Read and article from a Beamer interview.about walk-ons. He said the SEC mandated that their conference would stay at 85 scholarships . Limit on the team numbers would stay at 105 and Uof would have 20 non scholarship wait ons. Said with old rules they were allowed 105 on the roster in the spring but could add 10 more walk ons in the fall and carry 115 on the roster. He said he did not like losing the extra 10 walk-ons in the fall.
I am a little confused because I thought the NCAA had mandated any player on the roster had to be on scholarship so if you carried 105 you had to give 105 sholiies but that is not what SEC commish is doing in his league.
I am a little confused because I thought the NCAA had mandated any player on the roster had to be on scholarship so if you carried 105 you had to give 105 sholiies but that is not what SEC commish is doing in his league.