siap: Holy Crap - Riverside Middle School - sex assault ? child porn ?


The Milwaukee Deep
Gold Member
Nov 21, 2003
News is just breaking down here in our part of the state - you upstate folks may have already known about it. According to G'ville sheriff's office a group of middle school kids, thats right, MIDDLE SCHOOL, were at ,a house in Greer when one of the girls who was drunk, was raped by a 14 year old boy. Thats horrible enough. But you hear about that sort of thing from time to time. The incredible thing my wife and I are trying to get our heads around, is during the rape a group of the kids (all girls I think) put the rape on live face time however that works, and were showing it to friends. Then I guess one or more of them replayed it for friends at school. The girls who had it on their phones and were showing it have been charged with possessing and distributing child porn. Good. I hope they put them in adult prisons, along with their parents.
Good Lord. Middle School kids. I don't even know where to start. So many angles to approach on this. Has our society completely broken down ?
One of the many questions I have about this is how do parents at that school find out who the kids were. Since they don't release juvies names. If my kid was at that school, I'd dang sure want to know who was involved. This is one case where they should publish the pictures and names of the kids as well as their parents pictures and names.
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I've worked some in a middle school and I was shocked at what some of these kids know and are doing. I was completely ignorant to the fact of what was going on. I can guarantee this isn't only happening at Riverside.
News is just breaking down here in our part of the state - you upstate folks may have already known about it. According to G'ville sheriff's office a group of middle school kids, thats right, MIDDLE SCHOOL, were at ,a house in Greer when one of the girls who was drunk, was raped by a 14 year old boy. Thats horrible enough. But you hear about that sort of thing from time to time. The incredible thing my wife and I are trying to get our heads around, is during the rape a group of the kids (all girls I think) put the rape on live face time however that works, and were showing it to friends. Then I guess one or more of them replayed it for friends at school. The girls who had it on their phones and were showing it have been charged with possessing and distributing child porn. Good. I hope they put them in adult prisons, along with their parents.
Good Lord. Middle School kids. I don't even know where to start. So many angles to approach on this. Has our society completely broken down ?
One of the many questions I have about this is how do parents at that school find out who the kids were. Since they don't release juvies names. If my kid was at that school, I'd dang sure want to know who was involved. This is one case where they should publish the pictures and names of the kids as well as their parents pictures and names.
Yes our society is broken and has been for a while now. Only going to get worse.
The incredible thing my wife and I are trying to get our heads around, is during the rape a group of the kids (all girls I think) put the rape on live face time however that works, and were showing it to friends. Then I guess one or more of them replayed it for friends at school. The girls who had it on their phones and were showing it have been charged with possessing and distributing child porn. Good. I hope they put them in adult prisons, along with their parents.
Good Lord. Middle School kids. I don't even know where to start. So many angles to approach on this. Has our society completely broken down ?
So out.
This is a fatherless generation.

Over the years, and the women I've dated, the thing I've noticed is that women TEND to not want/ be capable of disciplining children. They want to be their FRIENDS. I know, this is a generalization, but it is OFTEN true.

The breakdown of the family is having so many repercussions....
This is a fatherless generation.

Over the years, and the women I've dated, the thing I've noticed is that women TEND to not want/ be capable of disciplining children. They want to be their FRIENDS. I know, this is a generalization, but it is OFTEN true.

The breakdown of the family is having so many repercussions....

This AND kids base sexual norms on what they see from porn that is plastered all over the Internet. No regulations! And I'm sure the mere suggestion that porn is a problem will have some TI members' blood boiling and I'll be labeled a backwards moralist.

BTW, in talking to Social Service worker that deals with this stuff daily, if you haven't talked to your kids about porn by the time they're 8 years old, you're likely too late.
Woah dude. Chill out
"Woah dude . Chill out " ???
Chill out ??? Really? These kids not only watched a rape happen and did nothing to stop it, they didn't even report it. And worse, they filmed the dang thing. And then thought it was cool I guess to show it around.
I don't find anything about that scenario to "Chill Out" about as you say. They're old enough to understand that is wrong and suffer the consequences for it. And their parents should bear some it as well.
Exactly why would they put their parents in prison.
It is the real world and people talk so I doubt it will be hard for the parents at the school to find out who was involved.
Because they raised the kids. If parents were held accountable for thier childrens actions more often a lot of this shit would start to get better. Flame away!
"Woah dude . Chill out " ???
Chill out ??? Really? These kids not only watched a rape happen and did nothing to stop it, they didn't even report it. And worse, they filmed the dang thing. And then thought it was cool I guess to show it around.
I don't find anything about that scenario to "Chill Out" about as you say. They're old enough to understand that is wrong and suffer the consequences for it. And their parents should bear some it as well.
Sending 12 year olds to adult prison? Are you kidding me dude? And so from now on if someone's kid's get into trouble the parents need to be thrown in jail as well? I got back to my statement, you need to chill out
Sending 12 year olds to adult prison? Are you kidding me dude? And so from now on if someone's kid's get into trouble the parents need to be thrown in jail as well? I got back to my statement, you need to chill out

