I'm guessing you're not familiar with the stats, then. By the way, black people are 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police, which wouldn't really qualify as "exponential":
"Consider the following, from the 2018 National Crime Victimization Survey, Census data, FBI Uniform Crime Reports, and other sources: (For extended discussion, see my dissenting
statement to the 2018 U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Report: Police Use of Force: Examination of Modern Police Practices, p. 197. Unless otherwise noted, most of the data is from 2018.)
- In 2016, 466 whites were killed by police; 233 blacks were killed by police.
- Whites are 76.5 percent of the U.S. population (including Hispanics); blacks are 13.4 percent of the U.S. population.
- Whites commit 59 percent of violent crimes (defined as murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault); blacks commit 37.5 percent of violent crimes.
- One out of 8,511 blacks is arrested for murder; one in 58,582 whites is arrested for murder.
- Blacks are approximately 6.8 times more likely than whites to be arrested for murder.
- One out of 2,800,438 blacks is arrested for killing a cop; one of 7,674,278 whites is arrested for killing a cop.
- Blacks are 2.74 times more likely than whites to be arrested for killing a cop.
- In 2016, 66 cops were killed in the line of duty; 32 whites and 15 blacks were identified as the killers.
- More than twice as many blacks (533) murdered whites in 2016 than whites (243) murdered blacks.
- Black males are 6 percent of the U.S. population. Black males are responsible for 42 percent of cop killings in the last decade.
- In 2015, a cop was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was likely to be killed by a cop.
- In 2016, 222 black males were killed by police. 16 were unarmed. 445 white males were killed by police. 20 were unarmed.
Contrary to the tweets and posts of some celebrities, blacks aren’t being “hunted” by whites. As Heather Mac Donald
Between 2012 and 2015, blacks committed 85.5 percent of all black-white interracial violent victimizations (excluding interracial homicide, which is also disproportionately black-on-white). That works out to 540,360 felonious assaults on whites. Whites committed 14.4 percent of all interracial violent victimizations, or 91,470 felonious assaults on blacks.
The false narrative has devastating consequences to society. Death, destruction, and division are but a few. The aftermath to the false Michael Brown narrative is just one example. The devastation in Baltimore is another.
Riots are inevitable the next time a black person dies in police custody. People will be killed, property and livelihoods will be destroyed. The false narrative ensures that."