The media is always telling lies

He will, don't worry. Once she takes a commanding lead following the DNC, the gloves will come all the way off.
I’m pretty confident you posted more than once stating that you aren't very smart. If I’m wrong, I apologize.
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The state run media in countries like China and Russia are getting jealous and envious at how well the liberal media of the US has gotten at lies and disinformation. The US liberal media basically stole the Communist playbook on how to do it. The Communist’s in the Soviet Union used to say that ‘you can get away with anything if you’re good enough at disinformation’. (Which is basically telling lies)
What metrics are you basing that on?

Her voting record in the senate, which was the furthest left of all senators.

Also, her societal view on equal outcomes vs equal opportunity is an extreme position. Even Bernie when asked to clarify his position very much specified he falls on the equal opportunity side.
Her voting record in the senate, which was the furthest left of all senators.

Also, her societal view on equal outcomes vs equal opportunity is an extreme position. Even Bernie when asked to clarify his position very much specified he falls on the equal opportunity side.
Ah, so your personal opinion. Got it.
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Ah, so your personal opinion. Got it.
Actually, you don't "got it". It's not his personal opinion. Below is a 1 minute search on google. In addition to pointing out how extreme she is, the last article also pointed out she was one of the most absent for votes members, served on the fewest committees, and was least likely to sign BIPARTISAN legislation. She is the definition of an extremist politician.

The state run media in countries like China and Russia are getting jealous and envious at how well the liberal media of the US has gotten at lies and disinformation. The US liberal media basically stole the Communist playbook on how to do it. The Communist’s in the Soviet Union used to say that ‘you can get away with anything if you’re good enough at disinformation’. (Which is basically telling lies)
That's the dumbest thing I've heard so far today, but it's still early. It's incredible how you can ignore all facts and metrics that point to the exact opposite. Is any "media" perfect? No. But it's intellectually dishonest to ignore the efforts that Fox, the Fox wannabes, and conservative social media have gone to promote misinformation, half truths, and conspiracy theories. Liberal talking heads, and corresponding social media pale in comparison to the Magas. The use of pageantry, rhetoric, blaming any misfortune on an "other" is straight out of Mussolini/Hitler history.
Their opinions. And you know, by golly, if JD Vance is given a pass for calling Trump Hitler because he's "evolved his views," then certainly Kamala should be afforded the same grace, yes?
Actually, you don't "got it". It's not his personal opinion. Below is a 1 minute search on google. In addition to pointing out how extreme she is, the last article also pointed out she was one of the most absent for votes members, served on the fewest committees, and was least likely to sign BIPARTISAN legislation. She is the definition of an extremist politician.

That's the dumbest thing I've heard so far today, but it's still early. It's incredible how you can ignore all facts and metrics that point to the exact opposite. Is any "media" perfect? No. But it's intellectually dishonest to ignore the efforts that Fox, the Fox wannabes, and conservative social media have gone to promote misinformation, half truths, and conspiracy theories. Liberal talking heads, and corresponding social media pale in comparison to the Magas. The use of pageantry, rhetoric, blaming any misfortune on an "other" is straight out of Mussolini/Hitler history.
Two things. The above seems to bolster the argument the media lies. Second, the vast, vast majority of media outlets are liberal. That is to be expected since most come from liberal journalist college backgrounds. ALL of these have ignored and lied about Joe's mental state to the public. If it had been any other candidate, there would be weekly bashing of the potus' refusal to hold regular press conferences and take questions like every other potus has done. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know why he has not.

It has been clear to any objective person with zero sources that he has been impaired for some time. The media has purposefully refused to report on one of the biggest stories in modern political history for the sole purpose of supporting their political party of choice rather than doing their duty as members of the press.
Their opinions. And you know, by golly, if JD Vance is given a pass for calling Trump Hitler because he's "evolved his views," then certainly Kamala should be afforded the same grace, yes?
They are only opinions if you think that no view/belief can be categorized as right or left. If that is you hill to die, so be it. Otherwise, it is not opinion based at all. Do you consider it an opinion that banning abortion is a far right position? Serious question.

What can not be argued in any way is that she was least likely to sign BIPARTISAN legislation, held the fewest committee positions, and was absent for votes more often than 98( out of 100, if you are unaware) other senators.
There trying to rebrand her but I just don't see it happening. Hell they are now saying she was never the border czar yet there's doucumation from the WH showing she was assigned to the task as The Border Czar....

There's to much doucumation , and clips showing otherwise. Just don't see the democrats able to cover her record up.
They are only opinions if you think that no view/belief can be categorized as right or left. If that is you hill to die, so be it. Otherwise, it is not opinion based at all. Do you consider it an opinion that banning abortion is a far right position? Serious question.

What can not be argued in any way is that she was least likely to sign BIPARTISAN legislation, held the fewest committee positions, and was absent for votes more often than 98( out of 100, if you are unaware) other senators.
I'm looking forward to her progressive, liberal vision for the country's future.
Yes most people dont like the far-right or the far-left including me...
I don't either but I think Trump made a mistake putting Vance on the ticket . If he put Nikki Haley on the ticket he wins easily but right now I think Harris could win .
That's the dumbest thing I've heard so far today, but it's still early. It's incredible how you can ignore all facts and metrics that point to the exact opposite. Is any "media" perfect? No. But it's intellectually dishonest to ignore the efforts that Fox, the Fox wannabes, and conservative social media have gone to promote misinformation, half truths, and conspiracy theories. Liberal talking heads, and corresponding social media pale in comparison to the Magas. The use of pageantry, rhetoric, blaming any misfortune on an "other" is straight out of Mussolini/Hitler history.
Everything I said was true, if you’re not bright enough to realize it then I can’t help you. There are admitted socialists (and most probably hidden Marxists that haven’t come out of the closet yet) that are leading voices in the Democrat party now. If you are a Marxist in this country you’re voting for the Democrats
, surely not the Republicans. Socialists and Marxists have always used disinformation campaigns against their political enemies…one, to demonize their opponents so they could look justified in rigging elections, jailing political enemies, using censorship to quiet the other side, and even assasinating political enemies. Now this sure sounds more like the Democrat party of today, not the Republicans. And two, knowing that many of the sheep would believe their lies. You are correct in that no media is perfect. And when I say media I’m referring to the television media. Not every Joe Schmo that posts on Twitter or social media .

