Republicans and Trumpers

Trump got power because he tapped into a previously under represented market - the undereducated white rural market. After he was nominated the establishment fell in lockstep behind him because they saw a path to win. Trump still has the undereducated white rural market wrapped around his finger (see this board for proof), while the more establishment republicans (educated, wealthy, economy-centric voters) have distanced themselves. There’s still a little push back from some establishment Rs to try and explain away their support bc I’m assuming their pride hurts, but for the most part if you’re not an idiot you don’t still support him.
Using the “he hasn’t been charged with anything” defense is pretty myopic considering all the Clinton hate from you and the other Rs in the past. Hilary has been in the eyes of the right since the early 90s (mainly through her husbands infidelities and issues during presidency and before.)

Im not going to be saying anything that everybody doesn’t already know, but it’s pretty obvious this country’s beyond repair. The media, driven purely by click bait and engagement figures, exists now to solely create discord between both sides as a way to increase views. I, truly, don’t know how to fix it, but I don’t see America coming out the other end for the better. Maybe it’s bc I’m a pessimist but I think the repealing of the fairness doctrine and the invention of the internet have done more to damage this country than really anything else could.
For the record, Bill was the last decent democratic president so you won't hear anything negative about his policies from me, I actually liked him. His wife is a personal dislike, we crossed paths when I was in the military on multiple occasions, I know exactly who she is. Will leave it at that.

The middle of this country continues to get further and further apart, that's partially because of the media and partially from the lack of a "uniter" as POTUS since either Bill or Bush (less so). Obama wasn't a uniter and that divide has continued to be pushed further and further out. The media has also been on the decline, with more choosing of sides and biased reporting than balanced and non-partisan "tell it like it is" reporting.

Personally, I do think the country is on the wrong path and I don't see a fix for it until we have a leader that can straddle both sides of the aisle and who will risk his own base to find balance across the two. No one like that exists today, it's party line or bust. Present policies from the left are far too radical and the stance from the right is no change at all.

One thing Is for certain, if we don't shore up a budget in the next few years, we are f*cked regardless of politics. The government has a spending problem and until that is addressed, the national security threat as it relates to national debt will continue to trend upwards.
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Trump got power because he tapped into a previously under represented market - the undereducated white rural market. After he was nominated the establishment fell in lockstep behind him because they saw a path to win. Trump still has the undereducated white rural market wrapped around his finger (see this board for proof), while the more establishment republicans (educated, wealthy, economy-centric voters) have distanced themselves. There’s still a little push back from some establishment Rs to try and explain away their support bc I’m assuming their pride hurts, but for the most part if you’re not an idiot you don’t still support him.
Plenty of educated people voted for Trump in 2016 because they couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hillary and that includes center lefts. Same as Biden took votes off of republicans because they couldn't vote for him (Trump) in 2020.

Educated R's will be pushed to vote red regardless in 2024 because of the threat of really shitty progressive policies that they don't support or want which will further trend into 2024, especially after watching this disaster we are living through now. It's unfair to assume that everyone that voted for Trump was undereducated, white and rural........plenty of us simply didn't want to see what we are seeing now.

That statement holds true no matter who you trot out there in 24 given the candidate landscape at the top of the list. I would have voted for Bloomberg (as would other east coast R's) because he's at least business savvy and can manage a budget but he didn't even get past the first round.

You have to remember, it's not always unwavering support for a candidate but absolute disdain for the other candidate that decides your vote. Unfortunately, the last two dem candidates have been absolute dog sh*t so my vote wasn't ever going to land there and very likely won't in 2024 given who's at the table (as of now)
I don't necessarily disagree with any of this. In fact, I pretty much think it's spot on. I'd gladly vote for a competent, worthy, decent, ethical, moral populist candidate who didn't have designs on becoming an American Caesar. Trump is exactly the opposite of what I just described. He's scum of the earth and just plays to the lowest common denominator. His most ardent supporters are poorly educated, racist, violent people, who have no interest in democracy.

