You didn't need to use this many words to share that you don't understand how science works.
Explain or show me the formulas that prove carbon warming. You can’t, they don’t exist, they’re using models. Models are what’s used when you’re missing so many variables you can’t prove your “theory”, and that’s all this is, an unproven theory. So stop talking out your ass about science.
Science has not proven much of anything about something they don’t even completely understand. Atmospheric scientists have admitted they think they “might” know 20% of how our atmosphere works- in other words they don’t even know- how much they don’t know. And we’re supposed to destroy our way a life around the planet to supposedly, pie in the sky, limit the global rise in temperature by hopefully 1-1.5 degrees. and they can’t prove what exactly will happen when it does that anyway.
The earths temp has been rising steadily for the last 20,000 years since the end of the last ice age. That’s science
Search the phrase. “ global temperature pause” I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve never heard of it. The temp rise has slowed significantly since the mid’90’s when since that time, hundreds of millions of cars have been added to the roads.
They still can’t accurately measure 3 billion cubic miles of atmosphere from sea level to 100,000 ft. now and can get some rough estimates from satellites. That’s science.
From studying ice core samples from long ago geologists have discovered the atmosphere has had multiple times more CO2 in the atmosphere before, but we’re still here. That’s science.
The “science” you speak of is double speak and talking points based on an agenda with no provable work. It’s why they can’t predict the weather accurately every day or even most days, even eight hours in advance in a small area like the Upstate. I’ve seen forecast highs change as much as eight degrees from 8am to 4 pm in the Upstate many times- for that day! Its why they can’t accurately predict the path of a hurricane even 24-36 hours in advance with certainty.
It’s a small minority of climate “modelers” proclaiming that man is causing our planet to warm. I’ve been in a climate modelers chat room, there is very little agreement about this issue and it’s clear they all have different ideas and many different factors they look at and can’t agree upon how they all affect each other. The atmosphere is at this point incomprehensibly complex and enormous and constantly changing. I have found many many scientists who publicly disagree with this hypothesis but they are ignored. They have an extremely hard time getting their work peer reviewed and published. The scientific community has largely been high jacked by the left. Polling of university professors bear out the overwhelming majority of professors self identify as left of center, over 90%. So forget about this being some conspiracy Theory.