I think you can only take the OPs original comment as hyperbole, but its painfully obvious the parents of the kids involved here fail at life and failed as parents and they should be reminded of that everyday ....which Im sure they will be
News is just breaking down here in our part of the state - you upstate folks may have already known about it. According to G'ville sheriff's office a group of middle school kids, thats right, MIDDLE SCHOOL, were at ,a house in Greer when one of the girls who was drunk, was raped by a 14 year old boy. Thats horrible enough. But you hear about that sort of thing from time to time. The incredible thing my wife and I are trying to get our heads around, is during the rape a group of the kids (all girls I think) put the rape on live face time however that works, and were showing it to friends. Then I guess one or more of them replayed it for friends at school. The girls who had it on their phones and were showing it have been charged with possessing and distributing child porn. Good. I hope they put them in adult prisons, along with their parents.
Good Lord. Middle School kids. I don't even know where to start. So many angles to approach on this. Has our society completely broken down ?
One of the many questions I have about this is how do parents at that school find out who the kids were. Since they don't release juvies names. If my kid was at that school, I'd dang sure want to know who was involved. This is one case where they should publish the pictures and names of the kids as well as their parents pictures and names.

It's crazy enough to me that middle school kids are drinking and having sex, let alone any of this stuff. The fact that they were drinking at that age should already tell you that they were bad eggs.
This is a fatherless generation.

Over the years, and the women I've dated, the thing I've noticed is that women TEND to not want/ be capable of disciplining children. They want to be their FRIENDS. I know, this is a generalization, but it is OFTEN true.

The breakdown of the family is having so many repercussions....

This AND kids base sexual norms on what they see from porn that is plastered all over the Internet. No regulations! And I'm sure the mere suggestion that porn is a problem will have some TI members' blood boiling and I'll be labeled a backwards moralist.

BTW, in talking to Social Service worker that deals with this stuff daily, if you haven't talked to your kids about porn by the time they're 8 years old, you're likely too late.

You guys are right. It's really sad. I blame it all on the feminist movement of the 60's & 70's.

Women are the gatekeepers. Men only behave like men when women require them to. When women stopped being ladies and started being sluts, men stopped being men. We realized that we didn't have to be men in order to attract women.

@The Tifoon I got in trouble in third grade, so I was either 8 or 9, because a friend and I were looking up sex in the dictionary. I had already seen plenty of playboys, and it was also right around that time that Basic Instinct came out, and that was basically a porn movie back then. Oh, and "back then" was like 90 or 91.

The point is, I find it hard to believe that with how everything has accelerated, the age at which you need to have the sex talk with your kids is still 8 years old. 8 was too late back in the pre-internet days, I'm sure it's too late now.
It's crazy enough to me that middle school kids are drinking and having sex, let alone any of this stuff. The fact that they were drinking at that age should already tell you that they were bad eggs.
Bad thing is the whole chicken coop is contaminated.
This is coming to pass quickly now. If you don't believe I understand.
ast Days Bible Prophecies Those who study the Bible know that we are living in the last days and the times of these prophesied birth pangs are currently ramping up. Every major last days’ trend anticipated in the Bible is being positioned in place. Like a tsunami that sweeps the globe, developments in Bible prophecy are overwhelming and irrefutable. During the Olivet Discourse, Jesus listed several last days’ signs and then summarized: “So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near – at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place” (Matthew 24:33-34). In other words, once we see all the signs coming into focus, we should expect the climax of these events within one generation.5 Here is a list of some of the major Biblical last days’ trends – all of which are in place today: 1) Wide-spread deception in Christ’s name (Matthew 24:4-5; 11; 24-26; 2 Thessalonians 2; 2 Peter 2:1-3; etc.) 2) Global communications foreseen (Revelation 11:9-10; 17:8). 3) A global cry for peace (1 Thessalonians 5:3). 4) Chaotic weather prevalent (Luke 21:25-26). 5) A move toward a global government (Daniel 2:40-44; 7:23; Revelation 13:7-8). 6) Technology capable of tracking the world’s population (Revelation 13:16-17). 7) Israel regathered into their nation after being dispersed for nearly two millennia (Isaiah 11:11-12; 43:5-6; 66:8; Jeremiah 31:7-10; Ezekiel 37:21-22; 38:8). 8) Jerusalem a burdensome stone to all nations (Zechariah 12:2-3). 9) Israel prospering economically (Ezekiel 38:12-13).
Preparations to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem (Daniel 9:27; 12:11; Mark 13:14; Revelation 11:1-2). 11) Russia, Iran and other countries rising as military powers and preparing a surprise attack on Israel (Ezekiel 38). 12) Anti-Semitism worldwide increasing (Deuteronomy 28:37; Jeremiah 29:18; 44:8). 13) Homosexuality flaunted (Luke 17:28-30; Genesis 19; Jude 1:7). 14) A move toward a global religion (Revelation 13:8; Revelation 17). 15) Lawlessness abounding (Matthew 24:12; Revelation 9:21). 16) Babylon reemerging on the world scene (Zechariah 5:11; Isaiah 13; Revelation 17-19). 17) Increased interest in the occult, witchcraft, and sorceries (Revelation 9:21; 18:23; 21:8; Isaiah 47:9-15; Micah 5:10-15). 18) The kings of the East rising (Revelation 9:14-16; 16:12). There are many more last days’ signs that appear to be culminating before our very eyes. Therefore, all indications are that delivery must also be fast approaching. Whether time is actually speeding up, or whether our perception is the result of these birth pangs increasing, we cannot be certain. One thing is for sure, the Bible is true and the Lord’s return is near.
This is a fatherless generation.