But the CNN’s and MSDNC’s of the world tell 100x more outright lies than Fox. (I’m talking about narratives they push that they know they’re lying about, not someone’s opinion) They are the ones who pushed the Russia Collusion lies for four years that were proven to be false. They did this to try and say that Trump was an illegitimate President, but after 2020 they said no conservative’s should question an election. They are the ones that for the last four years have tried to make Trump (and by association his voters) out to be threats to Democracy just because of a political rally that turned into a riot. … calling it an insurrection or coup, knowing if it was a coup it was the worst planned one in the history of humanity lol. Now tell me what narrative or lies Fox has pushed on the Dems for years that they knowingly knew was a lie? And I’m not speaking about an opinion person giving their opinion on which party is the best path for this country, I’m talking about knowingly pushing lies to create false narratives.

Edit: and I didn’t even mention the lies they’re telling about Kamala now to try and re-brand her image, that the OP mentioned that started this thread.
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Everything I said was true, if you’re not bright enough to realize it then I can’t help you. There are admitted socialists (and most probably hidden Marxists that haven’t come out of the closet yet) that are leading voices in the Democrat party now. If you are a Marxist in this country you’re voting for the Democrats
, surely not the Republicans. Socialists and Marxists have always used disinformation campaigns against their political enemies…one, to demonize their opponents so they could look justified in rigging elections, jailing political enemies, using censorship to quiet the other side, and even assasinating political enemies. Now this sure sounds more like the Democrat party of today, not the Republicans. And two, knowing that many of the sheep would believe their lies. You are correct in that no media is perfect. And when I say media I’m referring to the television media. Not every Joe Schmo that posts on Twitter or social media .

But the CNN’s and MSDNC’s of the world tell 100x more outright lies than Fox. (I’m talking about narratives they push that they know they’re lying about, not someone’s opinion) They are the ones who pushed the Russia Collusion lies for four years that were proven to be false. They did this to try and say that Trump was an illegitimate President, but after 2020 they said no conservative’s should question an election. They are the ones that for the last four years have tried to make Trump (and by association his voters) out to be threats to Democracy just because of a political rally that turned into a riot. … calling it an insurrection or coup, knowing if it was a coup it was the worst planned one in the history of humanity lol. Now tell me what narrative or lies Fox has pushed on the Dems for years that they knowingly knew was a lie? And I’m not speaking about an opinion person giving their opinion on which party is the best path for this country, I’m talking about knowingly pushing lies to create false narratives.
Damn. It's like you live in bizarro world. That's all patently false. You're in some fantasy land where grass is blue and sky is green, and no one can tell you different. It's like you believe 2+2=5.
Damn. It's like you live in bizarro world. That's all patently false. You're in some fantasy land where grass is blue and sky is green, and no one can tell you different. It's like you believe 2+2=5.
So basically you couldn’t answer my question or really rebut anything I said… but I’m in the bizarre world.. lol … enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Two things. The above seems to bolster the argument the media lies. Second, the vast, vast majority of media outlets are liberal. That is to be expected since most come from liberal journalist college backgrounds. ALL of these have ignored and lied about Joe's mental state to the public. If it had been any other candidate, there would be weekly bashing of the potus' refusal to hold regular press conferences and take questions like every other potus has done. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know why he has not.

It has been clear to any objective person with zero sources that he has been impaired for some time. The media has purposefully refused to report on one of the biggest stories in modern political history for the sole purpose of supporting their political party of choice rather than doing their duty as members of the press.
Purposefully by the "liberal media"? No. But reasonable points, to a certain extent, though exaggerated. You're stretching to validate your bias against "media".
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There trying to rebrand her but I just don't see it happening. Hell they are now saying she was never the border czar yet there's doucumation from the WH showing she was assigned to the task as The Border Czar....

There's to much doucumation , and clips showing otherwise. Just don't see the democrats able to cover her record up.
It has already happened. At some point some of y'all are gonna start realizing it's a different world outside the echo chamber.

The anti Trump coalition has accepted her with open arms and enthusiasm. The only ones who won't buy the rebranding are magas, so who cares? I don't mean that to be insensitive. I mean from a practical sense, you don't need to concern yourself with what is already being said about her in maga world.

Out here, it is self evident that she's very popular now.
Purposefully by the "liberal media"? No. But reasonable points, to a certain extent, though exaggerated. You're stretching to validate your bias against "media".
In the days after the debate when the dems decided Joe needed to go, there were multiple reports quoting dem donors and as well as dem staff giving first hand accounts of meetings with biden where it was evident he was impaired.
Again, just a casual observer who only saw om on TV should have been able to see it. However, if it was clear to dem donors and staff based on personal interaction, there is zero chance the media, who constantly references inside sources, was unaware.
What possible other explanation could the be other than purposefully cover it up?