Unfortunately, the response of "hey our former rival baseball coach is a bigot and racist too" will not move the needle in our favor.
Of course not but it's interesting how he received zero flack for it.
Unfortunately, the response of "hey our former rival baseball coach is a bigot and racist too" will not move the needle in our favor.
Do you realize that one of the rights won during the civil rights movement was the right to interracial marriage? Do you also understand that the idea of the Government deciding these issues is beyond stupid?
Do you realize black people were lynched, intimidated, segregated, imprisoned, their leader murdered and basically denied human rights? Dogs and hoses were common tactics and getting your ass kicked was the norm for speaking to a white girl or drinking out of a white fountain.
Yeah, that's the same as wanting to be recognized by the government that you are married. Give me a break.
Do you realize black people were lynched, intimidated, segregated, imprisoned, their leader murdered and basically denied human rights? Dogs and hoses were common tactics and getting your ass kicked was the norm for speaking to a white girl or drinking out of a white fountain.
Yeah, that's the same as wanting to be recognized by the government that you are married. Give me a break.
This is how you repute their claim? Oh so they aren't currently being murdered in the streets, so therefore they don't have a large enough victim role to seek justice? What a ridiculous argument. It's real simple: Do you like the idea of oppressive legislation ruling a class of citizens and keeping them from their pursuit of happiness? If yes? Then take a seat over their with the other prejudiced citizens. Because I'm done trying to undo the ideologies your grandfather taught you.
Where did I state that I want to deny the right for gays to get married? Honestly I don't care. If a piece of paper makes a gay couple feel legitimized so be it. What I care about is somehow being cast as a "bigot" or "prejudiced" if I don't agree with it. It pisses me off that someone who will not embrace same sex marriage is somehow full of hate. And it pisses me off that you would somehow try to equate this struggle with the civil rights struggle.
I can provide plenty if you'd like to see them. Here's one: http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/19/politics/poll-obama-approval-rating-economy/index.html
On another issue slated to come before the court this term, 63% of Americans say that gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry and have their marriages recognized by the law as valid. That's up from 49% in August 2010. Over that time, the share who see marriage as a constitutional right has climbed 15 points among Republicans to 42% and 19 points among Democrats to 75%.
Here is another if you think CNN is inaccurate: http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2015/...marriage-hits-all-time-high-wsjnbc-news-poll/
Hypothetical. If the leading religion in this country taught that being a white Christian was a sin and as such openly advocated for white Christians to not be able to marry, would they be bigots?
If they hated Christians, yes. If they simply didn't embrace or advocate their lifestyle, no.
You think that if a person is Christian that they automatically hate gays. Talk about being narrow minded.
Lot of sinful behavior would have a majority in favor. Doesn't take away the fact that it is still sinful behavior. Dabo is standing up for his beliefs as a Christian. That is much more important than Clemson University or football.
Not what I asked. This religion thinks it's a sin to be a Christian and lobbies for Christian marriage to have no legal standing. Are they bigots? I said nothing of hate.
Fair enough. What word would you use for someone who thought it was appropriate to deny you what you considered to be a right?No, they wouldn't be bigots. Much in the same way you are not a bigot just because you don't care for the Christian doctrine.
Liberals have somehow managed to brand anyone who doesn't align with their beliefs as bigots and racists. It's fascinating.
Fair enough. What word would you use for someone who thought it was appropriate to deny you what you considered to be a right?
I never said that I thought Christians on the whole were bigots. I don't know where I stand on that one but I feel people in general are more bigoted than they'd admit (myself probably included). I do feel that the belief that homosexuality is a sin, however, is bigoted. It's sort of a hate the sin not the sinner situation for me, though![]()
I can provide plenty if you'd like to see them. Here's one: http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/19/politics/poll-obama-approval-rating-economy/index.html
On another issue slated to come before the court this term, 63% of Americans say that gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry and have their marriages recognized by the law as valid. That's up from 49% in August 2010. Over that time, the share who see marriage as a constitutional right has climbed 15 points among Republicans to 42% and 19 points among Democrats to 75%.
Here is another if you think CNN is inaccurate: http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2015/...marriage-hits-all-time-high-wsjnbc-news-poll/
I can provide plenty if you'd like to see them. Here's one: http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/19/politics/poll-obama-approval-rating-economy/index.html
On another issue slated to come before the court this term, 63% of Americans say that gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry and have their marriages recognized by the law as valid. That's up from 49% in August 2010. Over that time, the share who see marriage as a constitutional right has climbed 15 points among Republicans to 42% and 19 points among Democrats to 75%.
Here is another if you think CNN is inaccurate: http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2015/...marriage-hits-all-time-high-wsjnbc-news-poll/
Just because people display a cognitive heuristic when answering survey questions doesn't mean that is the reason they support sweeping social change. To jump to that conclusion shows some pretty lazy cognitive abilities on your end (not your fault according to Kahneman).This is because 91% of Americans think more than 5% of the population is gay and 53% believe more than 20% is gay and 33% believe more than 25% is gay. Literally 91 out of 100 people haven't got the first damn clue about what percentage of our population is gay. And for people like Transference, I am not saying that since it's a small number (under 4% if you include all LGBT types) that they don't matter. They matter as much as you or me or anyone reading this. The fact is that due to media brainwashing and the fact that people have no clue what they are fighting for, we have this issue. If people really knew (yes, we are now too damn stupid to know these things) they might realize this isn't some form of mass discrimination and there are a lot of ways we should be providing all the protections under our Constitution to ever citizen of this nation. Changing the definition of marriage will do little to fix that.
