The Errors The Lies and The Coverup in the Georgia 2020 Election

On Monday, August 19, 2024 we stood inside the Georgia State Capitol and presented specific evidence of massive 2020 election fraud as the mainstream media stood behind the cameras and watched. When looking forward at the cameras I was making direct eye contact with them. Honestly, several reporters looked confused and a few looked shocked. I literally showed them how batches of ballots in the reported hand count totals were altered and duplicated to give Biden a 4,000 fake net gain in just Fulton County, in just the hand count. I believe most reporters don't understand the election system and are not allowed to consider actual evidence of fraud. And of course many are dishonest and deceptive.

I literally showed them duplicated batches of ballots as seen on the poster board in the attached photo. I showed them the evidence and explained how they altered batch names to hide the fake duplicate batches from the ARLO auditing software which was developed with DHS funding.

Not one single reporter dared to approach me after my 20 minute presentation of facts.

I also told them about the fact that I presented this evidence to DHS, FBI, GASOS, GASEB, GAAG in 2021/22. It was all covered up. Not one reporter asked about the complaints and reports I submitted to state and federal agencies.

I'm a soldier, which means I'm not naive.
But the court of public opinion is powerful and the momentum is in our favor. I've been in contact with high level officials and attorneys concerning the evidence presented at the press conference. Our objective is to bring people to justice for massive election fraud in 2020 and to win 2024.

Regardless, we must stand and fight to regain sovereign control of our elections, state, and nation. Because in case you don't know, 2020 was not orchestrated at the local level.

I'll post the full length 20 minute video below. There are also numerous short clips circulating. Scroll down my account timeline to see them.


Rudy Giuliani Explains how a JFK/Nixon Precedent was the Baseline for his Trump Won Strategy — and Says It’s Now a Fact that Donald Trump Won the State of Georgia by more than 10,000 Votes

🔴 What Trumps team Did, Democrats did it first, 60 years ago in Hawaii

• By December 1960, it was clear Kennedy had won. Only Hawaii’s result remained in doubt due to Military Personnel and Pearl Harbor… So JFK and Nixon made a deal…

• A recount came underway on Dec. 19, 1960, when presidential electors across the nation were required by law to meet and cast their ballots.

• Nixon’s Hawaii electors met and cast their three votes in an official ceremony.
—— But nearby, Kennedy’s three elector nominees gathered and signed their own certificates, delivering them to Washington as though Kennedy had won the state.

• Donald Trumps team did the same thing… from Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia — they described themselves as “duly elected and qualified.” In Pennsylvania and New Mexico, Trump allies submitted alternative elector slates but included a caveat: their votes would only be counted if ongoing court battles broke in favor of Trump.

• Rudy goes on to say that the Georgia State Legislature put out a report that proves Donald Trump won the state of Georgia by at least 10,000+ votes

Alliances have been formed nationally and here in Georgia to oust the Deep State from power.

My message to the Office of the @GaSecofState: My complaint to the GA Inspector General filed in October 2023 (which I have discussed with @BrianKempGA' staff) provides evidence showing that your office covered up 2020 evidence and provided false information to Congress.

You knew NLT February 2022 that thousands of ballots were counted twice and that the Fulton hand count was off by thousands, but your attorneys and investigators withheld that information from the State Election Board in March 2022. Then in June 2022 @GabrielSterling provided false information to the Congressional J6 Committee when he told them no Fulton ballots were counted twice and that the hand count was "dead on" accurate.

Your office has failed to come forward and admit the truth concerning 2020. Both Joe Rossi and myself provided irrefutable evidence of massive election fraud at two separate press conferences in the State Capitol in August 2024. I will post videos of both press conferences below.

I recommend that investigators from your office step forward as whistleblowers before November 2024.

I'm still waiting...for the Ware County GA Board of Elections to explain how 100 ballots were scanned for the SECOND TIME at 10:36 am on 11-11-2020. This was 5 days after the election was over and certified in Ware, when the physical ballots should have been locked away.

I first provided the evidence to Ware officials around 10 months ago. When they didn't answer I sued them for answers 6 months ago in February 2024.

Their attorney says they're not legally obligated to explain how this happened. But why wouldn't they want to explain how this happened? Were ballots being digitally inserted into the count? Because the physical ballots should have been locked away.

