democrats trotted out their worst candidate in decades. Clinton has the lowest unfavorable rating of any Democratic candidate since the poll started. Republicans should be laughing all the way to the White House, but looks like they are going to nominate the only candidate with a lower unfavorable rating than Clinton ever.

Would Trump be the least electable nominee of all-time?

Also, if anyone has an hour they should listen to the full audio of the Trump interview with the Washington Post. The dude is on bath salts.
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If the republicans are able to do what is layed out in this article, then I will sit out the presidential election or just vote for the libertarian candidate which I like better anyway. I will vote for Trump if he is the nominee to stop Hillary, but if the republicans use shenanigans to thwart the will of the voters, then I am all out.
Why do Trump supporters feel like if Trump doesn't win the election then it was stolen? Folks this is hard ball politics. Maybe you haven't noticed over the years but it is BIG BOY business. Stuff happens and not much of it is pretty. There are dirty tricks, power plays and deals cut. Don't think your boy Donald isn't doing all of those!

However, sitting out this election because your candidate didn't win the primary is just immature......oh and BTW it IS a vote for Hillary whether you like it or not.
I totally understand why most people would say that because it seems obvious if you haven't studied it. I'm going to pose a single question though: after the war why didn't all of the former slaves move north?

Read up enough to understand the answer to that question and you'll have your explanation.

Stop hijacking the thread. Everyone is glad you picked up a nice hobby over the last year. Maybe you and FreeSC can start another thread and talk about it?
I totally understand why most people would say that because it seems obvious if you haven't studied it. I'm going to pose a single question though: after the war why didn't all of the former slaves move north?

Read up enough to understand the answer to that question and you'll have your explanation.

So are you advocating we shouldn't have abolished slavery? What have your studies led you to conclude about which direction the course of history should have gone?

And I think the answer to your question is obvious: #1 dependence on slave masters for survival (plus Stockholm syndrome) and #2 hostility and racism in the North.
If the republicans are able to do what is layed out in this article, then I will sit out the presidential election or just vote for the libertarian candidate which I like better anyway. I will vote for Trump if he is the nominee to stop Hillary, but if the republicans use shenanigans to thwart the will of the voters, then I am all out.

You may want to stop relying on INFOWARS as a source of news. They will get 1 out of every 1,000 things semi-accurate but Alex Jones is a lunatic and INFOWARS is NOT a legit source of news.
Why do Trump supporters feel like if Trump doesn't win the election then it was stolen? Folks this is hard ball politics. Maybe you haven't noticed over the years but it is BIG BOY business. Stuff happens and not much of it is pretty. There are dirty tricks, power plays and deals cut. Don't think your boy Donald isn't doing all of those!

However, sitting out this election because your candidate didn't win the primary is just immature......oh and BTW it IS a vote for Hillary whether you like it or not.

I agree. No way I sit it out. Ive said before, I like Cruz and Trump, mostly because Washington hates them. I can't stand politicians, and they are what's wrong with this country. I mean, you have no idea how much I seriously do not like Jeb and Rubio and the boys. But you can bet your a**, I'd be voting for them over the Democrat. Which, I don't think will be Hillary. She's going to jail.

But to answer your first question. It's not just Trump voters. It's Cruz voters as well. They are trying to screw him over as well. They don't like him, and he's the most conservative in the race. If it weren't for Trump, they would have attacked Cruz from the jump. They (the GOP) really hates him too. So it's the first time that I can remember the GOP saying "we don't care who you like. You don't select the nominee, we do." They are very open about it. You would naïve to think it's always been "fair". But I can't remember a time it being so obvious that all they want is "their guy in control". I think that's what is frustrating. Not necessarily your guys not getting the nominee. Just the fact its very obvious how they feel about the American vote. If not, and they did care about the American people and their party. They would fully support the Constitutional Conservative Raphael Eduardo Cruz, or Ted for short , and just get behind him since they are Conservative party who has morals...right?
I totally understand why most people would say that because it seems obvious if you haven't studied it. I'm going to pose a single question though: after the war why didn't all of the former slaves move north?

Read up enough to understand the answer to that question and you'll have your explanation.
The answer lies in socio-economic reasoning. It has happened throughout the course of history in other civilizations when slaves were released; there were still jobs where they could make a living, and its all people knew. When the next generation came along (those born post slavery), and jobs became harder to come by, the Great Migration occurred.