At any rate, people using polls to validate their views is just stupid. The intellectual capacity of most Americans would fit into a baby bottle. Their right to an opinion is something I would die to protect. Their opinions however... are quite a different story as they are based in fantasyland and not reality.
Lot of sinful behavior would have a majority in favor. Doesn't take away the fact that it is still sinful behavior. Dabo is standing up for his beliefs as a Christian. That is much more important than Clemson University or football.
What does the percentage of gays have to do with it? I don't care if it's 2% or 50%, they should not be discriminated against. In fact, I'd argue that we should perhaps do more to protect the 2%.This is because 91% of Americans think more than 5% of the population is gay and 53% believe more than 20% is gay and 33% believe more than 25% is gay. Literally 91 out of 100 people haven't got the first damn clue about what percentage of our population is gay. And for people like Transference, I am not saying that since it's a small number (under 4% if you include all LGBT types) that they don't matter. They matter as much as you or me or anyone reading this. The fact is that due to media brainwashing and the fact that people have no clue what they are fighting for, we have this issue. If people really knew (yes, we are now too damn stupid to know these things) they might realize this isn't some form of mass discrimination and there are a lot of ways we should be providing all the protections under our Constitution to ever citizen of this nation. Changing the definition of marriage will do little to fix that.
At any rate, people using polls to validate their views is just stupid. The intellectual capacity of most Americans would fit into a baby bottle. Their right to an opinion is something I would die to protect. Their opinions however... are quite a different story as they are based in fantasyland and not reality.
And I assume you believe that the Constitution (you see, it's the foundation of the country and therefore is capitalized) allows the government to prohibit gay marriage. I missed that lecture.Didn't know that many Americans were so educated on the constitution. 63% of Americans have no idea what the constitution is.
It's not being discussed because that's not on the table.I'm always surprised and dumbfounded why the two distinct types of marriage are never really discussed. Marriage in the eyes of the government vs marriage in the church. I'm 100% for marriage for legal rights for couples, etc, but I'm not for it in the church. There is a difference.
What does the percentage of gays have to do with it? I don't care if it's 2% or 50%, they should not be discriminated against. In fact, I'd argue that we should perhaps do more to protect the 2%.
All of you keep getting caught up in what someone's opinion is. No one gives a shit about others' opinions. You can have whatever opinion you want. If @Willence thinks being gay is a sin, that's fine. But when @Willence infuses his opinion into the legislative process in an effort to discriminate against a class of people, that is a serious problem.
How the **** is allowing two women to marry, and have the same rights in the law as you and your wife, "infringing on your religious freedom"? Does it stop you from holding the belief that being gay is a sin? Is your marriage no longer considered "sacred" because Dan and Bob down the street have the same marriage certificate as you? Are you no longer able to pray about the shit that bothers you or take your kids to sunday school?This is where you show your ignorance ClemsonJag. I protested DOMA when it was past. I believe Don't Ask, Don't Tell was discriminatory and I have said so since it started. I would fight tooth and nail against a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage. We should not make laws against people in this nation. I fully and completely support equal protection under the Constitution. While our nation has always had a hard time providing those protections, fortunately our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution so that we could strive to be a more perfect union.
What you aren't seeing is that this "equal rights" you refer to which marriage is not a "right" has seriously impacted some of my freedoms as well. It was advertised as "who cares, it won't affect you" but it is. It is infringing on my religious freedom in very significant ways. I want to provide all civic benefits to same sex couples... period. Every single one that I enjoy, they should also enjoy... period. But that isn't enough and this whole thing is about to go a bridge or two too far. You may have the best of intentions with your desires but the people behind this movement (most of which are not gay) have another agenda. Like the people of Pompeii, you've built your house next to an active volcano and it's going to blow if things continue on this course. We are way beyond equal rights as people call it. Folks like you are being played for a damn fool and you haven't figured that out yet... I pray you do soon because from what I've read, I have no issue with your statements but your perspective on the other side is almost completely wrong.
Oh, do tell.What you aren't seeing is that this "equal rights" you refer to which marriage is not a "right" has seriously impacted some of my freedoms as well.
Should have known you would come back with no actual substance as to how your religious freedoms have been infringed upon.Look up what happened at Still Waters UMC. Consider what Robert Gates said with the Scouts last week and how that would impact religious institutions. It's on the verge of splitting our church denomination. It didn't stop with civil recognition (to which I think there should be unimpeded recognition). Even in the Supreme Court case, the solicitor general admits that if the court finds for gay marriage (as I suspect it will) then with religious institutions, this is going to be a huge issue. You'd have to be willfully stupid not to see the wide ranging impact in redefining a word like marriage. How two people (gay or otherwise) live their lives has no impact whatsoever on my life. How they force the institutions upon which my religious freedoms rely upon to feel about how two people live absolutely has an impact on my life. Your sales pitch, Transference, as usually is about 1000 miles wide and half an inch deep. You're going to have to actually think here for once.