This week I'll be requesting the Ware County Superior Court to issue a judgement on whether or not Ware County Board of Elections is legally obligated to explain this to me.

I'll post a video below of a recent press conference at the Georgia State Capitol where I explained the Ware case as well as evidence from Fulton County 2020. We are literally fighting to regain sovereign control of our elections from the Deep State.
  • Haha
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I'm still waiting...for the Ware County GA Board of Elections to explain how 100 ballots were scanned for the SECOND TIME at 10:36 am on 11-11-2020. This was 5 days after the election was over and certified in Ware, when the physical ballots should have been locked away.

I first provided the evidence to Ware officials around 10 months ago. When they didn't answer I sued them for answers 6 months ago in February 2024.

Their attorney says they're not legally obligated to explain how this happened. But why wouldn't they want to explain how this happened? Were ballots being digitally inserted into the count? Because the physical ballots should have been locked away.

This week I'll be requesting the Ware County Superior Court to issue a judgement on whether or not Ware County Board of Elections is legally obligated to explain this to me.

I'll post a video below of a recent press conference at the Georgia State Capitol where I explained the Ware case as well as evidence from Fulton County 2020. We are literally fighting to regain sovereign control of our elections from the Deep State.

This is like the most ultimate beta cuck Karen bullshit. Lololololololol

BREAKING: Georgia Election Board Member Janelle King just issued a statement DOUBLING DOWN on her vote to require county officials to verify election results before certifying

Democrats are coming after this brave patriot. She needs all our support!

"Highlighting errors from previous elections is a crucial step toward identifying and resolving the underlying causes of those errors. My mission is not to alter the outcomes of past elections but to ensure that every vote is counted accurately and every election is conducted correctly going forward. I take offense to the baseless accusations, the intimidation of those who appointed us, and the outright lies that continue to mislead the public in hopes of garnering votes." - @IAM_JanelleK

If you live in Georgia, get on the phone with your state legislators and Governor's office to peacefully let them know it's their job to defend the integrity of the brave three on the board: Rick Jeffares, Janelle King, and Janice Johnston


Georgia’s election board now admits to violations of election law in 2020
This action by the DNC tells the story. They plan to cheat and want to be immune from any chance of being exposed. How can any dem defend this?

BREAKING: The DNC has filed a lawsuit against the Georgia Election Board to block their new rule, which requires counties to ensure the accuracy of the votes before certification

Democrats argue they face "injury" to their election chances if the rule is allowed to take effect

"Petitioners face injury from the Examination Rule, and require relief to avoid the confusion, disorder, and burdens that have been and will continue to be caused by the rule."

They're hoping to get a court declaration that certifying results *even fraudulent* is a "mandatory duty." Additionally, they want the court to declare that the Election Board requiring counties to make reasonable inquiries into the results would somehow violate Georgia election law

"To remedy these harms and prevent chaos in November, this Court should follow decades of binding precedent and declare both that the statutes mean exactly what they say and that SEB’s rules must be construed consistent with those statutes in order to be a valid exercise of SEB’s authority."

Democrats are in PANIC because the State Election Board is making it IMPOSSIBLE for them to cheat. My expectation is that a corrupt judge in Fulton County may rule against the rule, but the higher courts of Georgia will swiftly uphold the rule. Their PANIC is palpable!


The DNC is Suing the Georgia Election Board over a new rule that Ensures Every Vote Cast Is Accurate — While Governor Kemp is Trying to Remove the Board Members for Doing their Jobs

Dude… they’re trying to cheat again.. 😂

• Under this new rule, if any precinct shows that the number of ballots EXCEEDS the number of unique voter IDs, the counties must withhold certification of those election results until a complete investigation into potential fraud is conducted.

Why in the world is that controversial? You know why… because they’re trying to rig Georgia again… 😂🤣🤣

And here is ,

Why the corrupt criminals Gov. Brian Kemp, SOS Rat Raffensperger, and AG Chris Carr working with Democrats to defund the State Election Board,

Because they’ve been covering up the unthinkable,

VoterGA Garland Favorito testified on six sworn affidavits detailing counterfeit ballots were inserted in the Fulton County 2020 election, which remain unresolved three years later.

"These mail-in ballots weren't folded from being mailed. They were not on the correct paper stock. They were not marked with a writing instrument. They were marked with toner, according to senior poll managers who signed court affidavits."