To say reconstruction is the main cause of racism in the south is a myopic worldview that not only ignores US history and behavioral psychology, but also world history.
I think Trump is easily the best candidate to beat Hillary, at this point in the race. You can suggest how certain people in the party would vote for Clinton or not vote if it's Trump or Cruz, but the flip side is there would be even more backlash if the party decided on someone other than Trump or Cruz. They have dominated the polling. Many Trump and Cruz supporters currently aren't pleased with the GOP and would not turn out for whoever the GOP nominates.

Trump is 1000 times more electable than Cruz in a general. At this point, unless something dramatically changes, he's the only chance to beat Clinton.
It will be Trump/Kasich.
Trump knows he needs Ohio to win the electoral college, and he needs Kasich as a "back up" President to make the establishment feel good about their vote for Trump.

Ain't no way John Kasich would agree to be Veep to DJT. Ain't no way. He is leaning toward announcing that he can't even support Trump as the GOP nominee let alone be his running mate.

I really like Kasich but it is becoming increasingly clear that he can't win the nomination and his campaign is beginning to irritate establishment Republicans. Hence, Jeb Bush's endorsement of Ted Cruz. Clearly, he is more aligned politically with Kasich but Bush feels the only way to stop Trump is with Cruz. That being said, I cannot vote for either Trump or Cruz and don't mind at all that Kasich continues his quest.

However, I do agree with an earlier post that given the anxiety and frustration Kasich is causing leading Republicans, I think they would turn elsewhere - Speaker Ryan is certainly a possibility - if there really were a brokered convention.

I suspect Trump actually wins it outright but sure hope I am wrong. He - and the GOP down-ballot candidates - will get steamrolled in November if that is the case.
Ain't no way John Kasich would agree to be Veep to DJT. Ain't no way. He is leaning toward announcing that he can't even support Trump as the GOP nominee let alone be his running mate.

I really like Kasich but it is becoming increasingly clear that he can't win the nomination and his campaign is beginning to irritate establishment Republicans. Hence, Jeb Bush's endorsement of Ted Cruz. Clearly, he is more aligned politically with Kasich but Bush feels the only way to stop Trump is with Cruz. That being said, I cannot vote for either Trump or Cruz and don't mind at all that Kasich continues his quest.

However, I do agree with an earlier post that given the anxiety and frustration Kasich is causing leading Republicans, I think they would turn elsewhere - Speaker Ryan is certainly a possibility - if there really were a brokered convention.

I suspect Trump actually wins it outright but sure hope I am wrong. He - and the GOP down-ballot candidates - will get steamrolled in November if that is the case.
Kasich is going to watch the house burn down while laughing and build his own house in 2020.
So are you advocating we shouldn't have abolished slavery? What have your studies led you to conclude about which direction the course of history should have gone?

And I think the answer to your question is obvious: #1 dependence on slave masters for survival (plus Stockholm syndrome) and #2 hostility and racism in the North. I'm advocating study for better understanding of history.
The answer lies in socio-economic reasoning. It has happened throughout the course of history in other civilizations when slaves were released; there were still jobs where they could make a living, and its all people knew. When the next generation came along (those born post slavery), and jobs became harder to come by, the Great Migration occurred.

To say reconstruction is the main cause of racism in the south is a myopic worldview that not only ignores US history and behavioral psychology, but also world history.

Slightly more complicated than that.
I totally understand why most people would say that because it seems obvious if you haven't studied it. I'm going to pose a single question though: after the war why didn't all of the former slaves move north?

Read up enough to understand the answer to that question and you'll have your explanation.

Here's a modern-day question for you: There are few jobs in Toledo, Altoona, Scranton, and Eastern Kentucky. The economy is booming in areas like Silicon Valley, Austin, Washington, D.C., Boston. Why don't all of the people who can't find jobs in the first list of cities just move to where the jobs are more plentiful? Wouldn't that solve everything from an economic point of view?

But, you see, that's not human nature. People stay because they are afraid to move; because their families are in those decaying cities; because they've never lived anywhere else. Mobility is generally a middle- to upper-income privilege in our society. You or I might think nothing of up and moving 3,000 miles to a new community with a better job opportunity. Not so for the person in Appalachia. And this is the 21st Century. You are putting expectations for moving thousands of miles on poor, uneducated people who were slaves in the South? I'm advocating study for better understanding of history.