Over the years, and the women I've dated, the thing I've noticed is that women TEND to not want/ be capable of disciplining children. They want to be their FRIENDS. I know, this is a generalization, but it is OFTEN true.

The breakdown of the family is having so many repercussions....

Sending 12 year olds to adult prison? Are you kidding me dude? And so from now on if someone's kid's RAPES ANOTHER CHILD AND FILMS IT AND DISTRIBUTES IT AS PORNOGRAPHY...

FIFY, since you not only left out the most important part, but also downgraded it to include all "kids that get in trouble". You ought to be ashamed of yourself clemsontigerfan07.
This is a fatherless generation.

Over the years, and the women I've dated, the thing I've noticed is that women TEND to not want/ be capable of disciplining children. They want to be their FRIENDS. I know, this is a generalization, but it is OFTEN true.

The breakdown of the family is having so many repercussions....

I think this is so true. IMO, it's the Root of just about all of the problems in this country. My wife said the other day, that she thought the biggest problem was with woman. She said for decades we raised our girls to "not need a man", which is true. But I said I thought the problem was Men, or lack of. I also think divorce is far too common, and accepted. People aren't ashamed of it anymore. It's also too easy to get a divorce. The reality is, men need woman, and woman need men. It's always been intended to be that way. But you can certainly see how the lack of Dad, Moms or just flat out Broken up families has impacted society and it's not good. It's always sad to see.
Sending 12 year olds to adult prison? Are you kidding me dude? And so from now on if someone's kid's get into trouble the parents need to be thrown in jail as well? I got back to my statement, you need to chill out
You call this "getting into trouble"? This ain't your child's play getting into trouble home slice. This is legit evil. Perhaps the real definition of terrorism applies here.
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You call this "getting into trouble"? This ain't your child's play getting into trouble home slice. This is legit evil. Perhaps the real definition of terrorism applies here.
Throwing adults into prison because something their child did while not under their supervision is absolutely crazy. Y'all are acting like the parents orchestrated the entire thing and urged them to do all of this.
According to Jewish academic historian Dr Nathan Abrams in his essay Triple-Exthnics published in the Jewish Quarterly in 2004, “Though Jews make up only 2 percent of the American population, they dominate porn.” Abrams boasts, Jewish involvement in porn “is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion."
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Throwing adults into prison because something their child did while not under their supervision is absolutely crazy. Y'all are acting like the parents orchestrated the entire thing and urged them to do all of this.
.... I dont know about prison, but I do know that if this were my daughter? I would be in prison because I wouldve visited every one of those kids homes, drug their Dad's into the street, and wholesale beat their ass for failing so hard.
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Throwing adults into prison because something their child did while not under their supervision is absolutely crazy. Y'all are acting like the parents orchestrated the entire thing and urged them to do all of this.
By not taking the time to teach thier children to do the right thing they basically did. This stupid ****ing mindset is the reason shit like this happens. Children are the responsibility of their parents. Their not future drinking buddies or friends. They ARE CHILDREN. Children do not know how to make good desiscions unless they are shown how too do so. That is the job of the parents. If a parent cant or wont do that then when tbier kid rapes.some one and records it the parent s should be held responsible. If a dog gets out of my fence and bites someone i am responsible for it.
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By not taking the time to teach thier children to do the right thing they basically did. This stupid ****ing mindset is the reason shit like this happens. Children are the responsibility of their parents. Their not future drinking buddies or friends. They ARE CHILDREN. Children do not know how to make good desiscions unless they are shown how too do so. That is the job of the parents. If a parent cant or wont do that then when tbier kid rapes.some one and records it the parent s should be held responsible. If a dog gets out of my fence and bites someone i am responsible for it.
Okay Nancy Grace
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Okay Nancy Grace
Very informed retort. So you dont think parents play the largest role in how a child turns out as a teenager or adult? You think maybe its just society's fault? Barring some Jeffy Dahmer shit, making sure your 15 year old doesnt rape someone shouldnt be that hard. And if you fail to do that as a parent by all means your ass should go to prison.
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.... I dont know about prison, but I do know that if this were my daughter? I would be in prison because I wouldve visited every one of those kids homes, drug their Dad's into the street, and wholesale beat their ass for failing so hard.

