The media is always telling lies

In the days after the debate when the dems decided Joe needed to go, there were multiple reports quoting dem donors and as well as dem staff giving first hand accounts of meetings with biden where it was evident he was impaired.
Again, just a casual observer who only saw om on TV should have been able to see it. However, if it was clear to dem donors and staff based on personal interaction, there is zero chance the media, who constantly references inside sources, was unaware.
What possible other explanation could the be other than purposefully cover it up?
I looked but I don't see big dem donors or staff on the record about impairment worries, other than some post debate performance reporting. Having editors and reporters in my family, I firmly believe reporters will report if they have a confirmed story, doesn't matter the politics. I'm sure reporters are coerced occasionally to sit on something, or have some bias, but that's the exception not the rule. I appreciate what you're saying, but I think you're extrapolating a conclusion from not enough information.
I looked but I don't see big dem donors or staff on the record about impairment worries, other than some post debate performance reporting. Having editors and reporters in my family, I firmly believe reporters will report if they have a confirmed story, doesn't matter the politics. I'm sure reporters are coerced occasionally to sit on something, or have some bias, but that's the exception not the rule. I appreciate what you're saying, but I think you're extrapolating a conclusion from not enough information.
It's hard to find particular articles after the fact. There are a couple below that reference some of the reports that were out there. It was only a few days after the debate that any were reported, and that has since stopped since biden his out now.

Again, though. Even without the direct confirmation from those close to him, it should have been apparent. At the very least, it should have been questioned. Why else would he not be giving regular press conferences and taking questions like every other potus before him? Why would he regularly have cheat sheets with names and faces of reporters? Why would he repeatedly admit he was only "allowed" to take a certain # of questions? It has been obvious to any objective person he has been being handled by his staff to mitigate revealing his decline.
I'm not deflecting. You're advocating for a fascist. I'm not going to legitimize fascism by arguing its merits. It has none.
You are absolutely deflecting. I was not advocating for anyone. The discussion was not even about trump - it was about kamala. You just are not an honest person.

Kamala is an extremist by any standard. It's fine if you support her, that is absolutely your right. It does not change the fact that she is far left by any objective standard you can come up with.
You are absolutely deflecting. I was not advocating for anyone. The discussion was not even about trump - it was about kamala. You just are not an honest person.

Kamala is an extremist by any standard. It's fine if you support her, that is absolutely your right. It does not change the fact that she is far left by any objective standard you can come up with.
Yeah you're probably right that the prosecutor turned attorney general of California is a far left extremist.
That's the dumbest thing I've heard so far today, but it's still early. It's incredible how you can ignore all facts and metrics that point to the exact opposite. Is any "media" perfect? No. But it's intellectually dishonest to ignore the efforts that Fox, the Fox wannabes, and conservative social media have gone to promote misinformation, half truths, and conspiracy theories. Liberal talking heads, and corresponding social media pale in comparison to the Magas. The use of pageantry, rhetoric, blaming any misfortune on an "other" is straight out of Mussolini/Hitler history.
Nope, your response was.
It's hard to find particular articles after the fact. There are a couple below that reference some of the reports that were out there. It was only a few days after the debate that any were reported, and that has since stopped since biden his out now.

Again, though. Even without the direct confirmation from those close to him, it should have been apparent. At the very least, it should have been questioned. Why else would he not be giving regular press conferences and taking questions like every other potus before him? Why would he regularly have cheat sheets with names and faces of reporters? Why would he repeatedly admit he was only "allowed" to take a certain # of questions? It has been obvious to any objective person he has been being handled by his staff to mitigate revealing his decline.
The reason the liberal media doesn’t want to now acknowledge that Biden stepped down because of his cognitive decline is because it would make their now appointed nominee to be an outright liar… because there are numerous videos in the past where she said on camera that there was nothing wrong with Biden when asked point blank about his condition. In Biden’s speech to the nation this past week he never even mentioned the real reason he’s not seeking reelection now. He just said it’s to pass the torch on to the next generation because this election is too important (blah blah bs bs).
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The reason the liberal media doesn’t want to now acknowledge that Biden stepped down because of his cognitive decline is because it would make their now appointed nominee to be an outright liar… because there are numerous videos in the past where she said on camera that there was nothing wrong with Biden when asked point blank about his condition. In Biden’s speech to the nation this past week he never even mentioned the real reason he’s not seeking reelection now. He just said it’s to pass the torch on to the next generation because this election is too important (blah blah bs bs).
Are you under the impression that President Biden owes anyone an explanation of why he withdrew from the race?
Are you under the impression that President Biden owes anyone an explanation of why he withdrew from the race?
Absolutely I do… any truly concerned citizen should. This was a historic decision on his part , and he didn’t quit a job at McDonalds….he decided to not seek reelection for President of the US. (After repeatedly saying he wouldn’t give in to the pressure and he was staying in the race)
Absolutely I do… any truly concerned citizen should. This was a historic decision on his part , and he didn’t quit a job at McDonalds….he decided to not seek reelection for President of the US. (After repeatedly saying he wouldn’t give in to the pressure and he was staying in the race)
He didn't quit any job. He changed his mind about seeking reelection. Joe Biden has quite a history of public bluster.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but he doesn't owe you one, and that's why you didn't get one. Donald Trump could drop out of the race tomorrow for any reason he chooses and I wouldn't ask why. It's none of my business. And besides, weren't y'all kind of demanding for months that he was too old and unfit for the job?
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Just remember that you're communicating with people who believe men can have babies and you can't define what "woman" is. That is Bizarre
Dude :rolleyes:

The reason the liberal media doesn’t want to now acknowledge that Biden stepped down because of his cognitive decline is because it would make their now appointed nominee to be an outright liar… because there are numerous videos in the past where she said on camera that there was nothing wrong with Biden when asked point blank about his condition. In Biden’s speech to the nation this past week he never even mentioned the real reason he’s not seeking reelection now. He just said it’s to pass the torch on to the next generation because this election is too important (blah blah bs bs).
Congratulations on your first post without saying Marxist!
Are you under the impression that President Biden owes anyone an explanation of why he withdrew from the race?
He absolutely owes the country an explanation. He CHOSE to enter the primary and be the dem candidate for potus. He CHOSE to campaign for ptus again and be the nominee for potus. He absolutely owes teh country an explanation for dropping out at the last minute. Every potus owes the country an explanation for things they do as political candidates representing the voters that voted for them.
He absolutely owes the country an explanation. He CHOSE to enter the primary and be the dem candidate for potus. He CHOSE to campaign for ptus again and be the nominee for potus. He absolutely owes teh country an explanation for dropping out at the last minute. Every potus owes the country an explanation for things they do as political candidates representing the voters that voted for them.
He didn't quit any job. He changed his mind about seeking reelection. Joe Biden has quite a history of public bluster.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but he doesn't owe you one, and that's why you didn't get one. Donald Trump could drop out of the race tomorrow for any reason he chooses and I wouldn't ask why. It's none of my business. And besides, weren't y'all kind of demanding for months that he was too old and unfit for the job?
Re-read my post.. I said that he didn’t seek re-election.

In your second paragraph you’re just being disingenuous and not being honest. He does owe the public an ‘honest’ explanation as President of the US. Look, I know why he dropped out. Everyone with a brain knows. So he doesn’t have to tell me. Just wondering why your side of the aisle lies and distorts the truth all the time. But of course you’ll say that doesn’t happen and around and round we go,
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Re-read my post.. I said that he didn’t seek re-election.

In your second paragraph you’re just being disingenuous and not being honest. He does owe the public an ‘honest’ explanation as President of the US. Look, I know why he dropped out. Everyone with a brain knows. So he doesn’t have to tell me. Just wondering why your side of the aisle lies and distorts the truth all the time. But of course you’ll say that doesn’t happen and around and round we go,
No my side lies and distorts the truth all the time. But my side still believes in democracy, and yours doesn't. So miss me with this bullshit.
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Congratulations on your first post without saying Marxist!
Gamecock Davy … there you are.. our resident loser Gamecock with multiple handles who spends 8 hours a day on a Clemson site arguing politics with ‘Clemson’ conservatives. Makes posts under one handle and likes your own posts under another one.

Are you a Marxist? There, I’m back to my normal .. lol
No my side lies and distorts the truth all the time. But my side still believes in democracy, and yours doesn't. So miss me with this bullshit.
good lord… well at least you admitted your side lies and distorts the truth all the time. That’s a beginning, that’s a beginning.
good lord… well at least you admitted your side lies and distorts the truth all the time. That’s a beginning, that’s a beginning.
I never said they didn't. You didn't get me to admit anything. You've never asked before whether I thought they did.

And your side does too, a lot more and to a much greater degree.
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Gamecock Davy … there you are.. our resident loser Gamecock with multiple handles who spends 8 hours a day on a Clemson site arguing politics with ‘Clemson’ conservatives. Makes posts under one handle and likes your own posts under another one.

Are you a Marxist? There, I’m back to my normal .. lol
LOL, what a lemming you are. One butthurt poster who doesn't like my political opinions makes up a conspiracy and you and the other derps like @AugTig fall in line, like it makes sense. It's just so stupid.
LOL, what a lemming you are. One butthurt poster who doesn't like my political opinions makes up a conspiracy and you and the other derps like @AugTig fall in line, like it makes sense. It's just so stupid.
Gamecock Davy… makes up a conspiracy about what ? That you’re a closet Gamecock? Or that you have multiple handles on here ?
Gamecock Davy… makes up a conspiracy about what ? That you’re a closet Gamecock? Or that you have multiple handles on here ?
Closet gamecock is hilarious because I couldn't even tell you the name of one player on their team, but the multiple handle thing is rank stupidity. Why would I want to pay for multiple handles to like my own posts? How does that make sense? Plus those other handles sound nothing like me but Marxism derp.
I've always voted for who I felt was the best candidate, regardless of party, I'm 65 years old, and would not vote for KH .....EVER!!!
If you have kids or grandkids and vote a straight D ticket, you should be reported to Social Services
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