I answered your question; you didn't answer mine. If not keeping slavery, then what should the country have done? What have your studies, giving you a "better understanding of history," led you to believe would have been the right course of action?
Slightly more complicated than that.
It's really not. Just because you've taken it upon yourself to read a few books to reinforce a worldview you have, doesn't mean you've "studied" anything. Why racism exists, especially in the south, isn't some crazy sociological problem that has befuddled academics and scientists.
It is a average of 6 polls for Trump/Clinton. The polls are in a vacuum. X versus Y. A lot can happen between now and November.

I think it is fairly obviously that Trump has the worst chance to beat Clinton than the other two candidates. The Democrats trotted out their worst candidate in decades. Clinton has the lowest unfavorable rating of any Democratic candidate since the poll started. Republicans should be laughing all the way to the White House, but looks like they are going to nominate the only candidate with a lower unfavorable rating than Clinton ever.
*Highest unfavorable rating?
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*Highest unfavorable rating?
Is that according to a highly unbiased Fox news poll???

I saw a few weeks ago where Kasich said he wouldn't even consider being Trump's running mate. Thank god for that. And I also saw where Paul Ryan wouldn't accept running for Prez. from a brokered convention.
If Trump is the nominee, I will vote for Hillary. Yes, Hillary is better than Trump. We can't risk having Trump as our leader - who knows what he will do in foreign relations and we just can't risk it.

No disrespect to you, but I don't anyone who would vote for her or Bernie unless they were a liberal. So I don't think you would vote for him or the republican nominee anyways. That's just my opinion. No way possible anyone who isn't left already would vote for her. Now, staying home and not voting, yeah I can see that. But even if you're serious, I would believe otherwise. I mean, she's directly responsible for people dying. She's a crooked liar, who is probably going to jail. I just can't believe anyone would vote for that, that wasn't going to already. Again, JMO.
@Ron Munson Just over a month ago we were debating whether Trump could win it all and you seemed adamant that he could and would. I tried to point out the polls and you said it didn't matter he would win the swing states. We agreed to disagree. Looks like you have done a 180. I'm curious what has changed in your mind in such a short period of time?

I said that Democrats will have one of the lowest turnouts in recent memory. They will not turn out like they did in 08 and 12, or even 2004. You said you thought they would. Democrats are much more difficult to motivate to get to the polls.

I also said that republicans are having record turn out in the primaries, while democrats are extremely low. Almost 40% more Republicans voted in Florida and 70% more in Ohio. And at the time, early head to head polling showed Trump winning in Ohio and Florida....and that was among registered voters and those polls always favor the democrat.

Once Hillary is forced to debate, and the negative adds hit, as well as more and more terrorists attacks, I still think Trump could beat her.
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I do not buy that bs poll at all. The republican nomination needs to be determined properly and not by manipulation. I am not guaranteeing a Trump victory over Hillary, but I think he could beat her. I think a lot of republican voters that support Trump will sit out if it is perceived that he was cheated in this process with backroom under the table deals.

In fact, it may be over already. The republican party is going to be splintered no matter what. The skids are greased for Hillary as much as I hate to say it.
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Is that according to a highly unbiased Fox news poll???

I saw a few weeks ago where Kasich said he wouldn't even consider being Trump's running mate. Thank god for that. And I also saw where Paul Ryan wouldn't accept running for Prez. from a brokered convention.
No idea what it's based on, just clarifying the comment, as "lowest unfavorable rating" seems like it would indicate a high favorable rating.
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No disrespect to you, but I don't anyone who would vote for her or Bernie unless they were a liberal. So I don't think you would vote for him or the republican nominee anyways. That's just my opinion. No way possible anyone who isn't left already would vote for her. Now, staying home and not voting, yeah I can see that. But even if you're serious, I would believe otherwise. I mean, she's directly responsible for people dying. She's a crooked liar, who is probably going to jail. I just can't believe anyone would vote for that, that wasn't going to already. Again, JMO.
I have voted Republican for every presidential race but one. I would vote for Cruz, Kasich, etc. Just not voting for Trump. Period. At the end of the day, I live in SC and I think our great state will still prob give Trump the win...but I hope they don't.
It's really not. Just because you've taken it upon yourself to read a few books to reinforce a worldview you have, doesn't mean you've "studied" anything. Why racism exists, especially in the south, isn't some crazy sociological problem that has befuddled academics and scientists.

You are aware that many other countries ended slavery without anything close to what happened here. 12 years of military enforced conflict between Union leagues and the KKK, driven by people entering the area with a goal of exploiting it among other issues is what led to Jim Crow laws which fed most of what came next.

You seem very defensive for somebody accusing another of trying to reinforce their own worldview.
I said that Democrats will have one of the lowest turnouts in recent memory. They will not turn out like they did in 08 and 12, or even 2004. You said you thought they would. Democrats are much more difficult to motivate to get to the polls.