I'd support you 100% and if on a jury for your crimes I would acquit you.

I'd also acquit the person that beat your ass for allowing your 13 year old daughter to be passed out drunk at a high school party because you too would have failed.
This is a fatherless generation.

Over the years, and the women I've dated, the thing I've noticed is that women TEND to not want/ be capable of disciplining children. They want to be their FRIENDS. I know, this is a generalization, but it is OFTEN true.

The breakdown of the family is having so many repercussions....
I think it is more of the not able to. Many women have multiple children and when they have a disobedient son who grows bigger than them, sometimes by middle school, they often won't listen. Many children, primarily sons, need a father. The family is breaking down and it is ruining this country. I would bet anything that if we could fix families or reduce single parent homes, we would begin to fix poverty, teen pregnancies, gang participation, drug use, abortions, entitlement, etc.

It is no coincidence that since this society is dominated by males, that it is males without fathers who commit the most crimes. We have overcomplicated everything. We need to commit to protecting families and I primarily mean the traditional family nucleus not because I am hyper conservative but because humans function best with a male figure and a female figure. Both bring biological and sociological attributes to the family. No this is not trying to say we need stay at homes moms or whatever- merely that if there were less single parent homes and the parents loved and nurtured their children our society would be fixed.
I think this is so true. IMO, it's the Root of just about all of the problems in this country. My wife said the other day, that she thought the biggest problem was with woman. She said for decades we raised our girls to "not need a man", which is true. But I said I thought the problem was Men, or lack of. I also think divorce is far too common, and accepted. People aren't ashamed of it anymore. It's also too easy to get a divorce. The reality is, men need woman, and woman need men. It's always been intended to be that way. But you can certainly see how the lack of Dad, Moms or just flat out Broken up families has impacted society and it's not good. It's always sad to see.

So much truth there, Tiger Guru.
We are SO infiltrated by pop culture, which is just thinly veiled secular humanism.
I've have SO grown spiritually, understanding who Daddy God is and what He wants for us, and SO much wisdom in His Word.
Mankind's biggest desire is to be loved, and loved unconditionally. But we don't understand that love is NOT a feeling. That is obsession or desire.
Love is action.
This misunderstanding of what love is has caused people to look for it in sex and pornography, which is an addiction that is sweeping this nation and the world.
Because people think love and passion are the same thing, when the passion wanes in a marriage, they look for it elsewhere. They don't understand that when you ACT in love, regardless how you FEEL, the feelings will follow the action.
Because our lawmakers have no wisdom and no honor, they have made an easy divorce a priority, instead of teaching people what real love is, and how to save a marriage. There are few things out there as destructive as a marriage, even far beyond the financial implications.
Very informed retort. So you dont think parents play the largest role in how a child turns out as a teenager or adult? You think maybe its just society's fault? Barring some Jeffy Dahmer shit, making sure your 15 year old doesnt rape someone shouldnt be that hard. And if you fail to do that as a parent by all means your ass should go to prison.
All I said was it's crazy to suggest that a parent should be thrown in prison. A kid has his own mind, a parent can raise their child great but ultimately it's the child's own decisions that he has to make for himself. I'd be willing to bet had the parent been there they would probably say no you cannot do that. But to send a parent to prison for what their child did? But Why stop there? What if the parent raised them poorly bc they were raised poorly themselves? Sounds to me like the grandparents should be thrown in prison as well by your logic

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