So if it's necessary to keep voting for establishment candidates in order to preserve democracy, that’s a small price to pay.
His most ardent supporters are poorly educated, racist, violent people, who have no interest in democracy.----
Who and where are these so called MAGA supporters? Most MAGA people middle to upper middle class many who own a business so are educated, what is your definition of racist? Is that the new definition or the one that has been around forever? Last I checked wasnt MAGA people running around in blackface and wasnt the Orangeman saying if you dont vote for me "You aint black". Wasnt the Orangeman dropping the "N" word a bunch on cam. I remember who it was however. Outside of J6 where a few windows got broken by a couple hundred people , not sure who they were all with, any other violence done by MAGA? Because I can remember 100 times the violence and destruction done just in the May 29 insurrection by leftist alone where they attempted to get into the White House and kill the POTUS. Last time Washington burned like that the Redcoats did it...
Got it. I love you man. I love your posts. I'm not one who thinks himself a genius but you do a better job than anyone else I have ever met of making me look smart. Don't stop being you. I would be crushed if you did. :)
I know this is your new passion project or whatever, but you may be taking it a bit far… A populist on the left is Bernie Sanders. You’re saying you would vote for Bernie if Desantis appears to get establishment support? You realize that’s insane, right?

Speaking of paying with our treasure - you support a populist on the left and there will be a lot more to pay. Unless you’re a poor I guess.

I don’t like “the establishment” either, but I hope this is message board bluster and you possess a deeper ability to logically evaluate realistic options.
Im saying I would support a populist on the left over an establishment one. Is DeSantis establishment? I dont know yet but the fact they are backing him is concerning...Also dont confuse my trolling of Dpic with me being serious always. I know its hard to tell at times just reading text. If you ever need a clarification on something Ill be happy to respond. Also Bernie got cheated two times and he finally just sold out to them. I have several close friends that were Bernie guys. Most cant stand him now and call him a sellout. All the old Bernie people I know feel that way switched to MAGA because they feel like me, screw the establishment fuk Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, McConnell, Graham, McCarthy and the whole lot. The left needs a new fresh populist to get behind...
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It does matter what the courts say, in fact that's all that matters. Otherwise, what's the f*cking point of wasting everyone's tax contributions and govt resources that could be actually fighting legitimate crime (like Pelosi's insider trading), if there was never a crime to charge him with?

People like me weren't supporting him though, we were supporting the fairness and even application of the law which I've said about 2 million times. You can't treat him differently because he's offensive and sends mean tweets.......he has to actually break a legitimate law , not a made up one. By having his name blasted on the front page of CNN EVERY SINGLE DAY.......he's remained at the forefront of attention so it's not just his supporters keeping him relevant.

Trump will be an after thought in about a month, the left will start going after Desantis now.
No, you were not in support of fairness because there's never been a President who's done the things he has. You know from witnessing the same things we did that he was filthy, corrupt and unfit to serve but you didn't care. You wanted to absolve him of his guilt because you supported him. If you didn't, you'd want him to go down in flames so he'd become irrelevant.

Did you vote for him in 2020? Did you vote for anyone he supported in local elections? if you did, YOU kept him relevant.
As much as you will refute this, the left, the left controlled media and folks like yourself are the reason he's still around. He would have faded into oblivion if you would just stop making him relevant.

Yes, it's the left's fault that trump is still around. All those lefties that attend trump rallies wearing MAGA and QANON gear. All those lib politicians that are afraid to say anything bad about him lest they be bullied on social media.
Or voted out because Jake and his fellow MAGAs support him and will punish those that speak against him.
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Please don't spin. This was a disaster. And putting up Trump's endorsement record (he did this himself yesterday like a total bafoon) is disingenuous in the extreme. He endorsed Brian Kemp the night before the election and takes credit for the endorsement. I could go and a stunning winning streak endorsing candidates if I wanted to. You could do it as well. It's so damn dishonest and an exercise in stupidity. The candidates he picked that he pushed hard didn't do well. His time is past.