I also said that republicans are having record turn out in the primaries, while democrats are extremely low. Almost 40% more Republicans voted in Florida and 70% more in Ohio. And at the time, early head to head polling showed Trump winning in Ohio and Florida....and that was among registered voters and those polls always favor the democrat.

Once Hillary is forced to debate, and the negative adds hit, as well as more and more terrorists attacks, I still think Trump could beat her.
Trump just won't win versus her. No women will vote for Trump. It's a shame that the Republicans can't pick someone to beat Hillary, as she is terrible as well.
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It's already over. I've said it many times before, they don't care who you like. They don't care if Trump had 75% of the vote. That's not who "They" want. That's how this works. If people don't see that it's 1 party pretending to be 2, then I don't know what to tell you. The problem that the republicans face is Trump has brought people out that haven't voted in a long time or never have voted, b/c they think the whole thing is rigged. Right or wrong, that's how they feel. Also bringing many left and middle people as well. But if he doesn't get it, they will go back to never voting again. and even though he doesn't have what most people say are the majority, he has a hell of a lot of people. Those people will be done voting, you watch. Also, if he wins, people will be pissed and they wont vote for him. The republican party is done after this election, regardless what they do. So even though he only has "37 %, which is hardly the majority", as one guy stated above. They will lose that 37% after this. And honestly, I don't think they care. The republican party is a joke. They want to be "conservative and Trump doesn't stand for what they stand for and blah blah", but they don't even like the most constitutional conservative we've had in decades in Cruz. They hate him too. They are such a joke man and this election just proves that most Americans are right. Politics are rigged, and they truly do not care what you think. They surely don't care what you want.
What are you talking about dude? If he had 75% of the vote he would be the nominee. Take off the tinfoil hat.

Not about tiger guru but all my pro trump friends have been crying for weeks. All Trump voters need to stop being such huge whiners. If he gets 1237 then he will be the nominee no matter what. If he doesn't then it's a contested convention where the delegates will vote. The way it's been forever. I've never heard so much whining in my life.
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What are you talking about dude? If he had 75% of the vote he would be the nominee. Take off the tinfoil hat.

Not about tiger guru but all my pro trump friends have been crying for weeks. All Trump voters need to stop being such huge whiners. If he gets 1237 then he will be the nominee no matter what. If he doesn't then it's a contested convention where the delegates will vote. The way it's been forever. I've never heard so much whining in my life.

No tinfoil hat there big man. My point is, even if he got 100% of the votes. "they" wouldn't like that. If Cruz got 1237 of course he would be the nominee as well, but they wouldn't like that. If you cant see that, then I don't know what to tell you. It's about no whining, as you put it, so much as it is about them trying to push "their guy" on us. I mean surely you can see that right? Why don't they back Cruz like they did Jeb from the get go? Or the way they backed Rubio? Cruz is far more conservative. But that's not what they want. Hell, they cant stand the guy, yet they talk about how the GOP is a conservative party who needs to get back to it's roots... yeah c'mon man. Nobody is whining. Just stating the obvious. They don't care what you think or want. They use morals to get votes, then when they have a moral guy who stand for the Constitution, they hate him. Cruz people are just as pissed as Trump people man. The voters of those two have spoken, and Washington doesn't like it. What does that tell you? What it tells the majority of people (which if you add those two together, is the majority) is they are done voting after this. Not just trump people., but Cruz people as well. Now that doesn't bode well for America, nor the republican parties future.
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I have voted Republican for every presidential race but one. I would vote for Cruz, Kasich, etc. Just not voting for Trump. Period. At the end of the day, I live in SC and I think our great state will still prob give Trump the win...but I hope they don't.

I feel similarly about Cruz. Zero percent chance I am voting for him. However I live in GA so it probably doesn't matter anyway.
We are a laughing stock to other countries !! Don't like either one of them. Trump scares me, his temper gets out of control and I don't see why any woman would want him to win, And another Clinton?? Nightmares ! Nightmares with both of them !! :mad: JMO !
Go read some of the comments on articles about Trump. I disagree with you assertion. The majority are hoping he is elected. Some of them are hoping he saves them from their leaders.
@Ron Munson We'll need to revisit this later in the year, bc I think IF it's Trump the Dems will show out in huge numbers. Second only to 08 recently. I never said they would top 08 and I don't think they have to for Trump to lose by a fairly wide margin.
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