Somehow I knew we would meet in this thread, my friend!
OK, I'll bite.
The quick Google definition for bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Not that Google is Merriam-Webster, haha, but contending that someone who upholds Christian values is a bigot is the pot calling the kettle black, no?
I do believe there's a misconception out there for the Biblical viewpoint on homosexuality, assuming that is the issue to which you're referring. Bottom line, you can oppose the sin but love the sinner. But that's not the popular view in our mob culture where moral relativism reigns supreme.
Moreover, sticking up for the virtues of traditional family life suddenly gets twisted into a perceived attack of other lifestyles. That is not a double standard applied to those espousing opposing viewpoints or beliefs.
I suspect you disagree, haha, as will others ITT. And nothing either side says will change the other's mind.
Sure, it's controversial. But if you don't take a stand for what you believe in, are you really a believer? Would Swinney experience the same backlash if the roles were reversed for which group he accepted an award from?
(Just to be clear here, my opinions do not reflect those of TI, Chris, Larry, B.J. Emmons ... anyone else but me).