"After three years, we have still not seen the ballots for which there were six sworn affidavits claiming they were counterfeit. That is not the appropriate way to investigate. The son of a bitch Secretary of State filed an amicus brief against us to try to prevent us from looking at the ballots. What kind of Secretary of State would

Trump's Path To Victory In Georgia 2024

From now until November I'll be sharing the following balanced message: Yes, our evidence proves massive fraud in Georgia 2020. Yes, this election system is operated by Deep State corporations who come to GA to "help" tabulate our elections. However, it is possible to win. And we must fight to win! We must focus on and work towards the following common sense measures:

1) Mitigate mail-in ballot fraud/ghost voters.
2) We need a massive turnout of Trump voters.
3) We need to carry out a positive public information campaign to educate election workers on the importance of reconciling votes to voters and physical ballots to machine totals at the precinct level by hand counting ballots.
4) We need to educate election workers to NOT allow shady corporate technicians or monitors to force the hand count to match the machine count if a hand count is called. When you force a match you are covering up machine errors and fraud. Honesty in vote tabulation is the law. If you force the hand count to match the machine count you're guilty of manipulation.
5) Republican officials right now should be identifying honest patriots to monitor the monitors. The 2020 monitors in Fulton County did not catch fraud, a small group of patriots including myself discovered this after the election. SEB cases 2021-181 and 2023-025 show evidence that both the machine and hand counts were manipulated.
6) We need election board members to have the courage to correct errors and fraud before the certification deadline. This is the law.

These are simply common sense measures to insure an accurate and fair election, which is the law. These measures are the last line of defense if we cannot shut down mail-in voting and the Dominion/ARLO system currently in use.

A Trump victory will require a statewide communication effort as outlined above. Remember when CISA (DHS) told you who the "Trusted Voices" were concerning elections. Well CISA lied. The "Trusted Voices" are we the people. It's time to regain sovereign control of our elections and our nation. 🇺🇸

BREAKING: A judge in Georgia just completely DISMISSED a lawsuit filed by Democrats who tried to overthrow members of the State Election Board for implementing crucial election integrity measures, ruling that they had no right to bring the case

Democrats filed complaints against SEB members to Gov. Brian Kemp, claiming that he was compelled to (1) conduct a hearing on their allegations and (2) remove the members they claimed violated ethics rules. Kemp refused, so they sued him in Fulton County, and despite getting a left-leaning judge, they LOST.

Judge Ural Glanville ruled that a private citizen can’t just designate something as a formal charge that the governor has to look into and that formal charges can only be derived from an actual investigation.

In conclusion, Democrats are PANICKING because the Election Board is closing up fraud loopholes, and they know they can't win without cheating. Thank God for the patriots on the Board who are doing everything in their power to secure the 2024 election.
Huge win for good!!

New: We won the first battle in Fulgham v Ware County Georgia Board of Elections concerning evidence of fake double-scanned ballots and flipped (manipulated) votes from 2020.

After months of back and forth written arguments between myself and Ware attorneys, Judge Jeffrey Kight ruled against Ware's request for dismissal, and in our favor. The case will now be heard by a state Superior Court judge.

I initially filed a complaint with the State Election Board. But @GaSecofState investigators refused to investigate, claiming the incident had occurred over 2 years prior to my filing. But we had filed the complaint only 3 months after the discovery of evidence.

I then led the investigation myself. But Ware County officials would not or could not answer my question of how fake double scanned ballots were counted for the second time 5 days after the election was over and certified, according to Dominion scan time data obtained from public electronic election records. So I sued for answers. My lawsuit doesn't accuse anyone specifically.

Ware BOE attorneys claimed they weren't legally obligated to answer. But obviously Judge Kight believes there is sufficient cause for my case to be heard.

My thoughts
Regardless of the future outcome of the case, this first battle is a win for grass roots election integrity. This sends a strong message to the @GaSecofState Office and County Election Boards across Georgia. And keep in mind, we've now identified over 8,000 double scanned 2020 ballots statewide. We are watching 2024 very closely.

This has been a team effort.

Since 2020 I've been saying that We the People have lost sovereign control of our elections. Let's continue the fight to regain sovereign control of our elections and our nation. 🇺🇸

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