But hey, it's OK! I will start a movement after this to call all cows, sheep since sheep stay warmer in the winter time. They all have a right to be warm!
Equality doesn't come from redefinition. Equality comes from recognition and legal protection. I 100% support that. I do not support redefining marriage and all the complications that come with it. You're free to disagree (for now at least you're free) but there was another way to resolve this. This is simply a case of people on your side of the fence showing total disdain toward people who feel as I do and wishing to "shoot the wounded" to prove your point.
You know, you shouldn't be calling people stupid when you have no grasp of the issue at hand. Swinney (while I respect the man) is speaking at a fundraiser for a group that actively lobbies against same sex marriage. Which is definitely forcing their bigotry on others in the form of law. So get your weak argument out of here.
Once again, the scouts allowing gay scout leaders does not mean that you have to enroll your son in a troop that has a gay scout leader. If you don't like it, move him to a troop that doesn't have one, thats your right.It means the Scouts, which are a Christian based organization, under threat of a lawsuit, are being forced to do something that will cause them to be disbanded at our church. They have already been disbanded at many other churches but we were trying to hang in there. The Scouts are important part of our son's life. The squabbles you referred to affect how we are able to worship and cause tremendous issues within the church in terms of people trying to force me to believe something I simply do not believe. Further, if you can't see the writing on the wall with the Supreme Court case (I'm sure you can but you love it so you pretend it isn't there) then you're being a fool. I believe what I do and you are free to disagree. It has impacted my life in a lot of ways. I'd like our government to provide protection and then allow me to believe what I want and practice my faith as I have previously done. That's it. Hell, I agree with you on most of your points in this thread but that isn't good enough for you. That's what's pathetic because you won't take yes for an answer.
You know, you shouldn't be calling people stupid when you have no grasp of the issue at hand. Swinney (while I respect the man) is speaking at a fundraiser for a group that actively lobbies against same sex marriage. Which is definitely forcing their bigotry on others in the form of law. So get your weak argument out of here.
Once again, the scouts allowing gay scout leaders does not mean that you have to enroll your son in a troop that has a gay scout leader. If you don't like it, move him to a troop that doesn't have one, thats your right.
Your issue with churches reviewing their stances on gay marriage is a societal one, and not the government/someone "infringing upon your religious freedoms". Some churches used to hold a stance that black people couldn't join them, and I am sure as that changed people moved to other churches full of people who had similar belief systems. No one made them change their beliefs, but as society changed churches changed with it (churches after all are just groups of people with some, not all, shared beliefs).
The SCOTUS is 100% going to make restrictive marriage laws illegal. It is going to be a good day for America, and will go down as the defining social moment of this decade. Nowhere in their decision will you see "people have to now stop believing homosexuality is a sin and change all their beliefs so that they welcome them with open arms". You can be the same rural minded person you are today, nothing changes for you and nothing/no one is making you change your belief system.
Now, if other people disagree with you or think you are a bad person for holding those beliefs, then that is their right. If they actively create laws/incite violence to make you change your beliefs, then they are as much in the wrong as someone who thinks there should be laws banning gay marriage.
Legislating how exactly? What in the world are you referring to? In what way is Christianity trying to impose on others? We want to be able to worship the Lord, try our best to live according to God's Word and have others respect our right to do so. I don't want to do anything that denies others a chance to have happiness in their lives. (Even though thorough study and factual analysis demonstrates clearing that LGBT will never find what they are looking for no matter how much society chooses to accept their lifestyles. The problem isn't with society.)
Marriage since the dawn of time is one man, one woman. That's the way it was intended. Period. It doesn't mean we can't love, accept, live with, support, etc. those who choose to live a different way. I have and I do now. My beliefs may not be those of others. I have no desire to force them to live my way. Conversely, I shouldn't be forced to live their way either. It's so frustrating to listen to the super simplistic liberal group think on this. It isn't a simple issue no matter how much people try to make it that way.
You demonstrate a serious lack of knowledge when you say stupid things like this. Marriage as you know and understand it is only a few hundred years old, and really is a 20th century phenomenon.
It means the Scouts, which are a Christian based organization, under threat of a lawsuit, are being forced to do something that will cause them to be disbanded at our church. They have already been disbanded at many other churches but we were trying to hang in there. The Scouts are important part of our son's life. The squabbles you referred to affect how we are able to worship and cause tremendous issues within the church in terms of people trying to force me to believe something I simply do not believe. Further, if you can't see the writing on the wall with the Supreme Court case (I'm sure you can but you love it so you pretend it isn't there) then you're being a fool. I believe what I do and you are free to disagree. It has impacted my life in a lot of ways. I'd like our government to provide protection and then allow me to believe what I want and practice my faith as I have previously done. That's it. Hell, I agree with you on most of your points in this thread but that isn't good enough for you. That's what's pathetic because you won't take yes for an answer.