I'm sure he'll still run and many folks like me WILL NOT vote for him again. I am done! If a good candidate ran in Georgia for the Senate he/she would have won. If a good candidate in Pennsylvania had run, they probably would have won. If a good candidate in Arizona would have run, they would have a good chance at winning. Where good candidates ran in areas that were winnable, they largely won. You can doom yourself to the same mistakes over and over again but I'm not going there and will shout from every mountaintop what needs to be said so these mistakes aren't repeated yet again. No excuse making. No spinning. No distorting reality for our benefit.

And there would be no President Trump without the white nationalist vote. Does that mean they own him or that he owes them? Of course not, but it's the logic you're using here that the left used to say such ridiculous things over the past 6+ years. Do you really want to go there again?
Its not spin when you go back two weeks and remember what was being said then. You have fallen for the trap they set. They baited you the last 7-10 days talking like we was going to get 240 seats and 58 in the senate. Got you all excited warm and fuzzy. Wasnt the case two weeks ago tho. Two weeks ago we didnt have any shot at the senate but was expected to take the house. So after your NEW expectations didnt get meet your not happy now disappointed. If it was two weeks before you would have been happy. We also still have a shot at the senate. But sure like many I wanted it to be crushing, but I havent lost all focus on what we were originally looking to get either. That was the House to block any more damage and get some investigations going. Then get ready for 2024...
Do some history brother. Populism just removes and establishment and puts in place another. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is a thing that is pretty much always true. A so called movement disrupts and replaces an establishment group only to form a new elite. That's why the rule of law is so important. It's why self-determinism is such a vital concept. It's why limited government and personal responsibility are so important. The best way to solve what concerns you is to go that route. Not the route of someone like Trump who will spend us into oblivion and waste away the wonderful fabric of this nation as he cultivates everything to revolve around him.
OK, enjoy that steak Cypher...Some will get that line...
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Its not spin when you go back two weeks and remember what was being said then. You have fallen for the trap they set. They baited you the last 7-10 days talking like we was going to get 240 seats and 58 in the senate. Got you all excited warm and fuzzy. Wasnt the case two weeks ago tho. Two weeks ago we didnt have any shot at the senate but was expected to take the house. So after your NEW expectations didnt get meet your not happy now disappointed. If it was two weeks before you would have been happy. We also still have a shot at the senate. But sure like many I wanted it to be crushing, but I havent lost all focus on what we were originally looking to get either. That was the House to block any more damage and get some investigations going. Then get ready for 2024...

I never thought the Republicans would get 58 seats in the Senate. The cap was always around 52 or 53 with a long shot at 54. I also don't think 240 seats in the house was realistic considering that has happened once since 1928 or something like that nature.

This is the least popular president at the middle of his first term since they began tracking. The only other president in this vicinity was Trump. The losses that were incurred by those presidents or self-evident. When you add the economy and everything else that is such a mess on top of it the Republicans literally had to try to achieve the results that they did. I'm glad you have your eye on a future but if Trump's a part of that then the losses will continue. If you've accepted that and we'll allow for change then maybe you're right.
I never thought the Republicans would get 58 seats in the Senate. The cap was always around 52 or 53 with a long shot at 54. I also don't think 240 seats in the house was realistic considering that has happened once since 1928 or something like that nature.

This is the least popular president at the middle of his first term since they began tracking. The only other president in this vicinity was Trump. The losses that were incurred by those presidents or self-evident. When you add the economy and everything else that is such a mess on top of it the Republicans literally had to try to achieve the results that they did. I'm glad you have your eye on a future but if Trump's a part of that then the losses will continue. If you've accepted that and we'll allow for change then maybe you're right.
Until 10 days ago we had at best hoped it would stay the same 50/50. Dick Morris said 58 once two days before the election. He worked for the Clintons during Bill's time in office...
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No, you were not in support of fairness because there's never been a President who's done the things he has. You know from witnessing the same things we did that he was filthy, corrupt and unfit to serve but you didn't care. You wanted to absolve him of his guilt because you supported him. If you didn't, you'd want him to go down in flames so he'd become irrelevant.

