There are some historical figures who should not be represented in any way with a statue etc. But their legacy needs to always be there and be remembered for the good and bad. For example Adolf Hitler. But changing the name of Fort Bragg, NC because he was a Confederate general should not happen at all. Gen. Bragg also fought in the Mexican-American War. I assume you want to see the statues and memorials for George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln removed too? George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were large slave owners.
Quotes by Abraham Lincoln:
“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.” (Abraham Lincoln)
* Abraham Lincoln 'wanted to deport slaves' to new colonies. Abraham Lincoln wanted to ship freed black slaves away from the US to British colonies in the Caribbean even in the final months of his life, it has emerged. His thoughts about shipping the slaves back to Africa was under consideration but it was deemed unfeasible due to the cost of shipping over 4,000,000 freed slaves. Abraham Lincoln is frequently voted America's greatest President due to his stance on slavery.
Of course the Marxist agenda is to sow division in racial harmony, and one of those is by continually preaching that whites are still enslaving them by keeping them down (and out of college because of their skin color), singing the tunes of reparations, etc. As a genealogist and historian I have seen many documents and records on slavery. I myself have had ancestors that show ownership of slaves in US Census records and wills where family member inherited certain slaves. I even have 1% of black DNA from Nigeria if that means anything? But as a christian I considered slavery a horrible thing, and I often wonder how so called christians could ever have participated and profited in it. But you know the old saying, 'for the love of money…' But I will say here from understanding much of the whole picture of slavery is that this discussion will have the racists coming out of the floor boards calling me one for saying this. But someone dispute on here what I am about to say:
Given that the whole institution of slavery I consider morally, biblically, and politically wrong, and I do consider it as a stain on this history of this country, and among other events as well, such as the treatment of the Native Americans. But this I can say from the historical records:
Most all slavery started as a consequence of native African tribes conquering other tribes and taking slaves themselves. When the Dutch, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish were trading with the Western African nations (to make money!!!), the African tribes who had themselves slaves as property from conquering other tribes, had found that slaves could be traded for merchant and money with these European merchants. And of course for the love of making money, the European merchants found a market for buying and acquiring African slaves to also make money. Slaves were bought and traded in Europe (especially England) and then the American colonies. That still makes the institution of slavery wrong, but it was again all about money and profit, which the southern colonies in American found the most profitable.
And so began the 'Slave Trade' business. There may have been some European merchants and slave traders going into Africa itself and capturing slaves, but record has it that the vast majority of slaves were bought and sold by other African tribes. The Europeans kept records of this that survive to this day. Again, that doesn't make it right!!!
In the Americas within the slavery business you had some slave owners that were good and humane to their slaves, and others who were not, and some downright evil. But I would say from what I have seen that the majority of slave owners were good to their slaves. Record has it that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (who were among the largest slave owners) were very good to their slaves. I have seen many records and family writings, and wills, that also show this as well. When a man (husband) or female heir died at that time, they often wrote in their will what a family member would inherit, and slaves were prevalent among the inventory list of a will, as slaves were considered property. Again, I loathe the thought of this!!! But the slaves in these wills were most often talked about and loved, and in many instances considered part of the family, in that they were mid-wives, cared for the children, and some who were an institutional part of the family and were highly educated. The rare cases where we see the brutality of slavery had much more to do about the greed of a person to make the slave owner more profitable that anything else.
My paternal 3rd great-grandfather James Henry Howton Sr. (1807-1865) from Madisonville, Hopkins, Kentucky operated an underground railroad the to get slaves across the Ohio River to the free state of Ohio at great risk. He would be brought the slaves and hide them in an old well, and even brought them into his house and sat them at his dinner table to feed them, and in darkness brought them to a boat/barge to safely get them to Ohio. He did this for years, and allowed many slaves to live out their lives free in Ohio.
So this is the question that I posit today, and the one that most on here will be kicking their dogs, slapping their wives, and cursing at. With showing that the institution of slavery was wrong from top to bottom, from inside to out, my thoughts are this as an historian and genealogist. Blacks today should consider this: Think about all that their ancestors went through for them to be where they are today. They endured the institution of slavery in every part, the inhumane part, the moral part, the harsh part, the ethical part, and the brutal part. They had to endure this, and in many cases by them having to endure this, their ancestors today get to enjoy all of the economical and religious advantages (among other) that they have. But what if there was no slavery or slave trade. What could those who have these luxuries and freedoms have today?
Well, many of those Western African nations are in poverty, civil strife, famine, and disease. Some are under the influences of Islam that do not allow women many rights. There are still tribal warfare in which conquering tribes are still capturing people and making them slaves. Some groups are raiding and capturing women and young girls and giving them to men against their will to have sex and marry. Yes, America has their issues too, but nothing compared to what many have to endure over there today. So my feeling is that, regardless of the horrible institution of slavery in America's history, those ancestors today should be giving thanks to their ancestors for enduring this for their (today's ancestors) good and prosperity. It the light many are in an advantageous situation due to their ancestors. Yes we still have poverty in some places here, and drug additions, etc., but this has somewhat increased recently due to an 'open door' immigration system.
Again, these slaves had not say in whether they wanted to come to the American colonies, and had to leave what families they had in Africa behind. And the whole institution is just morally and biblically wrong!!! I still fuss (and accuse) those people who back then harped on religious freedoms but believed in slavery. They are some of the biggest hypocrites on record in my view. And I say that also to my family members from that time!!! But I say "from that time" as I had no say in it, and I myself had no slaves and deplore the whole institution. But today I am accused of being a systemically racist for being white because of it. As also a horticulturist, I know what try mean by systemic. I applied the weed killer Roundup which works systemically.
That means basically that it is taken up by roots or in through the leaves and is worked through the whole system to kill the plant. So being born systemically racist means you are born racist, or it is essentially in this case, you are genetically racist, that is it is in your DNA. That is foolish, considering that it is (or was) known to be environmentally an issue.
But back to the point. I believe that again as an historian and genealogist that you always have a process, whether that is progress or regression. Many of the African Americans in this country today who descend from slaves (and because of their ancestors who endured it) benefit by being in this country, certainly benefit from what many are having to endure in some of the African countries today. My thoughts are that I would be doing more thanks to my ancestors than continually attacking this country because of it. That doesn't change a thing. Improving laws and relationships do, not creating further division, as is seemingly the recipe today. But again, someone dispute me historically (and even genealogically) on my narrative.
OK, fire away...