Did you vote for him in 2020? Did you vote for anyone he supported in local elections? if you did, YOU kept him relevant.
No formal charges against Trump to date.......zilch and that's despite the fact that the full weight of the government keeps coming after him. At some point you're going to have to admit that it never came to fruition. Same as the right had to admit that Hillary was never arrested. It will be hard for you but I'm confident you'll get through it, after're no snowflake as you said.

I sure did vote for him in 2020, like I said in another post........there was zero chance I was willing to gamble on Biden based on past body of work and what I projected he would do in office, looks like I made the right choice.

When you don't have a job next year, let's revisit this discussion.
That's an interesting reference and more than likely applies in reverse but you are welcome to your view on things.
Its a reference to a screen in the movie Matrix. Cypher is a guy out of the matrix that wants back in. You say your worried about Trump would do a bunch of things. I hate to tell you but the establishment has been doing it the whole time for decades. Yet you seem to prefer the status quo over any change, much like Cypher.

Its a reference to a screen in the movie Matrix. Cypher is a guy out of the matrix that wants back in. You say your worried about Trump would do a bunch of things. I hate to tell you but the establishment has been doing it the whole time for decades. Yet you seem to prefer the status quo over any change, much like Cypher.

I know what the reference was. When he betrayed everyone to be put back in the Matrix. I'm not dead man. I never said I prefer the status quo. I prefer going about solving problems in an effective and intelligent manner. Populism is not often intelligent. Usually is belligerent and mindless and ends up causing more problems than solves. See the French Revolution and the atrocities that occurred then
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No formal charges against Trump to date.......zilch and that's despite the fact that the full weight of the government keeps coming after him. At some point you're going to have to admit that it never came to fruition. Same as the right had to admit that Hillary was never arrested. It will be hard for you but I'm confident you'll get through it, after're no snowflake as you said.

I sure did vote for him in 2020, like I said in another post........there was zero chance I was willing to gamble on Biden based on past body of work and what I projected he would do in office, looks like I made the right choice.

When you don't have a job next year, let's revisit this discussion.
If you weren't disgusted and appalled by what he's done since the election, regardless of whether he's convicted of a crime, you're complicit. At some point you'll need to own that - if not, we'll keep reminding you long after you jump ship for good.

My job is secure no matter what happens but if I were to lose it, I assure you I'd be absolutely fine. I work because I choose to not because I have to.
Until 10 days ago we had at best hoped it would stay the same 50/50. Dick Morris said 58 once two days before the election. He worked for the Clintons during Bill's time in office...

Dick Morris is a clown of epic proportions. I always felt the GOP would get to 51 or 52 at least. One could argue if Senator Graham hadn't said what he did about a national ban on abortion that they may have. The way through the abortion issue is to be smart about it and there's not a whole lot of that kind of intelligence on the right at this time.
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If you weren't disgusted and appalled by what he's done since the election, regardless of whether he's convicted of a crime, you're complicit. At some point you'll need to own that - if not, we'll keep reminding you long after you jump ship for good.

My job is secure no matter what happens but if I were to lose it, I assure you I'd be absolutely fine. I work because I choose to not because I have to.
Sure, totally disgusted and appalled but he's still a better option than Joe Biden........not sure how else to frame that for you so you'll understand. Once the 2020 election was decided, he was no longer of use for me. As for a crime, ONCE AGAIN......there has to be one. If there isn't then it's just abuse of the system by one party to limit a political foe. Until he's tried and in jail, that applies. You should be ashamed of the left for allowing that to happen.

@nytigerfan .......dick pick is wealthier and more successful than you.
Sure, totally disgusted and appalled but he's still a better option than Joe Biden........not sure how else to frame that for you so you'll understand. Once the 2020 election was decided, he was no longer of use for me. As for a crime, ONCE AGAIN......there has to be one. If there isn't then it's just abuse of the system by one party to limit a political foe. Until he's tried and in jail, that applies. You should be ashamed of the left for allowing that to happen.

@nytigerfan .......dick pick is wealthier and more successful than you.
Wrong - he's wealthier, smarter and funnier....and that's ok...
Sure, totally disgusted and appalled but he's still a better option than Joe Biden........not sure how else to frame that for you so you'll understand. Once the 2020 election was decided, he was no longer of use for me. As for a crime, ONCE AGAIN......there has to be one. If there isn't then it's just abuse of the system by one party to limit a political foe. Until he's tried and in jail, that applies. You should be ashamed of the left for allowing that to happen.

@nytigerfan .......dick pick is wealthier and more successful than you.

I wouldn't doubt it, and good for him. Game respects game.
Republicans have a very substantial advantage in national cumulative vote total. That's a very notable change. Pubs will end up with house and senate before this is over too.

Until 10 days ago we had at best hoped it would stay the same 50/50. Dick Morris said 58 once two days before the election. He worked for the Clintons during Bill's time in office...

Hold on, you assumed from the jump that two swing state candidates enthusiastically endorsed by Donald J. Trump would lose? That’s how the math gets to 50.

Fast forward, Trump is our guy in 2024!
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Plenty of educated people voted for Trump in 2016 because they couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hillary and that includes center lefts. Same as Biden took votes off of republicans because they couldn't vote for him (Trump) in 2020.

Educated R's will be pushed to vote red regardless in 2024 because of the threat of really shitty progressive policies that they don't support or want which will further trend into 2024, especially after watching this disaster we are living through now. It's unfair to assume that everyone that voted for Trump was undereducated, white and rural........plenty of us simply didn't want to see what we are seeing now.

That statement holds true no matter who you trot out there in 24 given the candidate landscape at the top of the list. I would have voted for Bloomberg (as would other east coast R's) because he's at least business savvy and can manage a budget but he didn't even get past the first round.

You have to remember, it's not always unwavering support for a candidate but absolute disdain for the other candidate that decides your vote. Unfortunately, the last two dem candidates have been absolute dog sh*t so my vote wasn't ever going to land there and very likely won't in 2024 given who's at the table (as of now)
I didn’t say everyone that voted for him was uneducated. I said he tapped into that market. I probably could have phrased it better, but I figured my later statement about the “educated and wealthy” republicans covered it
I know the difference between "your" and "you're" though
Color me impressed when you learn the difference between fiction and reality and stop sticking up for and defending pedos...PS- YOUR YOUR YOUR YOUR YOUR
I didn’t say everyone that voted for him was uneducated. I said he tapped into that market. I probably could have phrased it better, but I figured my later statement about the “educated and wealthy” republicans covered it
What? I know your not mad that pubs arent conceding the uneducated vote to dems? I know they are used to pubs not really fighting for groups but now that they are losing people from every group to the pubs except single white angry women Im sure they are worried....
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Hold on, you assumed from the jump that two swing state candidates enthusiastically endorsed by Donald J. Trump would lose? That’s how the math gets to 50.

Fast forward, Trump is our guy in 2024!
I think Trump is something like 218-16 93% so far with endorsements. Fetterman gave us some hope after the debate we could win that. Walker was always way behind until the last 10 days in the polls. In AZ we still have a shot but I dont think we will flip that seat. Cheating is bad in AZ and they need to fix their system. Fl has way more pop and counted everything in a few hours, while AZ is dragging it out into next week. Also the person running the elections in AZ is also the one running for Governor. We will pickup NV seat to offset losing PA and still have shots at GA and AZ. Election system is broken all over the country...